Monday, May 13, 2024

Ruta Ukrainian restaurant Bethesda location construction update (Photos)

Construction on the outdoor patio at Ruta, the Ukrainian restaurant opening soon at 4862 Cordell Avenue in Bethesda, picked up steam over the weekend. A pair of artists worked into the night on a wall art installation on the right side of the patio. The frame and backlighting for a sign over the storefront are now in place. Painstaking work painting the final letter "A" on a floral logo has begun. This will be the second location for Ruta, whose Washington, D.C. location has been touted as the first Ukrainian restaurant in the District.


  1. Talk about niche. Bethesda has always been ethnic but sometimes it's too much and too obscure. So, there's that much demand here for Ukrainian food? If you're like me and wondering what the heck is Ukrainian food, than one make my point. Again, these places (and traditional American food) to be fair, need to ring that cash register hard and often. There's little to no demand for this and that's a fact. Do I wish anyone to fail? No . But if you don't have the right concept and a and a zillion other things right, it's only a matter of time.

    1. Anonymous7:51 PM

      By "ethnic" do you mean english, irish, and german? Of course you don't consider those ethnic. We all know the code words you use. Ethnic is whatever wasnt served in 1955.

  2. Anonymous4:04 PM

    I don't know what Ukrainian specialties are, either, but I'd be interested to learn.
    If this is the only restaurant in the area that's serving them, and they're good, that would be a "recipe" for success, right there.
    Rather than one more burger or pizza place (although there's room for those, too).

  3. Anonymous4:15 PM

    What's it any of your business, JAC? I thought as a frothy Republican, you'd be interested in free market capitalism, that means everyone gets a shot to try. But you like dragging people and businesses down if they aren't what would have been in Bethesda in 1955. Go eat some horrible 'traditional American food' and shaddup.

    1. Anonymous12:44 PM

      BRAVO!👏👏👏👏 Thank you.

  4. 4:15 - Oh yes, those deplorable Republicans. How dare they exist here?

  5. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Jesus, does this JAC troll ever take a day off?

    1. Anonymous12:47 PM

      Delete this and your comment is even better "troll ever take a day".

  6. 6:39 - So, a frequent commenter to a blog site is a troll? You might want to look that one up.

    1. Anonymous2:56 PM

      @9:43 Yes, those two things can happen simultaneously. You've proven that.

  7. Anonymous9:56 AM

    JAC have you visited the DC location? It’s well known that restaurants have a high failure rate. But, you being unfamiliar with the food isn’t a death knell. Niche restaurants can strive. Look at Ambar with Balkan food, Old Europe with Bavarian, Silk Road with Russian…. Heck, back in the day, Moby Dick was an obscure Persian take out spot that has now spawned numerous locations.

  8. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Nope :)

  9. Anonymous11:23 AM

    @3:32 wahhh... everyone's mean to me after i'm mean to everyone... wahhh :....(

  10. Anonymous4:56 PM

    JAC puts ketchup on eggs, because he likes 'em spicy.

  11. 4:56 - I offer a different take than some but never, ever attack anyone or get personal towards what someone else says. Many on here do not conduct themselves that way. It's Robert's blog and he's the boss so whatever he wants posted goes. Bottom line, if anyone disagrees, simply say so. Fine. But keyboard attacks and nastiness is just juvenile.

  12. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Isnt that what people are doing? Disagreeing with your words and HOW you say those words? Isn't that 'fine'? You claimed an entire cuisine was unwanted in all of Bethesda, you've called last names bizarre, you've even had a post deleted after using a racial slur... isnt it 'fine' that people post their disagreement with how you conduct yourself on this forum? HINT: it is.

  13. 2:45 - No, that's not what others do actually. And I conduct myself within any reasonable comment forum guidelines especially this one. Disagreeing is fine. Offering a counter is fine. Many though are seemingly so angry or they have nothing of substance to offer so they attack. The racial slur was uttered by David Trone not me. This isn't my blog and the administrator deleted it. That's off topic slightly though by the way. Never attack or demean anyone else's comment or character which is silly for anyone to do anyway since this is anonymous and online chatter.

  14. Anonymous5:23 AM

    Back in Northeast Minneapolis, we used to frequent a Ukrainian/Eastern European market and restaurant: Kramarczuk's . Lots of homemade sausages, sauerkraut, pierogi , cabbage rolls and cream cow fudge. The place has been there for decades and is still going strong. You can see the food on the take out menu.

  15. 7:51 - You're way off somewhere no one knows where but off. Ukrainian cuisine is highly desired in downtown Bethesda? That's really the question but you take it where no one was going. There's no code ok? I love cuisine from around the world and am very well traveled. That's not the issue either though. Will the folks in the area patronize a Ukrainian restaurant. I say no. You seem to think it will do well. Fine.

  16. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Will they be having a daily blue & yellow light special on the menu?

  17. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Nope, no market at all.
