Sunday, May 07, 2017

Battery Lane apartment building to add 6 studio units

Aldon Management's Glens on Battery Lane will be adding 6 more studio units to their in-demand apartment complex. An existing dental office and 1-bedroom apartment in the 4949 Battery Lane building will be converted into 6 new studio apartments, and new management offices.

When completed, this would be a great opportunity to grab a new-construction apartment within walking distance of NIH for a lower rent than the new post-recession buildings are offering.


  1. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Some interesting questions that would likely be asked if Robert runs for elected office:

    "Candidate Dyer, should you ever run for an elected office again and you were to have tough questions asked of you or people didn't like your policies, would you insult them?"

    Follow-on question: "During floor debate would you call your fellow elected officials...or even the small business owners of MoCo, idiots, stupid, morons, hobos, make fun of their socio-economic status, or any other mean-spirited and derogatory names? I only ask because those are only a few of the nasty names you've called readers of your blog who harmlessly disagree with you."

    1. 8:43: Whoever asked the question could be sued for defamation for making things up. Half of the things you claim I said were never said, and those that were, were directly addressing a nasty troll who had said terrible things, most certainly not someone who "harmlessly disagrees with me."

      What people are witnessing is you, a fascist, racist cyberbully, attacking me - and attacking the residents of Montgomery County's successful, established neighborhoods. When I respond effectively, they are enjoying you getting what you deserve, you low-down, filthy, dirty scumbag dumpster-diving hobo.

    2. Anonymous10:15 AM

      That makes no good sense. - resident of Montgomery County's successful, established neighborhood.

  2. Anonymous9:41 AM

    I as well would like to know that you would not constantly insult me, a resident and business owner, even if I disagree with your point of view.

  3. Anonymous9:44 AM

    9:41 - you're a low-energy vagabond living under a bridge.

    1. Anonymous10:13 AM

      I guess that answers your question, 9:41, seeing as how you are a low-energy vagabond living under a bridge. #facts

  4. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Oh the irony as Dyer complains about those trolling him as he trolls the Montgomery County Council (and others).

  5. Anonymous10:40 AM

    "...a racist cyberbully..."

    Last time I saw a picture of Robert Dyer, he was white.

    "...attacking the residents of Montgomery County's successful, established neighborhoods."

    Followed by a blatant dog-whistle.

  6. Anonymous10:48 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Friends of Woodmont Triangle11:05 AM

    10:48 AM is trolling hard today. The irony of a mentally ill anonymous troll recommending others seek help. Self projection again.

    The troll isn't happy that Dyer says anything that reflects negative on his heroes on the Council and Planning Board. And he has his preferred shill local blogs.

    Cool...everyone gets it. Now, can you move on and try to add value somewhere?
    Dyer is serving the community while you're just trolling from the sidelines.

    1. Anonymous11:53 AM

      That doesn't make sense, Woodmont. I dislike many of the current council and planners decisions and won't be voting for them again. I also dislike many of Dyer's decisions and ideas and won't be voting for him.

  8. Anonymous11:09 AM

    No, you THINK you know who the posts are from and respond with insults.
    When it tuens out they are not who you thought, you never apologize for being wrong or for the insults you laid on them.

    What people are witnessing is you attacking your readers who disagree with you.

    1. Anonymous12:46 PM

      11:09am Great..but what does this have to do with battery lane apartments?

      Take your argument offline with Dyer. Comments here really aren't the best venue for that :)

  9. It's a shame that this blog continues to allow anonymous comments. The news is often good, but the comments have become beyond the pale. The only reason to continue is to increase individual views, but I suspect the same 12 people comment and troll daily. I'm out.

    1. Anonymous11:24 AM

      Does your driver's license say "Weski"? If not, then you are an anonymous commenter, too.

    2. Anonymous4:05 PM

      What 11:24 said.

  10. If the anonymous man here has such a problem with Robert Dyer, why not just reach out to Dyer privately? It's really off topic for the rest of us being informed here.

    1. Anonymous4:05 PM

      Is it so off topic when he slams county council members and then won't take any criticism as a candidate?

    2. Anonymous4:26 PM

      Dyer is certainly open to critcism and debate.
      Remember, the incumbent Council candidates backed out of debates last cycle, not Dyer.

