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Henry Sanchez |
Earlier this morning, the Washington Post reported that rape charges against the second suspect, Henry Sanchez, would also be dropped. The Post reported that he, too, would face child pornography charges, for having images of the alleged rape victim that were forwarded to him by Montano.
What we are not hearing, are the specifics regarding why prosecutors dropped the charges. Whatever evidence they are working with has obviously not been made public. Dropping the charges means the public is essentially being told a violent sexual encounter between a 14-year-old girl and two men in a school bathroom was a consensual and legal act. That is hard to believe, as Sanchez's defense attorney acknowledged to the Post. The public has a right to know what is going on here, in regard to the justification for dropping charges.
Equally important: If Montano is indeed being released, will he be arrested by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (ICE)? ICE has declined to comment publicly on Montano, citing his age. But both Montano and Sanchez were detained by the Border Patrol after illegally entering the U.S. last year, and set free to family members under the Obama administration's "Catch and Release" policy. ICE did place a detainer on Sanchez. Will the County alert ICE to Montano's release, and Sanchez's release, should it occur?
Stay tuned.
It's hard to believe? Why? How could a white girl possible consent to sex with two immigrants!
8:49: Your detour into race ignores the fact that the race of the victim was never revealed.
According to the Post, the prosecutors said ' “the original charges cannot be sustained and prosecution is untenable” because of “substantial inconsistencies” from witnesses.' So, their case fell apart because they had no solid evidence, and testimony that conflicted. So, assuming anything about the case (even that the rape happened) is problematic at this point.
8:49: Your detour into race ignores the fact that the race of the victim was never revealed.
Not publicly of course, but if you actually asked anyone at the school or involved in the case, you might learn something. It's called "journalism".
Is Robert Dyer going to apologize for writing that this was a rape when it appears the accusation can't be proven?
9:40: If that's "journalism," why haven't any media outlets identified her race, then?
9:25: I agree in general, because until prosecutors explain what happened, the public is totally confused at this point. Dropping the case so quick isn't going to encourage rape victims who might have consented at some earlier point to something to come forward. They've got to explain as much as they can without revealing the identity of the victim, because we have know what's going on here one way or another.
9:42: I've reported it just like any other media outlet. But I wouldn't apologize or believe it "can't be proven" until the prosecutors give us the details as to why it can't be proven. Otherwise, there is going to be a lingering concern of political interference here. Let's get the facts out in the open before the conspiracy theories take their place, because - even if you were one who thought the suspects were wrongly accused, or you thought they were dead to rights guilty - this makes Montgomery County look real bad right now.
Robert, we appreciate your attempt at journalism. Leave journalism to established outlets and stick to reviewing milkshakes or whatever your character "Temptation Bob" does.
This blog is good for news about openings and closures, but let's be clear - the vast, vast, vast majority of those that peruse your site wouldn't think of using your blog as credible news.
Two thumbs up about openings and closing of restaurants, though. That's good stuff.
And just stop saying you were the first journalist to do x, y, and z. People take that about as serious as they do your wild claims about a MoCo cartel. Just tying to help you in your endeavor to be a good blogger. Don't shoot the messanger.
Yes, Dyer should leave covering county news to the county council/planning board shills in local legacy media. After all, who can cover George Leventhal better than his best friend and campaign contributor?
And the unpaid interns from Bumfuck U. at the Magazine are wonderful shills for the Council and county staff. Leave the hard news coverage to them...I'm sure Reamer would appreciate it.
they should still be deported.
9:54: Shut up, moron. Just look at the County Council Twitter account and all the attaboys they - and the individual corrupt councilmembers - give to certain news outlets. Just as with Ken Hartman's abuse of taxpayer-funded emails to drive traffic to private-profit Bethesda Magazine, there is - at best - an understanding of promotion on County social media/email in exchange for favorable coverage of County government.
You are very much alone in considering that "journalism."
With all of my investigative reports and scoops, people know I'm the trusted source for the "rest of the story" on what's really going on in Montgomery County.
The MoCo cartel is well known - that's why 70% of voters voted for term limits. I was the first to bring hyperlocal news to Bethesda, as painful as that realization apparently is for you.
Now, isn't it time you picked up Hans Riemer's dry cleaning?
Dyer can't get thru a single comment section:
Without bringing up other media outlets by name?
Without calling someone a name?
Without derogatory comments about the County Council?
Without lies and exaggerations?
