Monday, May 16, 2016

Smashburger available for "rent upon request"

A second online listing is offering the Smashburger space at 4903 Cordell Avenue in Bethesda for lease. I reported the first one back in February.

The listing describes the space as available for rent "upon request," and says the date it can be available is "immediately." Smashburger remains open for business.


  1. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Robert- you should consider buying their lease. Your Youtube channel gives me confidence you can make this location work!

    1. Anonymous7:32 AM

      This would make an excellent headquarters for Dyer for County Council /
      international recording artist / hyper local blogger extraordinaire / fast food reviewer!

  2. Anonymous7:46 AM

    He could call it "The Nest" Headquarters for Team Birdbrain

  3. Anonymous7:53 AM

    7:32 AM You forgot to say "self proclaimed" recording artist.

  4. Anonymous7:57 AM

    I'm curios. Where does Mr. Dyer actually work? Clearly he must be getting income from somewhere.

    1. 7:57: Do you have any information on the sources of revenue for other local reporters, and how they are staying above water living in this expensive area on a Patch salary? Do tell!

  5. Anonymous7:57 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Someone is punking Dyer again. LOL

    Each day that Smashburger is open, is like another pounding on the stake through Dyer's heart.

    1. 8:06: There are links to the listings, moron.

  7. Anonymous8:06 AM

    7:57 #1 is a decorative object.
    7:57 #2 - now we know what he dreams of every night. Fanboy.

  8. Anonymous8:08 AM

    I hate fanboys when they are haters, and I hate haters always.

    I also hate myself now by default.

  9. Anonymous8:14 AM

    I'm 7:57. No I don't. I would assume it's derived from ad revenue, as that's how it works at most media outlets. You seem very knowledgeable about the area and your ability to post as often as you do must take up a ton of time, but but it doesn't seem to generate revenue (from what I can tell). If its a big secret you don't have to answer. Wasn't trying to be insulting.

    1. 8:14: Ad revenue? Reporters are paid salaries, usually pretty low ones. So assuming you're not just obsessed with me, surely you'd be curious as to the revenue sources of all local reporters, right? Which of their income sources has your research brought to light so far? Remember, you brought this topic up, not me. I think the community is especially interested to know who's paying what, and how coverage of local issues might be affected as a result. Hello? Still there? You brought it up, don't stop your investigation now!

  10. Anonymous8:22 AM

    8:14AM = usual ass hat from the glossy mag trolling here (Say hi to daddy Steve!)

  11. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Dyer- you should lease it and sell strawberry twinkies dufus!

  12. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Could be Hull's first investigative piece. What do local journalists make and how do they afford to live in the county? Start with his own staff.

  13. Anonymous8:46 AM

    7:57am here again. Woah, I am sorry I asked.

  14. Anonymous8:49 AM

    8:46 AM Do you normally ask people's salaries who you don't know?

  15. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Dyer, a salary is not a "source of revenue". Salaries come FROM revenues. You're an even bigger birdbrain than I thought.

  16. Anonymous8:57 AM

    7:57am yet again. 8:49am I did not ask him his salary. I simply asked if and where he worked. It would be impressive that to work full or part time and manage to keep a detailed blog up to date. Clearly he was very offended so I apologize.

  17. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Robert- seriously would you ever consider leasing a space to exhibit your favorite products you test on your youtube channel? I think it would add a neat / interesting concept to Woodmont Triangle!

  18. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Like a child, unable to answer a question about themselves without redirecting to someone else. Still hasn't answered the question.

  19. Anonymous9:13 AM

    8:57 AM Really, if you don't walk up to people and ask their salary, why would you do it online?

    1. Anonymous9:57 AM

      Retread what he she said. Never mentioned salary.

  20. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Could be Hull's first investigative piece. What do local journalists make and how do they afford to live in the county? Start with his own staff. Does he pay them fairly? Can they live on his wage?

  21. Anonymous9:49 AM

    I S D Y E R A L I V E A T A L L ?

  22. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Robert currently works at Honest Tea in Bethesda, where the average salary is $60-70k.

    1. Anonymous10:58 AM

      Oh cool I hear that's a nice place to work.

  23. Anonymous10:12 AM

    I've also noticed him patrolling the streets of Bethesda for parking violators - talk about hyper local!

    Sufficient parking enforcement brings in ~$7.62 more per day or $2,385.06 per year (52 weeks per year X 6 days per week since Sunday parking is free). All this goes straight to the pockets of MoCo taxpayers. Divided by the 1.017 M MoCo residents, Robert's efforts help taxpayers save $0.002 per year!

    Robert Dyer - the hero Dirty Betty needs, but not the one it deserves

  24. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Dyer! Dyer! Dyer!

  25. Anonymous10:17 AM

    DY WHAT?! DYER!!!
    DY WHAT?! DYER!!!
    DY WHAT?! DYER!!!

  26. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Dyer 2016 #makeBethesdagreatagain

  27. Anonymous10:21 AM

    @ 10:12 AM - Parking fees and tickets in downtown Bethesda go to the Bethesda Urban Partnership, not to the County. So Dyer is helping to fund Ken Hartman's links to Bethesda Magazine. LOL

  28. I have said it before and I will say it again, no business with such a violent name has any place in a progressive community.