    3. 4:26: That's right - after I humiliated them in the cable tv debate (which the media chose not to cover), the Council incumbents became the first sitting councilmembers to not show up to a civic-association-sponsored debate in Montgomery County history. The GOCA officers were insulted, and those 100 Olney residents in the audience are unlikely to forget that slap in the face from Floreen, Elrich, Leventhal and Riemer.

      First candidate to strike fear into the County Council? Robert Dyer. We have the video of their empty chairs, and the Debate, to prove it.

  11. MDBGA1:35 PM

    This is the type of reporting I am thankful Robert does. Keep up the great work!

    1. Anonymous6:29 PM

      Agreed. Non political non ranting non insulting fact based unbiased scoops about Bethesda are Robert's best posts.

  12. Anonymous7:35 PM

    "After I humiliated them in a debate which they did not show up and which the news media chose not to cover"

    That's like the proverbial tree falling in the wilderness.

  13. Anonymous8:21 PM

    6:56 PM is competing for the biggest troll award for the day.

  14. 7:35: It was the tree falling in the wilderness, although you combined the two debates into one - I humiliated them at the MyMCMedia TV debate, and the media didn't report on what happened (the debate is available for all to view on YouTube -> 2014 Council at-large candidate forum). Then they were too scared to show up at the next debate in Olney, where 100 of their Olney constituents were waiting to hear from the candidates.

  15. Anonymous4:26 AM

    3:31am You make up stories about Dyer being "rude", yet are silent when other sites regularly ridicule local residents (see "crazy driveway lady" or "Monopoly board crazy guy" examples.)

    I doubt anyone in Bethesda thinks the current council is "representing constituents". In fact, they've utterly ignored what their constituents want. (See "Westbard Plan")

  16. Anonymous4:32 AM

    There are some who agree and some who disagree regarding westbard or any issue for that matter. Just because a vocal bunch is more reported, it doesn't mean there aren't those who agree with proceeding. How do you know I haven't asked others to not be rude? I have. I haven't been silent. Robert is rude though. He wants office? Then he should act like it.

  17. Anonymous4:48 AM

    4:32AM - Agree 100%.

  18. 4:32: Haven't been rude to anybody but you, a paid troll obsessed with Robert Dyer, and anyone who has read your vile comments and threats against me know that, frankly, my response has been restrained and civil compared to what you deserve. Everybody knows that.

    You can't find anybody in real life (try it some time, as opposed to hiding in a dark room behind a computer) who will say I've been rude to them. Period. Unlike some other people in Bethesda, I'm actually a nice guy, and everyone who knows me will vouch for that.

    As far as Westbard, you haven't got a shred of evidence that shows anything more than a handful of people who support the plan, most of whom are literally financially benefiting from the damn thing.

  19. Anonymous5:22 AM

    Robert - take out the trolls, make it so the comments can't be anonymous.

    1. Anonymous5:27 AM

      ...says Anonymous.

  20. Anonymous5:31 AM

    @4:50 I'm in favor of the Westbard plan and I have no connections to developers at all (or the "MoCo Cartel" you write about.. no idea who that is). I know the friends who I've discussed it with are in favor too.

    Most people, for better or worse, just aren't that involved in local issues or politics. I know when I'm at one of my kids' birthday parties, if I bring up Westbard or any local issue for that matter, it's news to most people I talk to -- people are just too busy to focus on it, and something like Westbard may get the occasional articles in the WP Metro section but that's about it. It's not making the local TV news, and of course not national news. They aren't reading your blog or any other local news site for that matter.

    Now I hope you won't call me a "low-down, filthy, dirty scumbag dumpster-diving hobo" like you did to 8:43, and I'm not even sure why you did since they didn't call you any names and neither am I. What they wrote seems perfectly fine to me. There are more than just trolls in the comments section. Look at the discussion on moving the hardware store building (next to Apex building) -- a very useful and interesting discussion. I was one of the people writing in that one.

  21. Anonymous5:33 AM

    "other sites regularly ridicule local residents (see "crazy driveway lady" or "Monopoly board crazy guy" examples.)"

