Sunday, May 01, 2022

First structure rises at Westbard Square in Bethesda (Photos)

Something besides stormwater management infrastructure is finally taking shape at the Westbard Square construction site at 5400 Westbard Avenue in Bethesda. A structure has now quickly reached two stories in height. It appears to be part of the lower levels of the parking garage that will be at the rear of the future Giant retail and office building. All businesses at the Westwood Shopping Center remain open during construction.


  1. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Signs are posted on River Road that Ridgefield Road will be closed on 6/8/22. No word from MoCo on how they plan to handle traffic.

  2. 4:02: Yes, I've been waiting since Friday morning for a response from MCDOT to my inquiry.

  3. this whole project is so interesting because the community was mostly opposed to the new shopping center and apartments. Yet the county pushed ahead because there was no way they would let a 60's blighted shopping center remain standing in Bethesda. I think the county is right. Sometimes you need to embrace the future and not run from it.

    I know I would consider living there even though it is a moderate distance away from METRO. It has a lot of advantages to override the one disadvantage.

  4. Anonymous1:12 PM

    If you hear from MCDOT about the traffic pattern, will you let us know? Thanks!

  5. 1:12: Yes, I will. I've just contacted the Director to ask why MCDOT is not responding.
