Thursday, January 04, 2024

Norfolk Avenue Starbucks update (Photos)

Workers have wasted no time getting started inside the Starbucks store at 7700 Norfolk Avenue in downtown Bethesda. The store will be closed through January 7, 2023, as a major renovation project at the Woodmont Crescent building continues. Could the elevator that's being added to the building be in space currently part of the Starbucks store? Stay tuned!


  1. Anonymous3:55 PM


  2. Anonymous11:52 PM

    These renovations that Starbucks are doing to many of their stores are an example of delicate timing, on one hand they want to show the 'baristas' that Starbucks controls the timing and has say in when they work, or not: Starbucks trumps the Union. OTOH, Starbucks wants to get up and running to peddle as much burned, bitter, and over priced coffee as possible.

  3. Anonymous4:49 AM

    "Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Moribund." You got that right, it seems the only businesses opening in MoCo are stupid little food outlets. Nothing of substance at all. Sad.
