Sunday, June 02, 2024

Unmarked surveillance camera robot appears in Veterans Park in Bethesda

A surveillance camera robot was placed at Veterans Park at 7898 Woodmont Avenue in downtown Bethesda yesterday. Unlike most of the others we've seen, it is not marked with a Montgomery County Government logo. The number on the side is similar to other County robocameras, however. A County robot in Silver Spring bore the number 2220161. This camera is No. 2220165, and is keeping watch over the park as a persistent crime wave enters its fourth year in Montgomery County, as well as nationwide.


JAC said...

Outgoing police chief says nothing. New chief will say nothing but maybe he will. Certainly should. How about zero tolerance? How bout talking to McCarthy about locking people up and keeping them there? Soft on crime means crooks know they'll be out in the morning just to commit more crime. Task force in the downtown sector would mean no need for cameras and stupid robots. It's a disgrace.

Anonymous said...

You should check your facts on crime. Nationally, it is actually sinking like a rock.

“After a terrible period of underfunding and understaffing caused by the pandemic, local governments have, by most measures, returned to pre-pandemic levels,” wrote John Roman, a criminologist at the University of Chicago. In an interview, Roman said, “The courts were closed, a lot of cops got sick, a lot of police agencies told their officers not to interact with the public. Teachers were not in schools, not working with kids.”

Asher said, “The tools that we ordinarily have used to interrupt these cycles of violence were gone in 2020 [and] 2021.”

Homicides are dropping to the lowest levels in decades

Basically, all crime metrics are dramatically falling, except car burglaries which are skewing statistics, which is largely blamed on the immediate Hyundai/Kia Tic Toc phenomenon which instructed people how to easily break into these cars.

Robert Dyer said...

In terms of gaslighting in America, which thing is not happening more - violent crime, or inflation? We just had a barrage of killings in MoCo, in the last week alone. But let's look at the data. Whoops!:

"Crime increased in Montgomery County for third straight year, data shows" - WTOP, Feb. 5, 2024

"Auto thefts spiked by 131%
Carjackings rose by 28.6%
Crimes under the category 'crimes against persons,' including homicides, rose 6.6%."

"Crime keeps rising" - Montgomery Perspective, Feb. 5, 2024

“Over the past five years, homicides have increased by 93.3% in the County, from a low of 15 in 2019 to 29 in 2023."

Anonymous said...

Montgomery County’s answer to crime is something that can be combated by a bedsheet. Bravo

Anonymous said...

Trusted source NBC? The DOJ under the current administration has redefined crime statistics so much like two consecutive declining GDP quarters are no longer a recession, (until a republican gets into office). Seriously, put down the pipe and stop letting the MSM do your thinking for you.

Anonymous said...

To 11:08, read the following articles posted by the Crime Research Center:

Anonymous said...

Interestingly, Robert, county crime data show 2024 to be significantly behind the last several years, at least for homicides, which I confess is the only column I reviewed, because I am lazy.

Homicides in:
2019 -- 12; 2 by 6/1 of that year
2020 -- 19; 8 by 6/1 (only 3 killings before 3/13/2020 nationwide COVID lockdown)
2021 -- 33; 13 by 6/1
2022 -- 23; 14 by 6/1
2023 -- 29; 13 by 6/1
2024 -- 3; 3 by 6/1

I admit freely I am lazy and did not look at rapes, agg assaults, or any of the other rich assortment of illegalities MCPD records, some or all of which may be continuing an upward climb from the recent past. But in this one aspect at least, local evil-doers are lagging far behind the pace of the last several years --a more than 75% drop from each of the preceding three years' marks at the same June 1st mark on the calendar-- much as @11:08 suggests.

Anonymous said...

You are quoting national statistics. In Bethesda and NW DC, crime has risen. DC finally cracked down on the juvenile crime; hoping MoCo will do the same.

Anonymous said...

7:53 AM I suggest that you take the "professor's" class and debate the merits of your thesis.

Anonymous said...

"You are quoting national statistics."

Because he's responding to Dyer's erroneous claim that crime is up nationally when in reality it has been dropping like a rock since the 2020 spike. Violent crime, in particular, is lower than it's been in over 50 years.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"Dropping like a rock", "lower than it's been in 50 years"

Goes along with Biden inheriting 9% inflation, the border is secure but it's the other guys fault if it isn't. You must hang out with Mendelssohn on the DC Council.

