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Tuesday, March 04, 2025 moves HQ from Maryland to Virginia
Oh, no, not again! Moribund Maryland has just lost yet another corporate headquarters to Virginia. has moved its HQ from Columbia, Maryland to a Class A trophy office building in Tysons, Virginia, The Business Journals reports. Its new address is the Valo Park building at 7950 Jones Branch Drive. The move caps off a month of great news for the company and its investors. It not only picked up coveted new contracts from the Army and Navy, but hired a new CEO who was a high-level adviser to President Donald Trump, giving it an edge in any DOGE-sizing at the Pentagon.
Valo Park not only enjoys easy access to I-495, but its website notes it is only a 15-minute drive from Dulles International Airport. No Montgomery County or Maryland business can make that claim, as leaders of both jurisdictions for decades have blocked construction of the long-planned I-370 Potomac River crossing to the Dulles area. Montgomery County hasn't attracted a single major corporate headquarters in over 25 years, and Maryland's record is about the same. Both have lost many HQs to Virginia, among other states, and now the trend continues to play out. Tysons is the happening place to be; you can feel the energy just driving through on the Beltway, among all of the neon corporate logos that light up the night. Montgomery County is Sleepy Town, a bedroom community for the booming job centers elsewhere in the region - such as Tysons!
The loss of is particularly humiliating for Maryland, as Governor Wes Moore has stated that artificial intelligence is one of the key economic sectors he wants to grow. Alas, Maryland not only has much higher taxes, but much less electricity generation capacity, after the Democrat-controlled Maryland legislature forced the closure of 8 coal-fired power plants. They apparently were unaware that artificial intelligence requires massive amounts of energy. Virginia has that capacity, while Maryland has to import expensive electricity from out-of-state at boardwalk prices just to keep the lights on. We're being governed by very stupid people, folks. Heckuva job, Brownie!
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Funny how you ignore all the actual job losses in Bethesda (can't make orange man look bad, after all) and instead try to frame "Baltimore area company shifts HQ to DC area" as being bad for Bethesda.
I heard companies are leaving just to spite you at this point Robert
Robert gets excoriated for shining a light on the wrong choice MD voters made at the ballot box recently? That's petty and reveals a lot. Sure. Blame Trump. That's easy. Most Dems are not interested in private sector growth and that's a fact. It's not a blindspot but hard-wired in their DNA. Remember when Obama said, about business, "you didn't build that". Government-centric and tax and spend is their reason for being. This will keep happening because that's what's in their script. Lastly, the shocking thing is, they could care less that Glen Youngkin is eating our lunch on a daily basis.
Time to re-up those TDS meds.
They can't stand the stench.
"Most Dems are not interested in private sector growth"
Compare private sector growth under Dem admins and Rep admins over the last 60 years. I'll wait. You're about to find out why educated people mock your political views so often.
@5:38 When you have to remind people how "educated" you are...
They loftier pursuits such as tilting at windmills.
JAC, I love that you reference Obama saying "you didn't build that.' That, imho, was the dog whistle that said 'we all deserve equity *after the fact*, Who was it that built our infrastructure? Locally, who built our Subway, for instance? Now it's just being ruined by the very people that denigrate our accomplishments! And they seek retribution thru crime. Why can't we have, and keep, anything nice? I think most know why, we just can't talk about it. I'll give y'all a clue, it ain't 'guns' neither. It's the operators!
What if MADD blamed cars? Would tgat make sense?
4:19 - Amen! And two BCC lockdowns within a week both with guns. They aren't all bad kids of course. But there are criminals walking those halls who are wearing ankle monitors. Believe it or not, fact. I've heard directly from a parent on that absurdity. Keep things nice. Where's the kindness? Lastly, VA eating our economic growth lunch. Fact.
5:38 - No one mocking because even Dem voters know that their playbook is grow the size of government, (that's why they hate Musk), penalize the high income earners who are often the job creators with silly things like a "millionaires" tax and lastly, imposing oppressive and burdensome rules and regs.
Poor JAC and his desperate non sequiturs. Here, if you refuse to educate yourself then I'll do it for you:
Jobs added per month (avg. in thousands):
Carter: 211
Reagan: 170
G.H.W. Bush: 55
Clinton: 237
G.W. Bush: 5
Obama: 121
Trump: -56
Biden: 346
Imagine claiming Democrats are the ones who aren't interested in job growth. They're literally the only administrations who know how to run an economy decently. Here we go again with Trump and in 6 weeks he's turned the strongest first world economy in the world into one of the weakest. GDP? Declining. Job growth? Declining. Stock market? Declining. Consumer sentiment? Declining. Business sentiment? Declining.,17%20million%20under%20Republican%20presidents.
Looking back over the past 35 years (!)- so removing Reagan from the chart above and it's 50 million jobs created under Democrats administrations vs. 1 million jobs for Republicans (even including Reagan dems still have a 300% better record). All I hear about is the importance of job growth on this website, and all you Republicans have your heads buried in the sand. Your collective framing of Republican's as stewards of a functional economy is the diametric opposite of reality.
