Monday, March 20, 2023

Protected sidewalk erected in front of Lionsgate condos in Bethesda

A protective canopy has been constructed over the sidewalk in front of the Lionsgate condos at 7710 Woodmont Avenue in Bethesda. Maintenance work on the building exterior requires this to be done. Scaffolding and other materials are visible on the plaza outside the condos.


  1. Anonymous2:19 PM

    The continued Midtown Manhattanization of downtown Bethesda inconveniences further...

  2. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Isn't this a newish building? What sort of maintenance do apartments need at this point in their lifespan?


  3. Anonymous5:10 PM

    I believe that the Lionsgate opened in 2006, 17 years ago. It's a good idea to do tuckpointing of the brick facade about once a decade, which is what I'm guessing is being done here.