Until he does, he'll never be thought of as more than a media joke.
That's just my opinion as a resident and a reader.
11:54: Yeah, I guess that's why readership keeps growing so large.
11:54 AM Amazing you have so many complaints, yet are silent with the weird personal ad hominem attacks posted against Dyer here by other local bloggers.
12:06 I've been reading Dyer for years. I defend Dyer when it's deserved. I don't call anyone names.
Like i said, it is my opinion and my observations.
Why are you so quick to jump in and question me?
Why is it just minutes after Dyer commented?
If you’re waiting for me to care what you think, you better pack a snack. It’s going to be a while.
End just so you know:
I don't dislike him, I just don't like him. Which is quite different.
I'm not sure why Dyer is flying off the handle at 9:54. He may disagree with their views, but it doesn't seem like they're trolling. No reason to call them a "moron".
There's no proof that other local bloggers are the ones posting here.
There's no proof that the readership here is growing.
The Berliner and Riemer need run out of town on a rail ASAP. Drag Jack Smith with them.
12:51 PM The "anonymous" troll already outed himself awhile back. Yes, he's connected with other blogs. Why do you think he continues to talk about them? :)
Why was Smith there today, anyway. It made the whole thing look too well-planned. For the sake of argument, assume these two clowns are innocent - the best case scenario that Smith is grinning about is that illegal immigrants are using MCPS bathrooms as porn studios during school hours. What a messed up bunch the MoCo political cartel are. There better be a tight, fact-based explanation on why charges were dropped, or I am going to have to believe politics played a role.
1:19: Another threat and harrassment from Bethesda Magazine saved as evidence for law enforcement. Not surprising for a magazine that only has white people on the cover in a majority minority county, and an all-white reporting staff. Surprised Dan Reed constantly retweets their junk when he was so concerned about kids voting for a white school board member. Hypocrisy!
"Not surprising for a magazine that only has white people on the cover in a majority minority county, and an all-white reporting staff"
Followed by:
"No, Mike Tyson, YOU are a wimpy little white boy!"
"illegal immigrants are using MCPS bathrooms as porn studios during school hours."
Well, if the act was consensual, then your precious legal white girl was also "using MCPS bathrooms as porn studios".
An article I read earlier said video footage showed the girl making out with one of the men in the hallway and going into the restroom. She apparently told police she was forced into the restroom. I agree we would all like to know what evidence but this is the closest I've heard so far.
3:19 PM There's an unstable man who outed himself as the troll on here. He's an insignificant nobody who posts threats here. He watches Dyer at public meetings then writes about it here. He has connection to Bethesda Magazine, hence why he continuously mentions it here all the time.
In his mentally ill state, he envisions a great competition between Dyer and Bethesda Magazine (was Bethesda Now before that). In reality, no one cares...but it's World War III in his mind.
Eventually he'll flip out completely and find himself in jail, so I hope he gets help and quits his Robert Dyer addiction before that happens. MCP is building a nice cell for him over on Rugby right now...he won't have to move far.
6:15: MoCo government: "She was asking for it." Pretty rare for prosecution to victim shame, but welcome to Montgomery County.
Except "the MoCo government" didn't say "she was asking for it". At all. They just said the statements from the parties were too inconsistent for them to bring a case against Montano.
Is it even remotely possible for you to quote anyone accurately? Do you realize how bad this is for your credibility as a journalist?
Hey, 6:56 - If you don't want to talk about Bethesda Magazine...
...then don't talk about Bethesda Magazine.
9:24: I've got more credibility than most, because I didn't just accept MoCo talking points at face value, and I'm asking the tough questions.
The commenter said that the County referred to security camera footage they claim showed one of the suspects and the victim "making out" before going into the restroom. Citing that as a reason to drop the case is victim-shaming of the highest order, and indeed a "She was asking for it" dog whistle. Lots of women make out with men who minutes later rape them against their wishes. If State's Attorney was a Republican, there would be torch-bearing mobs marching on MSNBC right now. I guess since MoCo cartel is chill with Jim Crow, "She was asking for it" probably comes naturally to them.
Great example of how the cancer of one-party monopoly rule is the cancer eating away at the County's moral core.
Why is 6:56 so obsessed with this?
Not sure Dyer has any credibility with knowing what a woman wants.
Dyer is a cancer of #fakenews
My understanding is that the case against Montero was dropped because of material texted by the female student to Montero, which stated that she'd welcome sex with him. It would be impossible to convict Montero as that material would constitute reasonable doubt as to his culpability.
