Sunday, May 12, 2024

"Do not enter with mask," warns business at Montgomery Mall in Bethesda

"Do not enter with mask," a sign warns patrons at Perfume World in Westfield Montgomery Mall in Bethesda. A hand-drawn illustration next to the message depicts a full-face ski mask. The City of Philadelphia passed a ban on ski masks in many public places, with some exceptions, last year. Many jurisdictions across the country have a form of ski mask ban, while others have considered passing one amid a persistent spike in retail and violent crime since 2020. A few, including New York City and Washington, D.C., have repealed existing ski mask bans during that same time period.


  1. Anonymous7:12 AM

    A bit surprised Nike doesn't adopt this policy. I guess Nike can afford police protection. I'd like to be more sure we aren't paying for their shrinkage issues at the cost of our safety, too.

  2. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Brave new world. A sample of things to come.

  3. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Or what!? A "security" associate is going to chase you out possibly risking life & limb? -- Rando's are now punching icons like Steve Buscemi in the face merely walking through a neighborhood unprovoked...

    1. Anonymous2:11 AM

      The "knock out game" has been around since I was in Junior High. That was back when the Dead Sea was just sick.

  4. Anonymous7:53 PM

    What if I am allergic to perfumes and want to avoid the "mall counter woman aggressively spraying samples" type of situation?

    1. Anonymous2:14 AM

      If the mask doesn't stop CV it sure won't stop perfume. Who wears perfume anymore, anyway? I tink.its usually people who can't reach all parts of their bodies. That store would do better if it were located more inner urban.

  5. Anonymous1:18 AM

    Interesting observation, I do metro or occasionally bus into downtown DC daily and pretty much only there have to deal with perfume and cigarettes. Not so much 'out' here.
