Tuesday, September 10, 2024

New traffic signals installed on Westbard Avenue in Bethesda

Traffic signals have been installed by the Montgomery County Department of Transportation on Westbard Avenue at the future intersection with Zenith Overlook in Bethesda. The signals are not yet operational. It's unlikely they will be activated before construction of Zenith Overlook is completed. Zenith Overlook is an interior street within the new Westbard Square development. 

Zenith Overlook under construction


Anonymous said...

Do you know if all of those nasty overhead wires at Westbard will be moved underground?

Anonymous said...

I certainly hope so. The new sidewalks are super horrible, too: white and reflective. They need to be toned down so that you can actually look at them without going blind.

Anonymous said...

when is liquor store to open

Anonymous said...

As a frequent user of the new Giant, we could use some traffic controls at the single entrance/exit to that parking lot right now. Why is MoCo focusing on futures?