Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Official Montgomery County mask mandate signage posted at Bethesda Row Giant

shoppers at Bethesda Row are being greeted with an official memo "From the office of the Montgomery County Council [and] Travis A. Gayles, Montgomery County Health Officer," announcing the county's new indoor mask mandate. It states that anyone over the age of two years, vaccinated or unvaccinated, must wear a mask inside the store. "Thank you for understanding," reads a message from Giant at the bottom of the sign.


  1. Anonymous5:34 AM

    so incredibly ridiculous.

  2. Anonymous11:05 AM

    The Corrupt MoCo Cartel just keeps moving the goalposts.

    We've gone from "Not one more death" to "Not one more hospitalization" to "Not one more case".....

    There's always going to be another case.

    According to County Data Records (https://www.montgomerycountymd.gov/covid19/data/case-counts.html#deaths-age): One person in MoCo has died from Covid in August so far. Were they vaccinated? Was it actually from Covid or was there another co-morbidity? Who knows. It no longer matters apparently.

    Are any of the Covid cases being brought to MoCo by the illegal immigrants being shipped up here from the border? Can I even ask about that? Since you leftists don't want to admit the answer, you don't even want the question asked.

  3. Anonymous1:15 PM

    I’m not sure who needs to hear this, but your 25+ BMI and refusal to exercise are far bigger risk factors for your health than what I wear on my face.

  4. Anonymous4:37 PM

    I love how you people downplay covid with every breath except when talking about immigrants. Then, suddenly, covid is super serious for exactly one Fox News cycle.

  5. Anonymous4:18 AM

    4:37PM loves confirmation bias so they spout off theories they know nothing about and since liberals are NIMBY's knowing that illegals are not moving to Bethesda they're OK with that.

    Even some of the liberal press can't ignore what's going on.


  6. Anonymous12:20 PM

    @4:37 PM: Did you miss the part where I specifically said "illegal immigrants"? It's actually quite xenophobic and racist of you to not acknowledge the actual difference between "Illegal Immigrants" and "Immigrants" as I do. Would it help if I capitalized ILLEGAL for you? No? How about with spacing?: I-L-L-E-G-A-L There, did that help? Given that I don't want ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS to bring additional Covid cases into the United States, I'm actually taking Covid more seriously than your cognitively dissonant, xenophobic and racist attempt at virtue signaling here.
