Friday, February 17, 2012


Bethesda's HMSHost May File Suit,
Questions Raised About Areas USA

After the Maryland Transportation Authority's strong rejection of HMSHost and Airport Plazas complaints of an unfair bidding process, new questions have been raised about the Spanish subsidiary, Areas USA, primed to renovate and operate two I-95 travel plazas.

HMSHost may go to court over the matter.

One interesting note is that the Baltimore Sun coverage is now acknowledging that Areas is in fact a subsidiary of a Spanish firm.

That's one of the most compelling storylines about this matter. Even as state elected officials stress job creation, they would be choosing a foreign firm over one that pays heavy state and Montgomery County taxes.

Areas also lacks experience in managing travel plazas, though that doesn't mean they wouldn't be successful; the company has a large portfolio in related transportation services.

It is not known if Airport Plazas intends to pursue legal options in the matter, as well.

Meanwhile, losing bidders are questioning the Areas bid, saying that there's no way Areas can operate a plaza for the relatively small amount it has claimed.

One other twist to consider: when this matter goes to the Board of Public Works on February 22, all three board members hail from Montgomery County, home to HMSHost.

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