Monday, February 19, 2024

Bethesda Boards crowdfunding The Alley pub

The owner of Bethesda Boards is reaching out to the community for financial support to help fully realize the vision for The Alley, a pub, live music venue and event space at the skateboard shop, located at 7900 Woodmont Avenue. Raising $35,000 would facilitate construction of two ADA-compliant restrooms, and electrical and plumbing upgrades, which are all necessary to receive approval from Montgomery County Department of Permitting Services inspectors. The GoFundMe account has brought in $920 as of this writing. Owner Kaare Wieneke says the project "has proven to be more challenging and costly than initially expected. We find ourselves at a pivotal moment, requiring additional support to bring this vision fully to life."


  1. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Hmmm, seems a bit early for such measures almost like it was baked into the 'business plan.' OTOH, maybe they just overlooked that whole ADA thing.

  2. Anonymous2:23 PM

    I think “baked” is the key word there…

    1. Anonymous2:20 PM

      I don’t get it

  3. I think this guy has really soldiered on thru some serious challenges like almost getting killed from an accident where a car rammed his scooter and successfully beating the nanny state on his giant skateboard on the store front. But total strangers are going to fund this pub idea? This is where you really need a general contractor who knows the ropes. That way there's no ADA surprise or any other BS you have to deal with. I'm sorry but capital is what banks are for who support local and small business. Next.

  4. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Why do they need two ADA compliant restrooms? Just add one and make it gender neutral.

  5. Anonymous6:59 PM

    "Small Business Funding for ADA Accessibility Compliance"

  6. Anonymous8:36 AM

    To every one of you who spends your time on this blog complaining about the moribund Bethesda night life and how Bethesda has lost its flavor -- this is your chance to step up. This sounds like a unique approach to an otherwise normal skate shop that has potential to be a venue Bethesda is known for.

    You can "step up" in more ways than donating to a gofundme, like going to this venue once up and running.

    @6:35 they need two ADA compliant restrooms because that's what is in the ADA right now. Until that is amended they just need to follow what is written.

  7. Anonymous2:22 PM

    I am just throwing this out - Crony Capitalism. Big businesses such as WalMart and McDonalds lobby for laws such as ADA for the exact reason we see here- Mom and Pop can't compete. I know it's not germane to the discussion, but food for thought.

    " Raising $35,000 would facilitate construction of two ADA-compliant restrooms"
