Monday, January 23, 2023

Montgomery County Executive condemns weekend anti-Semitic incidents

Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich (D) strongly condemned a series of anti-Semitic incidents across the county this past weekend in a statement. Swastikas were found on desks in three public schools, and flyers targeting several Jewish families were distributed in Kensington. Elrich revealed that, unlike many of the other incidents in recent years, perpetrators of the desk graffiti were identified and have been disciplined by Montgomery County Public Schools. Police are investigating the flyer incident to determine if it qualifies as a hate crime, Elrich said.

Elrich said he is glad the school cases were resolved quickly, but that this "does not heal the pain that these schools are dealing with." He added that, rather than divide the community as intended, the incidents have only had the effect of "generating more support for our Jewish neighbors." 

"We are united and are showing those who are pedaling (sic) hate that these antisemitic attempts at community disruption won't be tolerated," Elrich said. "Montgomery County is home to one of the most diverse areas in the nation. We are proud of that diversity and antisemitic activities do not reflect our community values. It’s not the Montgomery way."


  1. But true to form, says nothing about the daily police blotter a mile long. Nope. If they don't talk about it, it's not happening.

  2. Anonymous8:24 PM

    I'll go ahead at say it: Victimless crime. Start with eliminating incidents where county residents are actually at risk of becoming victims of criminal interactions, not doodling sketch art graffiti.

  3. Anonymous3:38 AM

    I'll go ahead and say it, too, 8:24. This activity is not "victimless," and if tolerated will almost certainly lead to worse. Ever hear of the "broken window theory" of crime?

  4. Anonymous6:20 AM

    @ 6:15 and @ 8:24 - Obviously neither of you is Jewish. BTW 8:24 - drawing swastikas on anything is NOT"DOODLING SKETCH ART GRAFFITI" to quote you. A "victim less crime" again to quote YOU. Makes me think that possibly YOU are an anti-semite.

  5. Anonymous7:34 AM

    8:24pm is really going out of their way just to talk about how spreading swastikas and anti-Semitic flyers targeting families of our community aren't actually worth mentioning?

    If you want to say you are an anti-Semite sympathizer, you can just say it. No need to take the long way around by calling these actions a nothingburger.

  6. Anonymous9:13 AM

    He needs to focus on all of the criminal activity in the county not just anti-sematism. Why was he re-elected? If you voted for him; look at yourself.

    1. Anonymous1:45 PM

      Any incumbent who 'wins' by 16 votes should have bowed out.
