Thursday, November 09, 2023

Caddies encloses outdoor dining area for winter in Bethesda

The winter chill - and predictions of a stormy snow season ahead - are descending upon Bethesda. Bethesda Urban Partnership has closed the Norfolk Avenue Streetery until spring, and reopened the roadway to traffic. Caddies at 4922 Cordell Avenue in Bethesda has taken a different approach around the corner. The outdoor patio dining area is now enclosed in a temporary structure, which is heated to ward off winter temperatures.


  1. Wise and timely move especially with football season in full swing.

  2. Anonymous1:32 PM

    So that means I can get by on the sidewalk now.

  3. Restaurants are cheering the decision, finally, to take down the stupid Streetery. Do restaurants on Cordell, that was not directly impacted by the street closures, benefit from them now being open? Of course, every business in Woodmont Triangle does. Can't wait to drive thru there unfettered by picnic tables few utilize.

    1. Anonymous11:33 AM

      You’re a loser if you’re looking forward to driving through a neighborhood with heavy foot traffic.

    2. Anonymous3:41 AM

      Backatcha! What kind of loser wants to go around an underused patio on the street blocking business traffic for the entire community?

    3. Anonymous12:01 PM

      What business traffic? The garages are just as easily accessible as they ever were. If you’re so lazy that you can’t walk from the garage to Norfolk idk what to tell you.

  4. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Wonderful. Now all the high school students with their fake IDs will stay warm. I have to wonder who Caddie’s pays off to have them ignore what’s going on there.