4:08: We have not actually seen those texts, just hearsay about their content. Importantly, a victim's earlier statements do not qualify as consent during the actual restroom encounter (or romantic rendezvous, as Montgomery County officials want us to believe - yeah, right).
Seemed like Montgomery County officials "wanted us to believe" that Montero was guilty when this case started, and Dyer was just fine with that.
If 4:54pm prefers amateur articles written by unpaid interns, so be it.
4:36: You need to understand the difference between career professionals, like police detectives, and elected officials, who are partisan politicians.
11:15: Even the interns aren't giving that small and slightly-failing magazine a good forecast for the future.
I commend whoever wrote the comment calling Dyer an uneccessary and inconsequential bully. Dyer of course removed it because he knows he is just that.
Funny. Dyer cherry picks his comments and articles.
And you are so on the money, his robust media machine (sarcasm...and a lot of it), does look lime an elementary school online newspaper.
So he constantly complains about the county council and planners yet he deletes when others complain about him. Yup. That's the kind of person we want representing us.
3:46: Unfortunately, being a paid shill for the MoCo cartel doesn't give you a free pass to post defamatory, false statements.
Readers think you're a moron for your false claims. Trust me, I speak to readers all the time in "real life" (go outside away from your mom's keyboard for once and try it) around town. Regular readers - and you - know that I NEVER insult actual readers, just troll. That's singular because there's only one troll, other than somebody like Dan Reed or a Council staff member wandering in from time to time. And then there's the nut who goes back to the Glen Echo streetcar removal story, who pops up once in a while when they let him use the WiFi at the asylum.
Contrary to your defamatory fantasies, readers actually enjoy when I bodyslam you through the figurative coffee table. You're an annoying pest, and everybody enjoys somebody swatting an annoying fly who's been buzzing around the room.
Go back over and talk to Adam Pagnucco about my robust media machine. The small and slightly-failing magazine the two of you enjoy because it's the house organ of your beloved County Council and the political cartel, has the exact same format as my website, which launched many years earlier. Articles in chronological order on left, stuff to click on in right hand column.
So if mine looks "lime [sic] an elementary school online newspaper," so does their poor knock-off. Not only is my desktop version better, but my mobile version blows theirs away. Theirs doesn't even work on some phones. Sad!
No wonder even their former unpaid intern predicted their future is bleak.
"Unnecessary and unconsequential" - that sums up you and the small and slightly-failing magazine.
4:03: That's right - MoCo residents DO want a councilman who will challenge our impotent councilmembers and racist planning department. They want someone who will stand up to our corrupt elected officials and the county political cartel, and defend established residential neighborhoods against their dastardly urbanization plans.
That's right, you lost by tens of thousands of votes. Great messaging and sound bites you have here, Dyer. Can't wait for you to run again and get body slammed through that proverbial coffee table. Hans must thank his lucky stars for your silly blog. It's losing any slight chance you had of being competitive for you. Your insults will bode well for your nonexistent campaign for anything aside from town conspiracy theorist. Done for the weekend here, I have a life. Not just a lame ponytail.
4:43: Hans is thanking his lucky stars for the cemetery precincts that came in strong for him in 2010 and 2014. Now we know why, of course - Montgomery County has more registered voters than it has legal residents of voting age, and Maryland is facing a lawsuit as a result from Judicial Watch. No wonder Riemer gets so many votes when there are so many illegal voters.
The only way I wouldn't be competitive in 2018 if I chose to run would be if all of the communities currently protesting against the Council decide to vote for 9 career criminals instead.
Combined with clearing the illegal voters off the rolls, and having poll watchers monitor for illegal activity, I would have the best chance yet to win.
Then we can witness a perp walk at the County Council Building.
Where is this alleged outing of the troll?
Where is the proof of who actually posted it?
It's all about Dyer getting traffic to his site.
Don't be fooled.
So your only "proof" that "illegal immigrants" are voting in our elections, is that you lost. Twice. Badly.
Stop blaming everyone but yourself for your own failures.
No, Robert, you are lying. Flat out lying.
I'm a regular reader, have NEVER insulted you, and often ask you to defend your ridiculous assertions.
Yet the majority of your replies to me are similar to this:
"Unfortunately, being a paid shill for the MoCo cartel doesn't give you a free pass to post defamatory, false statements. Readers think you're a moron for your false claims." (this comment was not to me, it's an example)
I call that insulting a regular reader.
