Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Target limits self-checkout to 10 items or less

is the latest retailer to address the shoplifting epidemic by making life more difficult for its law-abiding customers. The big box chain is now introducing a new limit of 10 items for self-checkout. Giant supermarkets recently limited their self-checkout machines to 20 items or less. Amusingly, Target is telling media outlets that it has implemented the new policy to speed up lines at the self-checkout machines, rather than to stem the loss of merchandise. At least Giant was honest, in stating that "a significant increase in crime" was the reason for its new limit on items at self-checkout.


shanel said...

Who is to blame for this spurt of malfeasance over the last few years. You may blame a political party. I blame the internet and parents who allow their children unbridled access. Back in the day prior to the internet, children had no easy way to interact with the worst of our society. You could watch your kid to make sure that they weren't hanging around the wrong crowd.

Anonymous said...

Since you can't bring yourself to criticize the political party in charge.

Consider an analogy: Parents who raise their children with no consequences end up with adults who have never heard "no" and end up as mal-adjusted members of society that either have an epiphany or end up in the penal system. Now look at the current crop of DA's & politicians who believe that releasing repeat offenders with no bail, (or any consequences), and only a "promise" to appear in court.

The results are clear. Major cities across the country are war zones with retailers locking up merchandise or closing all together. There is a political party behind the chaos which has its foot planted firmly on the gas and fully intends to drive this bus off the cliff. Devotion to that party, (especially in Rockville & Annapolis), already shows a steady decline in society. The question is whether people are willing to the the forest from the trees.

Anonymous said...

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.”
― Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities

Bokeplus said...

Yes, what feels best is that their children have been given cell phones since they were little, not given them to whine... The effects of uncontrolled progress are also not good

Haha said...

I am happy to see Giant and Target limit items in the self-checkout lines. I hope others follow. It is frustrating to see people with large baskets full of groceries clogging up the lanes and leisurely checking their items. Those people should be using the full service aisles with professional cashiers. I would like to see stores ban the large shopping carts in the self-service aisle, but they first need to increase their stocks of the smaller carts.

Anonymous said...

@2:27 PM: What party do those parents vote for?

Anonymous said...

I actually believe their reason for implementing this policy. This is in preparation for the coming holiday shopping season and the desire of some self-centered shoppers to pull up to a self-checkout with a cart loaded to the brim with merchandise, holding up the real purpose of the quick self-checkout. It is difficult to shoplift, at least at Target, in the self-check line with their staff monitors standing watch. They also have cameras in place to monitor your activity. Their loss occurs with thieves walking out with carts loaded, or stuffing bags with merchandise and bolting for the exit, knowing staff will not purse them.