Thursday, September 21, 2023

New CVS Pharmacy opens at Chevy Chase Lake, is immediately hit by professional shoplifter

The new CVS Pharmacy at 3820 Chaplin Place at Chevy Chase Lake opened over the weekend, although the actual pharmacy counter will open at a later date. It did not take long for the professional shoplifters operating in Montgomery County to find the new drugstore. County police were called to the store Sunday after a suspect shoveled the entire inventory of a high-end L'oreal skincare line into a garbage bag, and simply walked out the door, according to an employee account of the incident. Police reportedly have a piece of useful evidence, and are investigating.


Anonymous said...

Clearly the responsibility of those in the DA's office who consistently hamstring law enforcement and slap the wrists of repeat offenders. Society based on leftists principals running into the roadblock of reality yet nothing learned.

The darling of the left, Brandon Johnson, has asked gangs not to shoot between the hours of 9am-9pm in Chicago. This is typical liberal logic like gun control coming to a community near you.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations and welcome to Montgomery County!

Anonymous said...

@4:46 - Isn't it nice to see we are no different than the rest of America? Not happy, go back to Mayberry, if you can find it.

Anonymous said...

So, what does Brandon Johnson's motto have to do with MoCo? Nada. This is just your hollow attack on "liberalism" with no solution to the problem. A majority of these grab and go crimes are committed by out of town, organized crime rings. Fairfax county has just recently busted one.

Anonymous said...

Let's see if 8:51 can follow the logic, (big ask I know).

Chicago besieged by crime stands by the no-cash-bail model which Jawando and many liberals on the council, not to mention Annapolis now, support. Now because he is a true believer, like Jawando, Elrich and the rest of the council, he thinks to stop/slow shootings/crime that hey! Let's "ask" gangs not to commit shootings/crime during the period of 9am-9pm. Willful ignorance & apathy is a consistent practice of the left and unfortunately the MSM never holds them to account.

Want solutions? Enforcethe law alreadyon the books and lock them up until crime stops. Is this so hard to understand?

Anonymous said...

Many of us aren't so weak to accept this as the 'new normal,' I'm Conservative that way and understand 'cause and effect,' 'nature trumps nurture,' and 'common sense.'

Anonymous said...

" Isn't it nice to see we are no different than the rest of America? Not happy, go back to Mayberry, if you can find it."
MoCo WAS Mayberry until the Left got their stranglehold on the whole thing. Now they have every single lever of power and this is what happens. Sad they have no mirrors to examine themselves.

Anonymous said...
