Saturday, June 08, 2024

The Sill closing at Bethesda Row

Sad news for plant parents in Bethesda: The Sill is closing at Bethesda Row. It opened in November 2022 at 4816 Bethesda Avenue. A closing sale has begun at the upscale plant shop, so maybe you can find some bargains while they last. Green thumbs will still have American Plant at 5258 River Road, REWILD at Cabin John Village in Potomac, and


Anonymous said...

The Sill was definitely open in January 2023 so more than 7 months ago. I know the staff told me it was a popup so I believe this was always a short term plan.

Robert Dyer said...

5:42: You are correct. It was actually November 2022, not 2023. I misread the date in my own article! Thank you for pointing this out; I have updated the post.

Anonymous said...

Wish the staff had told me it was a popup. Instead I bought a number of their planters, after they sold me on their policy of free upsizing & repotting when a plant outgrows its current holder. Ugh.

Robert Dyer said...

4:14: You're not alone. I don't recall any public announcement that this was only intended to be a pop-up location. It (is/would have been) unethical, if not illegal, to sell customers on a long-term program with full knowledge that they would be unable to fulfill the terms of replacing your planters.