Monday, March 24, 2025

Dunkin' Donuts opens at Chevy Chase Lake (Photos)

Dunkin' Donuts
has opened its newest Montgomery County location at the Giant gas station at 8500 Connecticut Avenue at Chevy Chase Lake. It is located by the future Purple Line bridge over Connecticut, and in front of the Crescent at Chevy Chase apartments. Operating hours for the store are 5:00 AM to 9:00 PM, seven days a week. That will cover donuts and coffee for both rush hours, and potentially some sticky fingers aboard the Purple Line - whatever year it opens.


Anonymous said...

There are ENOUGH sweets and pastries shops in Bethesda Already. I'm more interested in when the "Capital Crescent Trail" will open back up again behind the air rights building

Anonymous said...

Our long national nightmare is finally over.

@12:54, (A) this isn’t Bethesda; (B) no, there aren’t

Anonymous said...

Is it corporate owned? If not I hope they can hold on until the vaulted PL opens... but gotta wonder how busy this stop really will get?

Anonymous said...

This comment thread encapsulates all that is the internet ❤️