Friday, April 15, 2016

House fire on Pyle Rd. in Bethesda

A grill on a rear deck caused a fire at a home in the 6500 block of Pyle Road in Bethesda just before 9:00 PM tonight. Firefighters quickly extinguished the blaze, which was limited to the deck itself, according to scanner reports.

All occupants of the home were safely evacuated, and there are no injuries, a firefighter said. A fuel tank for the grill was also removed from the deck, he reported.


  1. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Do you know which house?

    1. 7:45: No, just the block number.

  2. Anonymous8:11 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. 8:11: Laughable comment - I was reporting it as it happened, directly from the firefighters' own statements on the scene. You are from that competing publication, by the way. What a loser, having to spam here to get readers.

  3. Anonymous9:33 AM

    @ 8:47 AM - "...directly from the firefighters' own statements on the scene."

    Your article says "according to scanner reports". I assume you're referring to that?

    @ 7:45, 8:48 AM -

    "Do you know which house?"

    "No, just the block number."

    "Everything you want and need to know about Bethesda, plus special investigative reports you won't find anywhere else. The must-read blog for breaking Bethesda news, when you want to be the first to know."

    1. 9:33: And breaking news is exactly what was delivered here in this report - your publication didn't even have a report, so you sound like a complete moron trying to post fake criticism of mine.

  4. Anonymous9:58 AM

    9:33AM Give it up. You're scraping the bottom of the barrel and finding minutia.
    Your compulsive obsession with Mr. Dyer is mind-boggling.

    1. 9:58: It's easy for them to scrape the bottom of the barrel, because that's where they are.

  5. Anonymous12:52 PM

    @ 9:58 AM is stalking the Skeptics again. He's clingier than an orphaned kitten.

  6. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Nah, just constantly amazed by the lack of reading comprehension. And wondering... when did we start referring to trolls as skeptics?

  7. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Bethesda Beat posted to their Twitter account at least 10 minutes before you posted anything. Getting scooped happens to the best of us, so don't tress it too much, maybe you'll get 'em next time slugger errrrrr Birdbrain!

    1. 12:28: BS. All you did was retweet Piringer. That is not a scoop, girly man. You didn't even publish a story. I did, and it had breaking news and details directly from the firefighters on scene, not Piringer tweets. You're still talking about it days later, and you lost! Nuts. Thanks for the latest update from BM.

  8. Anonymous3:57 AM

    Could you clarify - did you actually interview firefighters, or did you just listen to the radio?

  9. 3:57: As clearly stated in the article, the firefighters were heard directly via the scanner. Stop the BS.

  10. Anonymous5:52 AM

    If you had the scanner on, how were you scooped by over 10 minutes on Twitter?

  11. 5:52: Retweeting Pete Piringer is not a scoop. How dense can you be? I wasn't "scooped" - I had the details as they were happening, and published moments later. You're obviously from Bethesda Magazine, and making a complete fool of yourself.

  12. Anonymous6:21 AM

    And the local Edward R. Murrow award for Best Retweet goes to...Bethesda Magazine

  13. Anonymous6:25 AM

    @ 5:15 AM - again, the weird use of passive voice. Why not just say "I heard the firefighters...via the scanner", rather than "the firefighters were heard"?

  14. Anonymous7:29 AM

    6:25 both are acceptable, why does it matter to you?

  15. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Passive voice tends to be used to avoid accountability, as in "...mistakes were made".

    1. 7:44: More evidence that you're just the same troll - you've been ranting and raving about "weird passive voice" since 2012, you moron. You're really making BM look bad with your comments on this article.

  16. Anonymous9:29 AM

    After this anonymous crazy guy is exposed, Steve Hull might start conducting mental health background checks when hiring bloggers at Bethesda Magazine.

  17. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Ha ha... the Dyer brothers are talking to each other again.

  18. Anonymous7:55 PM

    I heard on my scanner that Robert is still bitter from losing 2 (or maybe three elections)
