Wednesday, November 03, 2021

Car stolen in downtown Bethesda

A car was stolen in broad daylight in downtown Bethesda yesterday afternoon, November 2, 2021. Montgomery County police responded to the report of a stolen car that had been parked on the street in the 7800 block of Woodmont Avenue at 2:45 PM, according to crime data.


  1. Anonymous8:09 AM

    There goes another one.

    MoCo Police need to put bait cars around the County with embedded trackers/cameras and seriously improve their undercover/informant network. This is the only way this crime wave will stop. It's completely unacceptable that these crimes are occurring.

  2. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Love bait cars, they can't get out.

  3. Anonymous10:34 AM

    @4:57 PM: Bait cars are amazing and they work really well. It's pathetic that we as County residents are expected to tolerate this kind of crime with such frequency. Complete and total betrayal by the Corrupt County Council.
