Saturday, May 18, 2024

Police release suspect photos in Geste Beer & Wine robberies in Bethesda

Montgomery County police detectives now concur with the owner of Geste Beer & Wine at 4801 Edgemoor Lane in Bethesda that the two armed robberies of the store this week were committed by the same suspect. They have now released two surveillance camera images of the suspect, and descriptions of the clothes he was wearing at the time of the two robberies, May 13, 2024 at 7:21 PM, and May 14 at 6:26 PM. He displayed a handgun during both incidents.

Alas, the images are quite blurry, and the suspect - described as a Black male in his late teens - is well-disguised. Police describe his attire on May 13 as including a black jacket with floral patterns on the back, light colored jeans and black shoes. The next evening, he was wearing a black hooded sweatshirt, dark distressed jeans with rips, black boots and a black face mask.

Anyone with information regarding this suspect or this crime is asked to visit the Crime Solvers of Montgomery County, MD website at, and click on the “” link at the top of the page, or call 1-866-411-8477. Tips with information leading to an arrest may be eligible for a reward from $250 up to $10,000. Tipsters may remain anonymous.


Anonymous said...

Such a helpful piece of evidence, said no one ever.

Anonymous said...

Eventually all storekeepers will have to hire security. The costs of these crimes goes deep, so many resources not to mention anguish and fear. Things are not improving.

Anonymous said...

It's crazy a beer/wine store - an extremely common target of criminals - would have a surveillance system from the stone age. The county reimburses up to $1,250 for security cameras so updating to join the 21st century is supposed to be a no-brainer for business owners.

Anonymous said...

That's if the shopkeepers can even find honest security. These robberies, now getting more and more armed and dangerous are about much more than just theft. It's driven by more than the money. Wake up.

JAC said...

11:05 - Eventually all storekeepers will have to hire security. That statement should infuriate everyone reading it. This is a disgrace. This is Bethesda not some crime ridden, inner-city slum yet here we are. It doesn't have to be this way and isn't elsewhere. You know what, elections have consequences. The people who just rubber stamp candidates like Marc Elrich and many others here, time and again, should be ashamed. These Far Left radicals are dangerous clearly and we're seeing the bitter fruits of those votes coming to bare. For the most educated and affluent electorate in the country, you're awfully uninformed. Marc Elrich and Co do not care one bit about this, will never say anything about this and what's most appalling, is that they won't do anything about this. Wanna protest something? Protest and demand Elrich on down do something. This affects everyone Left, Right and Center. It affects all of our quality of life. Enough.

Anonymous said...

"For the most educated and affluent electorate in the country" Ha ha, these people have doctorates in stupidity. Time and again they do the same thing, and willfully ignore the consequences. BTW, Loudon County is the most affluent in the US, MoCo's leadership has created the moribund economy ensuring mediocrity as far as the eye can see.