What's amusing is that Dyer constantly tells us not to believe what we read and insults us when we apply the same tenet to his site.
So if Dyer criticizes other candidates and deletes criticism about himself while he admits he is running for office, doesn't that make him a biased blogger and definitely a slanted news source?
Combined with clearing the illegal voters off the rolls, and having poll watchers monitor for illegal activity, I would have the best chance yet to win.
Then we can witness a perp walk at the County Council Building.
Magical thinking.
In the unlikely event that you win, you would be only one of nine councilmembers, and probably facing George Leventhal as County Executive.
Dyer @ 4:10 AM can't seem to decide whether there actually is a "Lone Troll". LOL
And I love Dyer's shill posting all by his lonesome self at 2:15 AM EDT.
No report on Mark Yantos' getting arrested again?
What, he's too white, and actually old enough to commit statutory rape?
Love this. Even dyer's own readers don't support him for Council. Save yourself the L, big guy. Don't run. You will lose so bad. You're just sad, Dyer.
Go ahead, count how many posters are saying, "gee whiz, that was some fine reporting."? Now go ahead and see how many people think you're a poor excuse for a journalist that can't even put together a competitive run for county council.
6:36: Please read the comment again. More registered than eligible in the County. Illegal immigrants vote illegally in 2 ways - by illegally registering (14% according to study), and by posing as voters who are deceased or have moved, or are determined by MoCo cartel poll watchers to be unlikely to show up by late on Election Night. Then Juan becomes John, and votes for Hans. How bou dat?
6:42: Wrong! Each time I've responded to you accordingly, you have have said something insulting to out yourself as the troll. Trolls are not readers.
Unlikely? Do you believe in unicorns and fairies too? He has no chance. He lost by 20k votes last time with some 40k voting (just estimating). So he got barely any votes...you'd think he'd realize insulting every reader and their mother wouldn't help his planned candidacy.
I would just love to go to a debate and be able to quote all of his insults verbatim and ask if this is the same respect he'd give his constituents.
7:17: I wanted to report about it, but the County is withholding that information from the public. They passed it to Bethesda Magazine (or to whoever BM copied it from, a la the Washington Post smash room scoop) in exchange for favorable coverage.
You should be asking the County why there's no press release or comment from MCPS.
You forget that I wrote about the case back when the initial information WAS shared with media and the public.
6:54: Go ahead and print the signs, because they'd have to have a campaign finance entity to print them, thereby exposing your identity.
If you think people don't enjoy my zingers and bodyslams at our corrupt political cartel, you obviously weren't at any of the debates.
8:29: I AM the news, I AM the ONLY journalist in Bethesda, unless you count relentlessly positive coverage of Montgomery County government as "journalism."
How do you compete when the cemetery precincts are coming in strong for Hans Riemer? And when the media refuses to cover the campaign and give you that Terry Lierman peanut gallery platform in every article during the election year?
Let's see what happens when the illegal voters are scrubbed from the rolls, and poll watchers monitor those problem precincts. Cash me outside, how bou dat?
8:33: That 20,000 easily fits within the much larger number of illegal voters currently on the rolls. So Hans won't be able to count on those cemetery precincts next time, OR Maryland gets sued by Judicial Watch! How bou dat?
Ok, ponytail.
I'm 6:42 and 6:54
I've offered you my identity many, many times.
You have never outed me as the troll because I am not the troll.
Maybe I'll introduce myself next time I see you.
People can hold up whatever signs they care to hold up. (offensive language excepted)
Candidates need to have theirs approved.
Tell your readers accurately.
Trolls are readers. Happy posters are readers. Angry posters are readers. Lurkers are readers. Shills are readers. Your mom and her sappy praises of you is a reader. Every single person reading has their own reason for reading. But make no mistake, if they're posting, they're reading...therefore they're all readers.
Now, back to the topic of the article.
Shouting first.
Whispering later.
NOT the way to report the news.
Fox was all over this story, big assumptions, big insults levied the other major networks for not having explosive coverage. (shouting)
Now Fox quietly reports, near the end of their program, that the actual evidence doesn't support the charges and they are being dropped. (whispering)
Who does this remind me of? Hmmm.
Shouting first.
Whispering later.
Tks Brian. Owe you one.
@8:45 AM Robert Dyer said...
