Saturday, December 07, 2024

Informational signs removed or spray-painted at stalled Bethesda development site

Informational signs regarding the redevelopment of abandoned properties at 8008 Wisconsin Avenue have been removed on the Cordell Avenue and Woodmont Avenue sides, and the signage on Wisconsin has been painted over with black spray paint. 8008 Wisconsin and the adjacent Artena Bethesda project have each been stalled for about a decade, leaving vacant storefronts decaying away in a prominent location. Buildings on both sites have been broken into frequently by vagrants. The developer of Artena Bethesda acquired the 8008 Wisconsin property 13 months ago, so it is possible that an entirely new project may be in the works that will combine both lots.


Anonymous said...

"so it is possible that an entirely new project may be in the works that will combine both lots."

Fingers crossed that's true, it's a statement gateway building, and it's expedited through the approval process.

Anonymous said...

Sunny Surplus was the place to go!

Anonymous said...

What a disgrace. Toll Brothers let that corner go to seed for 7 !?! years and then somehow found someone to sell it to who has let it get even worse. It is literally being used as a dump on the Cordell side. Even the homeless dudes who live in the doorways on the Wisconsin Avenue side are ashamed.

Anonymous said...

Who is paying for the lost revenue from the closed public parking lot on the Woodmont Ave side, closed in June 2023?

Anonymous said...

Great point.

Anonymous said...

Sir Walter Raleigh's ghost.

Anonymous said...

@11:06 AM It was never called Sunny Surplus, it was called Ranger Surplus. It was overpriced and the staff were crazy.

Anonymous said...

We always called it "Super" Surplus, *Sunny was a typo, but yes, Ranger was the name on their signs.

Anonymous said...

Still mad they kicked out the beer store and let one of the oldest buildings in Bethesda just go to crap