Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Chevy Chase Lake traffic incident results in gun charges

Investigation of a traffic incident by Montgomery County police in the Chevy Chase Lake area on July 8, 2024 led to several gun charges. The vehicle was stopped near the intersection of Connecticut Avenue and Chevy Chase Lake Drive at 4:24 PM that afternoon. Discovery of a loaded handgun led to the arrest of Tanika Beaner, 30, of Capitol Heights. 

Beaner has been charged with possession of a firearm without a serial number, handgun in vehicle, handgun on person, loaded handgun in vehicle, and loaded handgun on person, all misdemeanors. Bail status for the defendant is still pending a second review as of this morning, according to court records. A trial has been scheduled for August in Montgomery County District Court in Rockville.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

" possession of a firearm without a serial number, "
This alone is a very serious charge, I think it is at least 3 years and might be up to 10 years in the clink.

Anonymous said...

@6:59 Three to ten years?? Shirley you jest. Nice dream, until you wake up to the nightmare of reality.

Anonymous said...

@6:59 Let's actually see what the MC States Attorney McCarthy does even though there are federal laws broken here as well.

Anonymous said...

Time for a Press Conference! Maybe McCarthy can get our new Gov to jog in and do some pushups?