Oh and Musk, and his $38B in government handouts, is the biggest government 'welfare queen' around. Please stop calling him anything other than that. His wealth is largely derived by government handouts that bailed him out of one stupid decision after another. Go ask his SpaceX and Tesla employees, dude is loathed and considered an obstacle that they have to work around.
8:53: The Trump numbers have to read in the context of the pandemic lockdown, and the Biden numbers have to be adjusted to exclude the jobs "created" by people going back to work after the lockdown ended. Although I think poor Joe believed he actually created all of those jobs, and was a better president than FDR and LBJ combined.
8:53 - And yet overwhelmingly won every swing state and the popular vote by historic margins. JD Vance wil be our next president which I know is tough to hear. The GOP bench is so much deeper than the Dems. Their bench is empty. Tampon Tim is really the future? Go ahead and run Walz. He's a worse candidate than Harris.
Yes, go ahead and look at Trump's job growth pre-pandemic, Robert. Trump's best year was still historically sub-par growth - worse than Biden's, Clinton's, Carter's worst years (the only reason Obama isn't on that list is because he has to deal with the back half of the Great Recession in 2009 - but apparently we shouldn't count that since it wasn't his fault, by your inane logic). Trump's economic growth was anemic even before he screwed up the pandemic response and now he's slowing down job and GDP growth yet again.
Omg, is JAC against teens having guns? Is he actually on the right side of an issue for once?!
11:06: It's not "inane" to put deceptive numbers into context. Biden's numbers are clearly inflated, not only by the pandemic, but also because virtually all of the non-lockdown-ending jobs created during his term were being filled by illegal immigrants Biden had just allowed into the country. Companies started filling more positions because they could hire illegals for cheap wages, and there were thousands coming in daily. Meanwhile, Americans were either not being hired, or were being let go by the same companies, because they had to be paid more. This was widely but very quietly reported by the mainstream press at the time.
Clinton had a far better economy than Biden, but had less job growth? Hard to believe. I'm not going to dispute the Carter number without time to analyze the data myself, but it's certainly shocking to see him having one of the higher totals, when the country was in a virtual depression at the time.
8:53/9:39/11:06 Is the same former Biden staffer still pushing the narrative on how good we had it but are just to stupid to realize it. You still must be messaging KJP who continued her mental decline on MSNBC. Face facts, if everything the democrats touch is so good and the other side is so bad, how can you ever lose any elections? Answer: You're a legend in your own mind.
Time to get a real job in the private sector but know, like Musk, that they expect results.
11:08 - Once? No, I've been on the side of sanity, the correct side, many, many times. But glad we're aligned here. MCPS high schools are like out of control train wrecks just ask the decent kids that attend them who go to school literally terrified while simply wanting to enjoy and learn and be high school kids.
12:23- Step by step. Your assert that most new jobs under Biden, beyond lockdown recovery, went to illegal immigrants lacks clear support. Data from the BLS shows native-born workers have taken about 60% of job gains since 2021, not aligning with your view that undocumented immigrants filled nearly all roles. Job growth has occurred across various sectors, rather than those tied to illegal labor. Employment stats come from payrolls and surveys, not specific immigration tracking, which complicates your idea of companies favoring undocumented workers. Wages have also risen, and unemployment has stayed low (<4%), suggesting a broader labor trend than your replacement scenario implies.
Your point about immigration scale doesn’t match the job data either. While border encounters have hit 6.3 million since 2021, with some allowed in, the undocumented population growth—around 1-2 million—is not large enough to dominate over 14 million new jobs. Many lack formal work access and stay in informal roles, not the tracked payrolls as you claim. Your note about the press quietly reporting this lacks clear examples; in other words, it's right wing anecdotal nonsense.
Legit can't have an actual conversation defending his position. Only useless non sequiturs. Sad stuff. Keep voting for the worst candidates and keep complaining as the country declines because of them.
Great, look into the job growth of Carter and Biden (and everyone else's too). Learning is always a good thing. Job growth was higher under the last three years of Obama than it was under the first three years of Trump (i.e. excluding the pandemic). Job growth under Biden was higher every single year then it was under Trump's very best year.
I can't imagine you'll make ridiculous claims about how the millions of jobs created went to illegals once you're educated. Trump, as we all know, has inherited a labor market at full employment - just like he did last time - and it's pretty obvious he's hellbent on screwing it up just like he did last time.
I remember taking the DC Transit at about 12 to 14 years old with a .22 rifle to the NRA when it was downtown. Actually I went with a friend, with his rifle too.
1:58: Here's a good "right-wing" source, PBS:
"Over the past four years, the number of prime-age workers who either have a job or are looking for one has surged by 2.8 million. And nearly all those new labor force entrants — 2.7 million, or 96% of them — were born outside the United States."
The article also touches on - in a roundabout way, to avoid casting open borders as bad - the fact that these immigrant workers kept wages low, thereby allowing companies to hire more workers than they originally thought they could afford, thereby pumping up job creation numbers.
Step by step, indeed!
4:02: Enjoy this article from right-wing PBS!
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