"I AM the news, I AM the ONLY journalist in Bethesda, unless you count relentlessly positive coverage of Montgomery County government as "journalism.""
Wow, just Wow.
9:18: Wrong. You can indeed hold up your own personal sign - and thereby reveal your identity. But you can't run an opposition campaign with signs being printed against a candidate without establishing a campaign finance entity.
Yes, thousands of daily readers, but only one troll.
9:31: Well, I'm sure as hell not whispering, and Fox News was revealed as globalist propaganda during the 2016 campaign. Fake conservative news, much like the Examiner was. I'm not whispering, because I remember clearly what the police professionals said about the attack - "violent assault," and that they recovered forensic and DNA evidence from the bathroom, including blood. Where did that go? Where is the medical exam report, which surely had been reviewed when the charges were filed? What is the victim's position on the case now? Was she threatened by MS-13 like the mom in Gaithersburg was?
The media needs to join me, and stop whispering, and start asking tough questions. Why were political leaders lined up behind a State's Attorney over whom they are to have no influence? That was a huge gaffe in itself.
Hey Dyer - Why wait till 2019 to report your allegations about the Council to the FBI? Why not do it now?
Talk about ego.
At least two. I was just talking to my friend yesterday morning about how we both troll your site.
"Fox News was revealed as globalist propaganda during the 2016 campaign. Fake conservative news, much like the Examiner was."
And the conversation goes to a whole 'nother level of crazy.
Do you realize that "DNA evidence" does not prove consent or lack of consent? It just shows which persons were involved, which has been known since the beginning of this case, and never challenged.
Dyer @10:15 AM -- "Yes, thousands of daily readers, but only one troll."
Web Analytics show significantly less than even one thousand daily readers. You must have gotten confused with the Bethesda Magazine daily readership figures.
See: https://www.similarweb.com/website/robertdyer.blogspot.com?competitors=bethesdamagazine.com
What are you rambling about?
I can indeed hold up my own sign. I can even print a plethora of them for my family and friends to hold up. I'm only a resident & voter with no ties to politics.
Report accurately!
Since I offer ad nauseam to email you my name & address, I have no problem with, as you say, "outing" myself, nor do I have any problem introducing myself to you should I ever run into you.
@10:15 AM -- "Robert Dyer said...
9:18: Wrong. You can indeed hold up your own personal sign - and thereby reveal your identity. But you can't run an opposition campaign with signs being printed against a candidate without establishing a campaign finance entity."
According to MD State election records, Dyer has never opened a campaign finance account or entity in three runs for public office.
10:54 AM If you don't have access to Dyer's first party analytics, then I doubt you can comment on them, correct?
The troll will never come out publically. He's been here several years, has claimed to a attended meetings with Dyer, but never stepped out of the shadows.
Considering the poisonous personal attacks/insults "anonymous" has posted, he certainly can't publically come out now. Coming out would likely end his career.
Wasn't a Dyer supporter touting third party public analytics data before?
Why doesn't Dyer publish his actual number of readers? That could easily put an end to this discussion.
Given that Robert Dyer is using his blog to promote his campaign, it seems that soliciting paid ads would create a serious problem with campaign finance laws.
12:04pm Everyone in Bethesda reads Dyer. He's active on several platforms.
10:40am do you often discuss Robert Dyer with friends over brunch?
I'd love to see the hobbit troll man hold an anti Dyer sign in downtown Bethesda. He'd be pelted with tomatoes by residents.
Dyer is beloved.
"I'd love to see the hobbit troll man hold an anti Dyer sign in downtown Bethesda."
Sure you would. Because you have way too much time on your hands.
2:03pm you're always quick with an insult, but slow to encourage or praise.
@ 2:33 PM - You called for an act of mob violence against someone, just because they said something you disagree with, and you're whining about not being praised enough?
11:48: Another false statement. You can't run for office in Maryland without filing the campaign finance entity documents, moron. I have had a campaign finance entity each time, and all reports were filed correctly and on time. You could be sued for defamation.
12:12: Not only are you wrong about the law (you don't have to close your business to run for office), but I don't even have a campaign right now. I've announced no decision on my status for the 2018 election yet.
11:51: It would end his career, as well as those of the public officials behind him. His problem is that he is too cowardly to say these things to me in person, so he hides behind a computer screen. The only number lower than his IQ is his testosterone level.