    I don't remember Bethesda Magazine calling Deborah Vollman anything other than "Deborah Vollman" in their articles about the Vollman-Schwartz driveway controversy (which Robert Dyer did not cover at all).

    "Monopoly board crazy guy"? What's that?

    1. Anonymous5:42 AM

      5:33 here. "Vollman" should be "Vollmer".

  22. 5:31: I did call the troll a hobo, etc. with good reason - that was just his latest comment of many, a defamatory statement claiming I "insult readers." Total BS.

    As far as Westbard, you may be conflating the desire many people have for getting an updated shopping center, and other improvements long-delayed by the County and previous owners in the area such as the canceled park at Ridgefield and Westbard, with support for the actual development plan. Many people are unaware of the scale and density of the plan.

    The reality is, the current process we have provides opportunities for public comment. There was never any significant support for the plan in any venue. When people are passionate about something, they come out and testify or write a letter.

    So the people you are describing are better termed "indifferent," and would probably like a more modern shopping area. Few, if pressed, would be gung ho about over 3000 new people being jammed in that 1.5 block area, along with thousands of new cars on the roads, and kids filling the classrooms in their own kids' already-overcrowded schools.

    1. Anonymous6:48 AM

      I am ecstatic about the new development. Pretty new place relaxing a dump, more taxes to help pay for improved schools, more places for to eat and shop that are so close by my house, and more!

    2. 6:48: The false claims about development generating vast revenues have been debunked long ago. After almost 20 years of massive growth, we should be flush with cash - instead, the county has a structural deficit and cannot "pay for improved schools." It's pretty clear you are working for the developer, with your painfully trite recap of expired developer talking points.

      "Relaxing a dump" - I'm gonna need a translator for that one.

      The only people "ecstatic" about a series of boxes along the same old Westbard Avenue, complete with crooked telephone poles, are the stockholders of Regency Centers.

  23. Barwood Sucks6:10 AM

    The Westbard Plan was the biggest "F**k You" to Bethesda residents in the history of MoCo.

    Constituents reach out regularly to Dyer for help on issues, so he's already doing that. I doubt they care if he prefers Fritos or Doritos.

    Sad that other blogs attack residents, like "the crazy driveway lady".

  24. 5:33: You're correct that I never engaged in a political hit-job against a Purple Line opponent in Chevy Chase on behalf of the Montgomery County political cartel. That's why I have the largest percentage of Bethesda residents of any local website.

    "Monopoly board" - I think he or she was referring to a local activist who was essentially doxed by Bethesda Magazine, at the behest of the Council as retaliation, after he requested their email lists. He naturally received threats as a result. He is always shown by Bethesda Now (before it went bankrupt) and Bethesda Magazine holding the Monopoly board.

    So again, I'm proud that I don't engage in the politics of personal destruction of private citizens, who are not public officials paid by the taxpayers.

    1. Anonymous6:47 AM

      What is a political hit job?

  25. Anonymous6:54 AM

    @ 6:47 - Accurately reporting on her years-long campaign of harrassment against her neighbors.

  26. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Did Bethesda Now file for bankruptcy? I must have missed that.

  27. Anonymous7:01 AM

    "...over 3000 new people being jammed in that 1.5 block area."

    And we go 'round the mulberry bush yet again...

  28. Anonymous7:17 AM

    6:56 AM From what I remember, all of the Now guy's sites shuttered, except for his original Arlington one.
    He's best known for the Rosslyn phantom dog turd story.

    I think he finally switched his site to a responsive design instead of forcing a desktop site on your phone.

  29. Anonymous7:26 AM

    New troll line:
    "I'm only here for your restaurant news, please stop being mean to the Council and Planning Board."

    Sorry, Dyer isn't going to comply with your demands.

    7:18AM You'd have more credibility if you'd show some outrage about the anonymous poisonous personal attacks against Dyer here.

  30. Roald7:33 AM

    "It actually doesn’t take a lot of courage to aid those who are already powerful" - Barack Obama 5.7.17

  31. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Actually, regarding the ad hominem attacks on Dyer, many have spoken up and said to stop. He even deleted one comment about it LOL just because it mentioned Voldemort Magazine. Nuts!

