Monday, April 06, 2015

New Bethesda restaurant Villain & Saint sets opening night lineup

Markham's Bar and Grill has closed for renovations, and will reopen as Villain & Saint on Thursday, April 16, according to the new restaurant's Facebook page. The latest Bethesda venture from Chef Robert Wiedmaier's RW Restaurant Group, its website is counting down the days and hours.

The Lloyd Dobler Effect, and guests Elizabeth and Katrina, will perform on opening night, the 16th. The Kelly Bell Band will follow the next evening.

On an interesting side note, the Montgomery Women's Cooperative Farm Market has been reaching out to Villain & Saint, hoping to cooperate on some joint events with their new next door neighbor.

Villain & Saint
7141 Wisconsin Avenue


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Robert Dyer said...

5:25: You're not just a troll, but a liar as well. No one else has reported the opening night lineup yet. It is other media outlets who are late.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

one week late

Anonymous said...

Dyer is always a day late and a dollar short!

Anonymous said...

Journalism is more than just copying and pasting from a Facebook page or a police news feed. I could just as easily link to those news feeds myself. Where is the "value added" here?

Anonymous said...

Why do you reply to comments, then delete the original comments. Either the comments aren't worth displaying (trolls) nor replying to, or they are. Let you readers see what you are replying to.

Anonymous said...

Hope this place does well. Seems that spot has been cursed.

Definitely working with the woman's coop would be nice. Imagine if they opened up that wall and had a big joint space!! :)

Anonymous said...

Can you imagine if journalists didn't use social media as sources? Welcome to 2015 Mr. Anonymous!

No one reported the opening acts at this new restaurant. You're lying about that part.

Why are you so sour? I know it's Monday morning, but don't be so crabby.

Anonymous said...

6:51AM: Off topic, creepy personal attacks from other bloggers are probably best deleted.

Anonymous said...

We have a journalism professor in the house folks :/
He just commented on every article on BuzzFeed to ask where the value add is to cat photos.

Robert Dyer said...

6:12: You're the one who's late and short. I'm the first to report this. You're a pathological liar.

Robert Dyer said...

6:47: Hypocrisy and double standard - two of your specialties. The fact that you're here trolling, and I'm not trolling on other local websites, speaks for itself. Can George Leventhal stage an intervention for you?

Anonymous said...

Three cheers for the MoCo Machine!

MoCo rules, NoVa and Dyer drool!

Anonymous said...

"Markham's Bar and Grill has closed for renovations, and will reopen as Villain & Saint on Thursday, April 16, according to the new restaurant's Facebook page."

no, according to every other website that reported that a week ago. you cant bring yourself to admit that you are useless at your job.

one week late.

Anonymous said...

@ 7:17 AM

Why would there be a need to "troll" on the websites that actually cover local news stories in a timely and complete manner, and don't harass their readers?

Anonymous said...

Calling out ugly trolls doesn't really qualify as harassment.

If you want to know how Mr. Riemer saved Bethesda's nightlife and how Mr. Leventhal is responsible for our good health, you have a blog that already covers that in a timely and complete manner.

Anonymous said...

Dyer scoops you on the opening lineup and now you're sour.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Haha yeah deleting posts that violate whatever terms is fine but replying first is confusing.

Robert Dyer said...

8:01: Wrong. "Every other website" dropped the ball on this story, the announcement of the opening night acts. They're about 8 hours late right now. Are they "useless at their job"?

Robert Dyer said...

8:13: So my stories like Bruce Variety closing its Bradley Shopping Center location, ShopHouse to Bethesda Row, Cheesecake Factory closing and moving to Montgomery Mall, or the Westbard Avenue RadioShack closing don't count? Under your logic, you should have been trolling on those sites which failed to report those stories "in a timely and complete manner." Once again, you've embarrassed yourself.

Robert Dyer said...

7:50: No major corporate headquarters has moved to Montgomery County in over a decade. You sound like a moron trying to equate a facility expansion with scoring Northrop or Volkswagen corporate headquarters - all went to "failing" VA.

Anonymous said...

