Sunday, November 27, 2022

Trash can bandits run wild on Old Georgetown Road in downtown Bethesda (Photos)

Downtown Bethesda residents awoke to find piles of trash on the sidewalk and in the roadway on Old Georgetown Road this morning. Trash can bandits hauled up and dumped out at least 3 public garbage cans overnight. The cans were on the block of Old Georgetown between Cordell Avenue and St. Elmo Avenue. At least one of the cans appeared to be damaged.


  1. There's a lot of hate out there. We need not to be promoting it. When I read that the former guy is entertaining Ye and his guests, I wonder again, who votes for this guy?

  2. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Dear Shanel

    I agree with you 100%. What kind of man would entertain his friends by overturning public garbage cans? And his friends are creeps for amusedly watching, and maybe even actively participating.

  3. Anonymous12:39 PM

    @shanel - And what exactly does that have to do with the trash can bandits? This incident sounds more like local drunks leaving the bars the night before, or perhaps a visiting bear from out of town.

  4. Anonymous1:03 PM

    A post about nonviolent crime--and still we slide into political commentary.
    Not defending Trump, but Who knows what was really behind all this? Maybe just some drunken idiot(s).

  5. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Loving the "weird" tag for the post. Teenagers are dumb. And weird.

  6. Justin3:12 PM

    This is obviously a homeless person looking for stuff. Pretend you don't see it and move along.

  7. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Ya' know... I actually saw someone get caught in the act and busted by park police at Elm Street Park for doing this exact thing. Not lost in the irony of it all, the only time I ever see ParkPoPo is on those special event doggy doo-doo type hours. I walked up on the cop as he was making the perp pick up every single item in the two trash cans he upended. All aside with the drunk, homeless & mentally ill comments posted here, my observation was that this dude was doing it for fun in broad daylight (like some of the more violent crimes are happening now) making a mess and ugly-fying that Park. It was a beautiful thing to watch as the cop stayed on his ass the whole time until he was finished. Graffiti is one thing but making a mess really pisses me off. I naively used to thing it was the winds but there are (as we ALL know) evil, criminal & sociopathic entities are walking around us constantly... Trifling tenants in my building on Battery are leaving trash and dumping shit from their vehicles very close to my windows. This is a direct result of poor culture & MPDU's combined. Too many people tear down, are violent and don't belong in society as a whole. -- One cop was in the exact right place at the exact right time doing his job and teaching someone a lesson, and it was one of the most refreshing things I've seen in a very, very long time here in MoCo especially downtown B-town.

  8. Anonymous6:33 AM

    @4:54 PM: Well said. Poor culture and MPDU's is something which needs to be said, because it's the reality. As is often the case, things which are given or heavily subsidized aren't treated as well as something which is earned. MPDU's are effectively County Charity, and people of poor culture and upbringing who are given them without developing a pride of ownership often abuse them, while maintaining a resentment and contempt for their neighbors/community spaces.

  9. Anonymous6:34 AM

    @8:39 AM: Orange Man is rent free in your head. Not everything is about Trump even if you really want it to be.

  10. Anonymous7:54 PM

    @4:54, @6:33, what is MPDU?

    1. Anonymous6:56 AM

      Moderately Priced Dwelling Unit
