Thursday, April 18, 2024

Early morning break-in at Kenwood Place condos in Bethesda

Montgomery County police responded to a report of a burglary at the Kenwood Place condominiums at 5301 Westbard Circle in Bethesda on the morning of March 31, 2024. The burglary was reported at 6:32 AM that morning. Officers arriving at the scene found evidence of forced entry. However, police say that there is so far no evidence that anything was stolen from the building. A witness could only describe the suspect to police as being male in gender. 


Anonymous said...

"A witness could only describe the suspect to police as being male in gender."
Is there another attribute that could be associated with male?

Anonymous said...

Contemporary re-write would be: "appears male in gender."

Anonymous said...

Why would you assume their gender without it being confirmed, or at least pronouns being shared?

Anonymous said...

12:42 AM Looks can be deceiving nowadays.