Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Strong-arm robbery on Westbard Avenue in Bethesda

Montgomery County police responded to a report of a strong-arm robbery in the Westbard area of Bethesda on March 20, 2025. The robbery was reported in the 5300 block of Westbard Avenue at 8:43 PM. That would be somewhere between Bowlero and Crown Street.


Anonymous said...

People in Bethesda need to start CONCEAL CARRYING to deal with this scum...

Anonymous said...

This is pretty rare in the 26 or so Constitutional Carry states. Hopefully coming to a State near you! God willing and endorsed!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Robbery is rare in a carry states? :D

JAC said...

8:55 - It's amazing that MD residents can finally carry. Thank you SCOTUS! Thank you Gov. Hogan! That said, in a deep Blue state, it's extremely risky. Not the carry part but the unlikely (could happen of course) circumstance where you need to deploy that legal weapon and neutralize a threft. In MD and other states, yes, the good guy, in a legal shooting, could be in a world of trouble which is beyond backwards and upside down. Non-thethal is the way to go and the Byrna system is made in USA and gaining much attention even among law enforcement.

Anonymous said...

Strong arm is.

Anonymous said...

Fertile ground for more incidents like this.

Anonymous said...

Spellcheck is useful.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, would've helped