Tuesday, March 04, 2025

E Street Cinema closes in Washington, D.C. (Photos)

The Landmark E Street Cinema has closed at 555 11th Street NW in Washington, D.C. While the permanent closure had been announced by the struggling cinema chain a few weeks ago, the theater closed sooner than expected, prior to some final screenings for which tickets had been sold in advance. The Prince of Petworth reports that Landmark did issue refunds to those ticketholders, who had hoped to catch the very last showings. However, as of this writing, it appears that the Polish Film Festival screenings scheduled for March 4-6 are still on, so you could still get that last E Street experience in (the March 7-9 screenings will be held at the Landmark Bethesda Row Cinema.).

Inside the lobby Monday night, ticket machines bore blank screens or repair messages, and their front compartment doors hung open, internal wires spilling forth. Print-out paper rolls lay on the beige and brown tiles in front of them. Customers were being directed by signs to the Landmark Bethesda Row Cinema, and the Atlantic Plumbing Cinema on V Street NW. E Street patrons should also check out the monthly Cinema Art Bethesda screenings of foreign and independent films at the Bethesda Row location.


Anonymous said...

Why did Elrich and Moore do this to us??

Anonymous said...

@7:58 AM I think you posted under the wrong news item? Not sure why or how Elrich and Moore would be responsible for a DC-based movie theater closing.

Anonymous said...

More likely one of those diversionary comments our liberal neighbors continue to try: an attempt to make a ridiculous point as if the Common Sense minority (so far, but subject to change) blames *everything* on our incompetent 'leaders.'

Other popular foils are, getting anecdotal when facing damaging facts, getting emotional when facing damaging facts, and creating straw arguments when facing damaging facts.

Anonymous said...

Most likely confused E St. Landmark in DC with Bethesda Row Landmark on Bethesda Row.

Anonymous said...

That was my favorite movie theater.