Saturday, August 27, 2022

UPDATED: Fire at Kenwood Golf & Country Club in Bethesda

UPDATE - 10:50 AM: MCFRS spokesperson Pete Piringer says the fire has been extinguished. A solar panel on the roof of the fitness center was on fire, and there was no extension to the roof or interior of the building. The cause of the fire has not yet been declared. While the building was evacuated, firefighters found no smoke or other related damage inside.

Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service units are responding to a fire at the Kenwood Golf & Country Club at 5601 River Road in Bethesda. Smoke is coming from the roof of the Fitness Center building, which is at the front of the property. More than 11 units have responded to the fire so far, according to MCFRS spokesperson Pete Piringer. 


  1. Anonymous2:24 PM

    River Road is the new Lake Lanier.

  2. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Solar panels combusting
    Wait til all the lithium battery electric cars started imploding like all the battery scooters in nyc starting fires

    Biden’s america

  3. Anonymous12:52 AM

    Yeah. Absolutely Biden's fault. The country was "great" under Fearless Leader...

  4. Anonymous4:18 AM

    6:55 - that's so true. you notice how silent the Lefties are on this?

  5. Anonymous5:54 PM

    4:18 you think lefties are silent because you only watch conservative news networks and read GOP websites, though if you exposed yourself to opposing viewpoints then you wouldn't be able to dogwhistle about how "silent" X Y or Z group is
