Thursday, March 25, 2021

Bethesda construction update: The Edge apartments (Photos)

Two things can be said about The Edge at 4885 Edgemoor Lane in Bethesda - the construction contractor has done an incredible job of keeping the project on-schedule, and the architect really took strategic advantage of the curved Woodmont Avenue side in designing the building. We've seen some projects poking along around town, but this one has been relentlessly advancing since day one. The Edge looks well on its way to meeting the estimated mid-to-late 2021 delivery date.


  1. Anonymous3:09 PM

    I really like the design of this project. I agree that the building nicely responds to the gentle curve of Woodmont. It will be fun to see how visible the “zipper” idea is at the corner, where the white metal frames are interlaced. The dark grey brick looks sharp! A nice addition to the area.

    I see that the 12 story condo tower across the street received site plan approval today. Together these two towers really are nice infill projects on two of the last single family home lots so close to the Metro. Combined with the Zom project, lots of great options to live close to transit.

  2. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Take a walking tour of the high-rise 'luxury' apartment buildings built in the past 5 years in Bethesda. Most if not all have signs posted in front or on the sides of the building advertising apartments for lease. This is before ZOM and the Edge apartments become available, and while the Elm is just recently open for leasing. Where are all these affluent renters, those who are willing to pay $2000+ per month to live in an increasingly congested neighborhood with a growing crime problem and relatively high taxes, going to come from?

    As for being close to the Bethesda metro station, what are the latest stats on metro ridership during the ongoing pandemic? Road traffic is if anything worse than ever, presumably because folks who used to commute by metro are now opting to drive. Sooner or later, there is going to be a catastrophic accident on metro, because it was poorly and cheaply designed to begin with, with insufficient redundancy, and has been poorly maintained. I commuted for several years on a subway system in a former communist country, and know from experience how badly metro compares. Metro is a death trap waiting to happen. Anonymous at 3:09 PM is living in a utopian fantasy world.

    1. Anonymous5:20 AM

      Data shows public transit usage hasn't come back at all since the pandemic.
      Consistently down the same -60% every day.

  3. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Looks really nice. I know some people lament change, but it's crazy how a single family lot with an awkward concrete wall along the sidewalk could turn into this. What a difference.

  4. Anonymous10:51 PM

    What do you mean "since the pandemic?" The pandemic's still going on, in case you haven't noticed. We'll see how ridership is next year. I doubt it'll be 100% back to normal since plenty of telecommuting will continue, but it certainly will be significantly better than current rates.

  5. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Anonymous at 10:50 AM says 'I know some people lament change ..' More utopian thinking. The owners of condominium units with windows facing the Edge have had to cut their prices to sell their units, in come cases incurring losses from what they originally paid for the units. So while Anonymous thinks the Edge is a vast improvement over the single family home it replaced, the market is saying otherwise. Nimbyism is alive and well, even in ultra liberal Bethesda.