  32. Anonymous8:14 AM

    8:08am The only "craziness" are the weird anonymous comments posted here.

    Sites with a lot of traffic get some crazy comments, including Dyer's site and the Post.

    Nice try, though!

  33. Troll (alleged) #228:18 AM

    7:26AM You have little credibility either, being anonymous as well.

    You have outrage that other people have differing opinions, therefore you must change their words to make them appear weak.

    You have no idea what that person has or hasn't done in the past, yet are comfortable accusing them.

    Thank you for confirming that you speak for Dyer. ("Sorry, Dyer isn't going to comply with your demands.") Demand---interesting word choice.

    These are only my observations. I haven't figured out the why; that's beyond my usual scope, and not something I've done regularly.

  34. 6:54: My God, when was the last time you read about a quarrel between two non-celebrity neighbors in the Washington Post? Who cares, other than the sleazy Purple Line proponents who wanted to embarrass one of their most active foes?

    6:56: Yeah, Bethesda Now ran out of money, and the Arlington-based owner had to shutter it. He then sold the Astroturf social media clout he had purchased to the small and slightly-failing magazine for about $1.

    1. Anonymous8:58 AM

      He only sold it for $1? Oh man that's a terribly low price. Where was the sale price listed?

  35. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Deborah Voldemort


  36. Anonymous9:06 AM

    8:18 AM I hope you're getting paid well for spending so much time trolling and parsing words on Dyer's site. Otherwise, you are wasting too much time.

  37. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Yep...the Purple Line crowd ate up the "crazy driveway lady" story. It's legendary and still elicits giggles.

    And now, the Monopoly board guy legend...

  38. Anonymous11:26 AM

    9:06AM - Thanks for worrying about my time. I'm a contractor so my time is my own. I'd finished uploading my latest project to Wolters Kluwer and had some time to kill.
    I like what I do - observe/study people - so I don't think of it was wasting time.

    What about you?

  39. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Just curious, has suburban news network generated any revenues? I am sure it has not generated profits.

    1. Anonymous7:53 AM

      He had a post labeled "sponsored" just recently. So now he's beholden to donor money as he claims is always the case.

  40. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Robert regularly talks about suing for defamation. I actually saw the transaction and it certainly wasn't $1. How does Robert justify saying others can't make stuff up about him but then is ok with making stuff up about others?

  41. 7:35: Yes, Suburban News Network is profitable - Revenue exceeds expenditures. And I don't even get dark money from the MoCo cartel like my competitors.

    10:58: Where would you "see the transaction" if you don't work at Bethesda Magazine? And do you know as little about business as your beloved County Council? Business 101: When one business is acquired by another for a great sum, both parties announce the dollar amount to make the deal sound more significant, and the entity acquired to be worthy of that large sum.

    When a business is sold as a fire sale - often for $1 or a negligible amount - both buyer and seller keep the price secret to avoid embarrassment.

  42. Anonymous3:44 AM

    Why doesn't Dyer "announce the dollar amount" of his revenues?

    And what are his expenses? Blogspot as well as his rent are free.

  43. Anonymous3:50 AM

    "Where would you "see the transaction" if you don't work at Bethesda Magazine?"

    Re-directing this question back to Robert Dyer.

  44. Anonymous4:21 AM

    10:58 could work for lawyers, accountants, state offices recording the transaction, which is more likely than a principal of the transaction commenting about it here.

    Sales price breakdowns are agreed on by the parties and are filed in detail with the IRS, with each party filing their own form with their subsequent tax return. You can "announce" whatever you want. The "proof" is in the filings.

  45. Anonymous4:45 AM

    "Yes, Suburban News Network is profitable - Revenue exceeds expenditures."

    Do the IRS and the Maryland Comptroller's Office know about this?

  46. 3:44: You seem to be confused about how private business works. Understandable, given you work for the County Council. Last thing at night, and first thing in the morning, you are passionate about posting comments on my site - clear evidence you are being paid to troll.

    3:50: Again, you obviously don't understand how business works regarding when the price of a transaction is publicly announced. Simple: When it's embarrassing, the amount is not disclosed. When it's a sizable amount, it is trumpeted as a win-win for both parties. Remember, in journalism, critical thinking is key.

