Thursday, October 13, 2022

Car stolen from home in Bradley Hills

Montgomery County police responded to a report of a stolen vehicle in the Bradley Hills neighborhood of Bethesda yesterday morning, October 12, 2022. The vehicle was taken from the driveway of a home in the 5100 block of Manning Drive. It was reported stolen at 10:01 AM Wednesday.


  1. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Crime is exploding across the nation. Rivers of blood in our streets. Food costs more and more for less items. Republicans should win in a landslide, but corporate media won’t discuss these things that affect people in their daily lives. Vote COX to prevent Bethesda from becoming Detroit …..

    To the rich liberals in BethesdaandChevy Chase — who keep voting Democratic

    I say this - all the rich liberals in Detroit never thought their mansion homes would be worth $100 until that’s what they were worth …

  2. Anonymous5:28 AM

    They'll probably still vote for Elrich anyway.

  3. Anonymous7:54 AM

    There goes another one....

  4. Anonymous9:56 AM

    8:18 PM ROTFLMAO! You're spitting into the wind grandpa, Cox is a goner. Quit your whining and just pull the plug now. He, you, and the rest of the rightwinged chickens have no solutions to offer, but the fingerpointing. Get out of the kitchen while you can, if the heats a problem.

  5. Anonymous10:28 AM

    @9:56 AM: Looks like the "fingerpointing" triggered you. Good. Republicans can point the finger at you and your Party which has had complete and total political/elected control of Montgomery County for years. No Republican has played a policy or elected role on public safety in Montgomery County in years. All the while, you and your party leadership have managed to create a permissive crime environment through having an understaffed MoCo Police force, through virtue signaling being a Sanctuary County, and by overseeing a revolving door prosecution/court system that just dumps criminals back on the street. Oh I have solutions, but you won't like them because you'll have to admit that everything you believed and voted for over the years has been a failure on public safety. You'll have to admit that there need to be substantially more police in MoCo. You'll have to admit that MoCo shouldn't be a Sanctuary County. You'll have to admit that the prosecution and court system in MoCo is a joke. You can't bring yourself to admit all that without betraying your party line, so you tell us, members of the party which isn't in power or in control of anything, to "get out of the kitchen if the heat's a problem." I'm not actually talking to you because you've become an empty vessel. You've been co-opted by a radical ideology, so that's what I'm actually talking to. I could replace you with anyone else and have the same conversation about it.

  6. Anonymous10:32 AM

    "I say this - all the rich liberals in Detroit never thought their mansion homes would be
    worth $100 until that’s what they were worth …"
    As Neimoller said "first they came for your houses, via high taxes, but since you were retired and your house paid off, you did nothing.
    Then they came for your car and its gasoline, but since you live in downtown Bethesda, and are rich and have a Tesla, you did nothing. Then they came for your 2 stroke leaf blower, but since you live in the Somerset, and don't need a leaf blower, you did nothing. Then they came for your quality of life, but since you also had a house in Bethany and another in Vail, you did nothing, as crime increased all around you and you did nothing, your children and grandchildren will have to fend for themselves with their inheritance.
    The other little people? Let them eat cake.

  7. Anonymous10:40 AM

    I dropped off my ballot yesterday. Didn't vote for Cox as he's a nutcase. If only Kelly Schulz had won the nomination.

    I did vote for Sullivan over Elrich. The crime situation is more a county than state thing.