10:54: Those fake stats were debunked a long time ago. Bethesda Magazine, like Bethesda Now before it went bankrupt and was shut down by its Arlington-based owner, wildly inflates their readership numbers. I have thousands of readers per day. Google acknowledged me as number one, as I'm recommended when you search for "Bethesda Magazine." Baba Booey.
10:54: Wrong - forensic evidence - including blood - indicated a violent encounter, according to police professionals. Where did that evidence go? It did not support the male-fantasy romantic rendezvous storyline being foisted on the public by Montgomery County officials now. "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is."
They're hiding the other mugshot, but the one we have doesn't exactly resemble Antonio Banderas.
"I have thousands of readers per day. Google acknowledged me as number one, as I'm recommended when you search for "Bethesda Magazine." Baba Booey."
Google reports that your readership is too low to allow it to generate an Alexa score; too low to be of interest in its aggregated News spider of the web; and you are listed as a recommended site only because of the word "Bethesda" in your title -- and not due to your daily readership.
How on earth you can twist the Google placement in the Bethesda Magazine search results as acknowledgement that you are number one? That is a bizarre interpretation. And wrong.
"Robert Dyer said...
11:48: Another false statement. You can't run for office in Maryland without filing the campaign finance entity documents, moron. I have had a campaign finance entity each time, and all reports were filed correctly and on time."
2006 Campaign for State House of Delegates: "CAMPAIGN FINANCES: no campaign finance data available at the Maryland Voter Information Clearinghouse (http://mdelections.umbc.edu)"
2014 Campaign for At-Large-Council Seat: "According to state records, Dyer doesn't have an active campaign finance account." http://www.bethesdamagazine.com/Bethesda-Beat/2014/Weekend-At-Bernies-Longshot-Council-Candidate-Gives-15-Minute-Pitch/
7:36 PM Google doesn't own Alexa and you don't have access to Dyer's analytics so you don't know anything about his traffic.
When you search "Bethesda Magazine", Dyer is one of the recommended searches. That's fact.
8:13 PM Stop spreading fake news. Candidates are required to have campaign finance documentation, otherwise Dyer wouldn't have been on the ballot.
Classic troll tendency: obsessively compare Dyer's news site to their blog.
May include:
- Making up traffic stats and claiming to know Dyer's site analytics
- Fight about blog templates: Claim their WordPress template makes their blog better than Dyer's.
- Claim to be Dyer's sole reader
#UnsignedDyer @ 8:27 PM & 9:04 PM -
Just publish the numbers from your "analytics", and you could instantly shut up your critics.
But you can't, because your alleged numbers don't exist.
8:13: Both of those media reports are false, and not surprisingly, from publications that are house organs for the MoCo political cartel.
Why are you not going to the actual MD State Board of Elections campaign finance database, where "Friends of Robert Dyer" was indeed a registered campaign finance entity? And why are you obsessing over a guy who spent no more than $1000 in each of his campaigns, while lauding our criminal councilmembers with $200,000 campaign accounts filled with dirty money from the MoCo cartel, and in Hans Riemer's case, from Wall Street crooks and their K Street lobbyists?
7:36: Do you know how many millions of pages have "Bethesda" in the title? And yet mine is one of the top recommendations when searching for Bethesda Magazine. That's based on my traffic and local dominance. Wake up.
Only google.
Not seeing Dyer in the searches or related sites using:
Report accurately.
No kidding. Google is what we were talking about. Hardly anybody even uses those other sites. Google is what matters, and that's why the MoCo cartel spends so much on SEO for the small and slightly-failing magazine on Google.
But even without spending a dime on my site, Google acknowledges me as an authority on Bethesda news.
Google does not recognize you as an authority. How silly. It's just pinging on the word bethesda. A related search. sheesh.
What is says is:
Searches related to bethesda magazine
Report accurately.
"the MoCo cartel spends so much on SEO for the small and slightly-failing magazine on Google."
Sure...whatever your fragile ego needs to believe, to get you through the day.
5:15: First you lied and denied it, now you're admitting I'm a recommended related search. As I just told you, there are millions of webpages with the word bethesda in title or domain. They are not recommended, while my site is consistently.
Probably not best to lie about things easily confirmed by a Google search.
5:22: So you figure Don Lepre was right about making millions from tiny classified ads? Otherwise, you've got to explain where they get the money to literally outspend Jeff Bezos (Washington Post) in purchasing Google results placement.
We're waiting.
"you've got to explain where they get the money to literally outspend Jeff Bezos (Washington Post) in purchasing Google results placement."