    4:21: He'd also lose his license - a CPA isn't allowed to disclose a client's financial information publicly. A government official who leaked such information would be terminated (except maybe in corrupt MoCo and Annapolis).

    4:45: In fact, the Comptroller reads my blog, and commended me at an event in Silver Spring before. Great guy, and one of the few honest politicians from Montgomery County.

  47. Anonymous6:36 AM

    5:37 - I stand by my statement. Note I never said it was the professional, I said they "could work for"... Report accurately.

    That's my field, I posit I know a bit more about it than you. Franchot is a nice guy. Didn't he stand and wave to commuters when he first ran for office? I deal more with Chris Kolb or Sara Dufresne who are terrifically knowledgeable in their fields.

    4:45AM, I'm betting they do. Dyer has run for office, so his filings have to be up to date.

  48. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Professional hint: Robert, you might want to register a trade name if you haven't done so already.

  49. Anonymous6:57 AM

    When and where was "Suburban News Network" incorporated?

  50. Anonymous7:00 AM

    "Again, you obviously don't understand how business works regarding when the price of a transaction is publicly announced. Simple: When it's embarrassing, the amount is not disclosed."

    So how do you know the actual amount, them?

  51. Anonymous7:45 AM

    You can "announce" whatever you want. The "proof" is in the tax filings.

  52. 7:00: You can know it's a trivial amount based on the fact that they didn't announce it.

    1. Anonymous7:57 AM

      So how do you know what the actual amount was?

    2. Anonymous9:44 AM

      So you won't announce your income, does that make it a trivial amount too?

  53. 7:57: Your needle is stuck.

    1. Anonymous9:44 AM

      And you still don't have a good answer.


  54. Anonymous9:10 AM

    There is no requirement to announce it.
    Why are you trying to make it sound like something illegal or unusual?

  55. Anonymous9:52 AM

    As an attorney (admittedly in a far different field), conjecture about the sale price is one thing and opinion of failure or success is another, but as you have been stressing the dangers of defamation, it might strongly be advised that one discontinues insistence of a $1 sale price when it is not true. False accusations of individuals representing an organization when they do not are also dangerous threaded territory.

  56. 9:52: It's not dangerous to say that when a sale price isn't announced, it means it is ridiculously low, and nothing for either party to be proud of. If it's something to be proud of, both parties announce it. Of course no one knows the exact amount, but to say $1 is a relatively accurate way of describing it.

  57. Anonymous3:58 AM

    Back pedaling at its finest in light of authority.

  58. 3:58: What did I back pedal on? Nothing! And what is the "authority?" You slipping into another one of your schizophrenic personalities, and now pretending to be a lawyer? Hysterical. Your main problem is that the only number lower than your IQ is your testosterone level. Maybe even lower than $1.

  59. Anna Van Horn5:53 AM

    Dyer 4:47AM - I'm 3:58. Attack and accuse me for making an observation? I'm not 9:52PM. Do you think you're above reproach?

    Last checked, my IQ was 142. My testosterone level is low. Considering I'm female, that's a good thing.

    You seem insecure about being challenged, and rather than start an interesting discussion with others and their views, you prefer to insult and make wild accusations.
    Why do you do that?

    1. Anonymous8:40 AM

      Anna, why did Robert delete your completely rational comments? And I do hope he gets something nice for his mother.

  60. 5:53: You're the one insulting, saying I'm backpedaling "in light of authority." No clue what you're even talking about, but that doesn't sound like an "interesting discussion." Neither do the threats and harrassment I'm subjected to daily, which I don't hesitate to respond to appropriately. If somebody wants to hit me, they'd better be ready to be hit back 1000 times harder. Attacks and insults are not "interesting discussion."

  61. Anonymous7:07 AM


  62. Anonymous7:45 AM

    I wonder how Dr. Ross would react if he saw this article.

  63. Anonymous7:47 AM

    I'm 7:45 and I notice that at least one comment above mine disappeared when my comment loaded. LOL

  64. 7:07: That's you after reading my scoop on the Japanese steakhouse in Rockville.

    7:45: Dr. Ross? You mean George Clooney?

  65. Anonymous8:22 AM

    How much revenue does Suburban News Network make or how many albums have you sold?

