Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Construction begins on Mussel Bar in Bethesda

Construction to convert the interior of 4903 Cordell Avenue into the new location of Mussel Bar & Grille in Bethesda is getting started. Brown paper has been placed over the windows. Mussel Bar is hoping to complete the demolition and interior fit-out in time for an early June 2024 opening. The new location will also have outdoor seating.


JAC said...

Outdoor seating will be nice there but man, is that space tiny. I can't imagine a full service, sit down restaurant will fit there but that's what they're building. How many tables? Not many.

Anonymous said...

It's only been a full service, sit down space for the last 10 years. Good call again, JAC, the now restaurant designer expert. It has been many restaurants and they have failed because they've been unexciting places. Mussel Bar is an established brand. They'll do fine. And unlike your trump and elrich predictions, take that one to the bank.

Anonymous said...

Any news on this place opening soon?