  29. Anonymous10:40 AM

    With these weird comments, the magazine staff must be on lunch break and present here.

  30. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Dyer/Tarnation 2016.

    Out For Revenge against the status quo!

  31. Anonymous11:06 AM

    The best part of a Robert food review video is the goopy sound as he peels back the bun to expose the contents of the burger. Most food reviewers drown that out with music or lame commentary. When you hear that sticky peel back sound, you know Robert is legit.

  32. Anonymous11:51 AM

    The "lone troll" has been busy today! How can one person write so many different posts? He must be making a lot of money from Bethesda Mag and Hans Riemer and Equity One. Actually, do you think Equity One is still one of the Lone Troll's clients? I'm sure they paid him or her a handsome bonus once the Westbard plan was approved.

    If all this "lone troll" gibberish is true, then it's pretty funny that someone other than Dyer is actually making money of Dyer's blog!

  33. Anonymous11:52 AM

    All your hateful comments will come back on you.

    11:26AM better wear a cup 24/7/365

    Self-hate is the root of all hate. Pity.

  34. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Did you guys hear that the development project on Westbard got approved? Do you have any thoughts or opinions regarding the issue?

  35. Anonymous11:59 AM

    11:51 AM Everyone knows it's another bethesda blogger. he's finally over his hang over from the awards banquet :)

  36. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Robert, since you work at Honest Tea- I was wondering which flavor you would recommend to someone with very polar tastebuds? Thank you in advance.

  37. Anonymous12:30 PM

    @11:59, you're as paranoid as the big D himself! Are you serious here? You actually think Bethesda Magazine is paying a staffer to troll this blog?

  38. Anonymous1:13 PM


    I'm pretty sure most have figured out that 11:59 is simply Dyer posting anonymously so it seems that he has at least one supporter. They literally say the exact same things in the exact same obvious style.

    In any case, I seriously doubt that there could be more than one person with the paranoid delusions I see repeated on here. If you're new here, they go as follows:

    - Hans Riemer is in bed with Wall Street and Mitt Romney and is out to get Dyer
    - The entire Kounty Kouncil hates blacks...and is out to get Dyer
    - Bethesda Magazine, its owner, and its employees are directly funded by the Kounty Kouncil by a black budget and every single article release is written by the county.
    - The Washington Post, and every other local news outlet who refused to give him "election coverage" (shocker) is funded by the Kounty Kouncil
    - Members of the planning board gets kickbacks from developers whenever a project/sector plan is approved.
    - The Montgomery Kounty economy is "moribund" like Detroit or Saint Louis, and all the federal data and industry observers who say otherwise are being controlled by the (guess who)...the Kounty Kouncil

    I kid you not. He and his alter ego (11:59) actually believe these things Check the comments on the last few pages, he repeats them all the time.

  39. Anonymous1:42 PM

    1:13 PM Who said the magazine is funded by the council? The owner is a BFF of Leventhal, so no one expects fair and balanced coverage. After all, has he ever written an article critical of the Council? Either they're the most amazing elected body ever or this guy is pretending to be a journalist and it's a total vanity project. You can't have it both ways.

    Watching this guy service Leventhal is stomach churning. It's a vanity project.

  40. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Has Dyer ever written an article critical of Larry Hogan?

    Or Lenny Greenberg?

  41. Anonymous1:59 PM

    You're being punked, totally fooled if you think bethesda magazine is real news. It's a vanity project folks. It's serving paid advertisers and political friends of the publisher. Don't be fooled, folks.

  42. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Dyer forgot to sign in again. LOL

  43. Anonymous2:05 PM

    How come the BM-hater(s) don't have the guts to post over there? They seem kind of cowardly.

  44. Anonymous2:11 PM

    2:05 PM
    Who says anyone "hates" them? I don't hate anything. It's like saying I "hate" an advertising
    It's a harmless vanity project.

    I used to read the magazine & the Gazette before Dyer started covering Bethesda so well on a daily basis. No reason to read old news elsewhere.

  45. Anonymous2:36 PM

    @211 Hey Dyer!

  46. Anonymous2:49 PM

    2:36pm is craving attention from Robert Dyer

  47. Anonymous3:16 PM

    I read the magazine when I'm in the waiting room at my dentist. The "news" is usually months old. That's ok, it's a vanity project. Don't take it seriously as a news source, and you'll be fine. It gives Leventhal and Reamer something to tweet and share on facebook. "Hey, look, my friend wrote another puff piece about me"

    Don't be fooled folks. Dyer should write a piece on what a joke they are, including the phony "awards" they give out.

  48. Anonymous6:18 PM

    You know when there are 64 comments the troll is working overtime...

  49. Anonymous6:57 PM

    @ 6:10 PM - Still think that there is just one person in Bethesda who hates Dyer? LOL @ Team Birdbrain.

  50. Anonymous8:39 PM

    I think you meant @ 6:18. Birdbrain.

  51. Anonymous9:19 PM

    @ 9:05 PM - Yes, the troll Dyer has been rejected by the voters three times, but he just doesn't seem to get the message.

  52. OMG, is this pre-school?