You've got to explain how this silly notion entered your head.
What 5:16 said.
Dyer writes... "But even without spending a dime on my site, Google acknowledges me as an authority on Bethesda news."
Then Google "Bethesda news". You (and your sites) are not to be found.
Haha Dyer and his sheep are the ones always bring up other sites first.
Again, Dyer's fan and Dyer always tout the site stats first.
Who fights about blog templates here other than to regularly ask Dyer to fix his time stamp to eastern where we live?
Dyer and his fans are the only ones claiming there is a sole troll.
What evidence do you have that the "MoCo cartel" spends any money on seo?
I just did a search and it comes up with miscellaneous news (not from this site), then BM, then Patch, then WUSA9, then bethesda.net, then robert Dyer. Pretty impressive!
5:58: Uh, the fact that the small and slightly-failing magazine comes up higher in search results than the Washington Post, which is funded by billionaire Jeff Bezos? Kind of a dead giveaway there. Since the mag doesn't have more money than Bezos, who's picking up that tab? Think about it.
You yourself have said, many times, that the Post doesn't cover Bethesda that much. So why is it any surprise that Bethesda Magazine ranks higher than the Post, in a Google search for Bethesda news?
6:33: Because it also applies to topics that aren't even related to Bethesda, but which the magazine has written about. It doesn't matter how often the Post writes about something; you can pay to have top results regardless of how relevant or popular your content is.
Sorry if I'm new to this party. What do you have against the Washington post?
Hi Robert, I'm actually an SEO consultant for a Fortune 500 company based in Northern Virginia. Coming up near the top of search results on Google doesn't guarantee money was spent to get there. Your own site comes up well in Bethesda search terms and I don't think you spend any money, is that right?
OMG - no. Just no.
Search recommendations do not confirm nor make you an "authority."
Report accurately.
I'm sure legacy media companies which purport to have $1 million+ in revenue are purchasing SEO services.
6:50: Nothing - I said they come up below the small and slightly-failing magazine in Google search results, even though they have a billionaire owner, which means the mag must be paying more than Bezos.
6:53: I come up well, but always below the small and slightly-failing magazine. Even when more sites have linked to my article on the same topic, and even if my article had more views than theirs. Great example - my recent scoop on the Tastee Diner had way more traffic than their "no deal...yet" plagiarized filler. Yet, if you search for that topic, mine is below theirs.
7:17: I did, but that's good advice for the other media outlets in town.
"my recent scoop on the Tastee Diner had way more traffic than their "no deal...yet" plagiarized filler"
Really? How much traffic did the two articles have? Let's see some actual numbers.
He can't show you numbers because he doesn't know. He likes to talk about fake news but he never has any facts. He likes to talk about others defaming him but then talks without any proof of others.
So, is there a deal yet for Tastee?
9:04: As I reported a couple of weeks ago, my source tells me there is - but of course, it can't be final until Marriott has Woodmont Grill, and approvals from the County. Standard big real estate/development situation.
And there's the backtrack.
Also when talking about numbers, be sure to understand the difference between page views and unique visitors.
Walkin' It Back With Temptation Bob!
Nothing has been walked back. No clue what you're talking about, *******.
"my source tells me..." so if it's not true you can blame your source
"but of course, it can't be final until Marriott has Woodmont Grill" which is an amendment to your original statement, hedging a bit now.
"And approvals from the County. Standard big real estate/development situation." So if it doesn't happen it may be because of the county or standard big real estate stuff.
Walking back exactly as 10:15 and 1:21 said.
7:37: How is the reality that this sale won't close for a couple of years, at least, "walking back?" Do you understand how big deals like this work? The Marriott site owner reaches an agreement with a property owner. But, as in the case of Tastee Diner, the property is worthless without also acquiring Woodmont Grill. So they are not outright going to purchase the diner right now, until A) they reach agreement with Woodmont Grill, and B) until they know that they can get approval for this larger lot size project from the Planning Board.
EYA, for example, did not officially purchase the Hoyt property for Little Falls Place until they had approval from the County. But they had reached the agreement to purchase contingent on the approval.
No "walking back" involved. An agreement and price were reached, according to my source. I have walked nothing back.
Looks like Sanchez's charges were dropped yesterday. When do you plan on taking down the mugshot?
I watched that youtube video, all i could think of was how you had to file your campaign resume with your most current job being an administrative assistant. And you are making fun of someone who was a salesman.
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