    1. Anonymous8:32 AM

      It's not dangerous to say that when a sale price isn't announced, it means it is ridiculously low, and nothing for either party to be proud of. If it's something to be proud of, both parties announce it. Of course no one knows the exact amount, but to say $1 is a relatively accurate way of describing it.


  66. Love watching this guy talk to himself in different personalities. Straitjackets at the ready.

  67. Anna Van Horn8:52 AM

    I'm happy to prove who I am, Robert. I've always said I'd introduce myself if I ever ran into you.
    Tell me where and when and I'll meet you for coffee. I'm not much of an alcohol drinker. I'll bring the hubby, he's a Guardians fan too.

  68. Anna Van Horn9:02 AM

    8:40, I don't know.
    He doesn't like people to answer his questions?
    He doesn't think women should be allowed to defend themselves?
    He's afraid of me?

    I always claim my posts
    I offer to privately give him my name and address
    I offer to meet him (in places with other people)
    I never use the names of the other publications, or use the names of the people
    I even have a fun closing when I choose to use it (Love and bacon)

    Your guess is as good as mine.

  69. Anonymous1:10 PM

    And yet she persisted...

    1. Anonymous7:33 PM

      Would Dyer not persist if he did not think the current county government wasn't right and true?

  70. The fact that the troll would have made a copy of the defamatory and false comment to keep reposting speaks for itself, that we are dealing with a paid troll here, folks.

    1. Anonymous10:21 AM

      Just as you feel so strongly about moribund Montgomery County and the current county council members, we trolls feel so strongly about protecting the world against your lunacy.


  71. Anonymous12:42 PM

    What does Robert Dyer have against Anna's perfectly straight comments??????

    This is censorship to the extreme.

    1. Anonymous6:01 PM

      Let's see which comment(s) specifically offended Robert Dyer

      1) From Anna Van Horn
      Here's my reply to your attack on me @6:05.

    2. Anonymous6:12 PM

      7) I hope you have something nice planned for your mother this weekend.

    3. Anonymous8:28 AM

      What did Anna say that was so bad?

  72. 8:28: Defamatory statements about things I've never said. That can get a person sued.

    10:21: You work FOR the County Council. Working for those clowns would make anybody feel like a chump, though. How do you stay energized doing that day after day? Uppers?

    1. Anonymous2:12 PM

      I'm 10:21 and I work for Microsoft. Not sure why you think I work for the county council, but it's wrong, and has been stated for the record so please no need to keep going on with wrong information.

    2. Anonymous3:30 PM

      "I'm 10:21 and I work for Microsoft."

      Liar. Everyone knows that Microsoft's corporate headquarters are in Seattle. How could there possibly be Microsoft workers in Moribund MoCo, if the corporate headquarters are 3,000 miles away?

    3. Anonymous5:20 PM

      Lol yeah I forgot. Only corporate headquarters count. :)

      - misguided and misplaced Microsoft employee

  73. Anna Van Horn9:37 AM

    What I said can't get me sued.
    I called him insecure.

    Tell the truth Robert.

  74. Anna Van Horn11:22 AM

    8:28 Here's what I said:

    Here's my reply to your attack on me @6:05.

    So glad you agree with me that you are insecure about being challenged. Your
    response is the best proof.

    Why didn't you just ask what you were backpedaling on and stop?

    I would have said something like you'd been insisting on this $1 price for years.
    And then when 9:52, a self-described attorney, said "it might strongly be advised
    that one discontinues insistence of a $1 sale price when it is not true."
    You immediately changed to "Of course no one knows the exact amount, but to
    say $1 is a relatively accurate way of describing it."

    It's backpedaling and posted my opinion to your blog. You could have explained

    why you didn't see it that way...and voila - discussion.

    Thanks for explaining how you equate that someone is "hitting" you when they
    disagree and your need to "hit back 1000 times harder." That's quite telling.

    I hope you have something nice planned for your mother this weekend.

    (by the way, that's my real name up there. Do I need to send you my birth
    certificate as proof?)

  75. Anonymous7:54 PM

    "They will likely tell you the reality of the situation for you."

    When has doing that ever changed Dyer's mind about anything?