There are Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics...

Anonymous said...

Hate to rock your world, @2:08, but as was pointed out by @7:00, the county's murder rate is one-quarter (or less) what it has been in the preceding several years. Fume and vent if it brings you pleasure, but the reality is just that: real.

Anonymous said...

9:46, we should be proud that KJP now lives in Bethesda!!

Anonymous said...

Yet another example of MSM and Democratic Party manipulation of our citizenry.

JAC said...


Anonymous said...

Keep telling everyone not to believe their lying eyes...

Anonymous said...

You so funny. NOT!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Those conniving Dems, using relevant facts and figures to support their arguments. The nerve!

Anonymous said...

Hopfully we won’t wake up one morning to find this robot drowned in the fountain, like that poor robot in Georgetown a few years ago.

RIP Steve :(

Anonymous said...

The conniving part is accepting statistics that directly contradict reality that everyone can see except the leftist water carriers.

Anonymous said...

Relevant is relative from the Democratic party perspective. Crime might be 'less up' in certain jurisdictions but no one can dispute its out of control. That's on the Dems.

Anonymous said...

@5:51, are you suggesting MCPD is in league with the Dems, publishing doctored crime stats? Your believing something does not necessarily make it true, any more than my believing myself the best golfer in Maryland makes that a reality. Whether or not you "feel" more threatened by crime is not measurable or quantifiable, unlike actual criminal activity, each reported event of which is accounted for in the crime statistics recorded by the police and published by Montgomery County in the link included in the 7:00 post. "That everyone can see" is not an argument supported by fact; it is a claim, a feeling, an opinion. In contrast, facts are are readily available by referring to the criminal activity statistics compiled by the county police and available for inspection at the far end of this link by everyone --even skeptics who assert that "everyone knows" differently from what the actual data show.

In your business life, if customers or clients say "everyone knows" you charge too much, so they are going to pay what they "know" your professional services are actually worth, not what your rate card, estimate, say your prices are, would you reply, "That's true, your opinion, uniformed by the actual facts involved, carries as much weight in this matter as does my knowledge of supply costs, time, lease fees, etc," or would you dismiss them as cranks divorced from reality? In setting your prices and charging your clients, do you rely on the facts of what it costs to run your business, or is it people's opinions of what "everyone knows" it should cost?

No doubt a number of crime stats in the county have skyrocketed in the past few years --I'm looking at you, auto thefts. As I stated in the 7:00 post, I am too lazy to pull any more figures from the tables and analyze them year-by-year. I make no claim about where those figures lie, be they climbing or falling. However, in the one fairly significant area I did investigate --homicides-- the annual tally is, so far at least, plummeting after some years in the realm of distinctly "urban-adjacent" territory; it currently rests at a quarter or less the number of such incidents from the same time period --January 1st -- June 1st-- of the years noted, 2019 - 2024. That isn't Democrats and police colluding to hide a trove of secret murders that "everyone knows" really took place in the first six months of this year, it's the simple, direct, shortest-distance-to-the-truth answer that fewer people have killed each other in the county this year than have been killed during similar periods in years past.

Anonymous said...

@5:48 Rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic isn't going to keep the ship afloat. Even local news reports highlight the goings on and asking what those in charge are going to do.

The left has already redefined recession so the corpse in the WH looks better and efforts by "experts" in national MSM like Krugman can't plug the holes of truth.

Anonymous said...

7:23 PM - please explain how unemployment below 4% for more than 2 years, 6 million more jobs than in February 2020, and 4% GDP growth equals “recession”.

Anonymous said...

5:16 Keeps pushing Biden's wheelchair. Google is your friend on or about July 2022. Can't keep doing your research for you as selective memory keeps the left from remembering any news not helpful to their cause.

Anonymous said...

516 should get out in the real world where a Big Mac meal now costs almost $10. Not that they would know that sitting at Charlie Palmers. We just don't know how good we have it...

Anonymous said...

@5:48 A nothing-burger of a comment. Throw meaningless insults while not backing up your point. That's 90% of the comments on this blog, so you fit right in.

Anonymous said...

@9:04 This is the type of comment one makes when actual facts come back to kill the false narrative they've been pushing with sliding goalpost statistics. I know the left pays shills in social media so are you one of those or a volunteer?

Anonymous said...

I guess no invites to the Biden cocktail parties anymore for them.