Friday, August 26, 2022

Car stolen on Westbard Avenue in Bethesda

Montgomery County police responded to a report of a stolen vehicle in the Westbard area of Bethesda Wednesday morning, August 24, 2022. The vehicle was parked along the street in the 5300 block of Westbard Avenue when it was taken. It is believed that the vehicle was stolen sometime between 6:00 PM Tuesday evening and 8:15 AM Wednesday morning.


  1. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Montgomery County Leadership is showing absolutely no interest in solving this problem. It's terrible but people keep voting for these clowns.

  2. All we have to do is vote the incumbents out to solve this problem. Better yet, let's just support the strong man and his appointees. There is no sense in counting votes that are probably fake anyway It only takes one strong man to build a wall of protection around us all. We need to support him.

  3. Anonymous3:51 AM

    When the electorate one day wakes up and realizes that there should be consequences to one's actions, only at that point will crime fall. Democrats have no interest in pursuing such a policy evidenced by the leadership and the people that vote for them.

  4. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Same thing happening in nyc
    Voters had perfect chance to vote for law and order gop mayor instead they got democrat celeb disco night adams
    Meanwhile 60 year old women are being knocked to ground and stores whole stock looted

  5. Anonymous7:27 PM

    The electorate will not wake up. How much more would have to happen?
    Even if a bomb fell on their head they would somehow blame Trump, Republicans, anything but their precious Democrat leaders and their disastrous policies.
    Oh, I forgot - they will blame the victim - like usual.

  6. Anonymous9:55 PM

    @12:50 PM: If I had to sum up everything you said here, it would be with the term "repressive tolerance". You support having strongmen... Just your own of course, and this current "strong man" hero of yours owns an abysmal record on addressing crime in MoCo. Of course, that doesn't bother you at all because you voted for it then and now voted for it again.

  7. Anonymous7:05 AM

    "You won't get your car stolen if you don't have one. Take public transit."

    - MoCo Council