Serious question: how much do you hate MoCo that you begrudge us getting 700 new, high-paying jobs?

Anonymous said...

Dyer is "right wing"? On which issues? Any specifics?
Economic development isn't really a partisan issue, right?

Robert Dyer said...

2:02: First of all, your comment - posting an article that has nothing to do with Villain & Saint, or even Bethesda! - was spam. But as far as the AstraZeneca story, I think it is great news and another step forward in establishing our successful biotech sector in the county. There's nothing negative about it. What I said was, it is not a corporate headquarters. Volkswagen was just one of many corporations to move to Virginia, with Intelsat being the most recent. Your claim that there is no corporate welfare involved in the AZ Medimmune deal is not accurate. There are many tax breaks and considerations for biotech firms from MoCo and the state. And unlike you, I don't oppose those important incentives to bring jobs here.

As far as me being "right wing" - that's a pretty hysterical claim about a guy who the Seventh State blog said was to the left of the County Council. Not all Republicans are in the Tea Party. You've got Republican Jim Gleason to thank for Ride On bus, and Gilbert Gude for the C&O Canal park.

Anonymous said...

If anyone has any insight on why Dyer hates to see MoCo success, I'd be happy to understand him better. I just assume it's because he's a Republican and hates to see liberal places thrive. Then again, NoVA is extremely liberal as well, so that doesn't explain why he thinks NoVA is the shit.

Dyer says Rockville adding 700 brand new, high paying jobs sans subsidy is not impressive because it's *only* a "facility expansion" and pales in comparison to NoVa adding 400 Volkswagen jobs (you know, that event which happened almost a decade ago and cost VA taxpayers $6,000,000). That's how desperate Dyer is to manufacture a reason why MoCo still sucks, even when something awesome happens.

Anonymous said...

Jim Gleason, Gilbert Gude and Mac Mathias are all dead.

Dyer ran as a Republican in 2014, not 1964.

Anonymous said...

"the Montgomery Women's Cooperative Farm Market has been reaching out to Villain & Saint, hoping to cooperate on some joint events with their new next door neighbor."

Should be "collaborate", not "cooperate".

Robert Dyer said...

2:44: You started the day lying, and you're ending it as a pathological liar. I just posted that the AstraZeneca jobs were good news. You were talking about the MoCo vs. NoVa competition. No, this one addition of jobs does not offset the thousands of high-wage jobs created or stolen by Virginia. It is not a Fortune 500 corporate headquarters, of which MoCo has attracted zero in over a decade.

In fact, this success barely will help us offset the recent score NoVa had in securing its own biotech campus.

You're also lying about the cost to taxpayers. Biotech firms are getting tax breaks and financial incentives, whether the reporters choose to acknowledge them or not. Incentives are good, as are the 700 jobs.

Intelsat and CEB were not "almost a decade ago - and neither was Volkswagen going to Virginia, for that matter. Are you a time traveler?

You're the one who's desperate, lying about me and the facts. Biotech has been, and is, doing well in MoCo. Unfortunately, the larger County economy has been, and is, moribund. Just the facts. Educate yourself.

Robert Dyer said...

2:51: So are FDR, Woodrow Wilson and William Donald Shaefer - and your point is? 2014 vs. 1964? Are you time traveling again? Here in 2015, I am more progressive than Hans Riemer and George Leventhal. Embarrassing for them to be more right-wing than a Republican. What keeps you going every day working for those guys, anyway? Just the money? Baba Booey.

Robert Dyer said...

3:03: "Wrongggggg!" - Donald Rumsfeld

Unless the farm market folks strap on guitars and join the Lloyd Dobler Effect in an improvised composition, it is indeed cooperate rather than collaborate.

Anonymous said...

one week late

Robert Dyer said...

4:49: Four Pinocchios, pants on fire fact check rating for your lies. I was the first to report this. Your childish posting of the same false statement makes me wonder if your employer should be charged with breaking child labor laws.

Anonymous said...

R. Dyrer. We are the moco machine .... BOW before our greatness! Our power - unstoppable. Our reach - everywhere.

You will watch MoCo burn as you sit idly by on the sidelines - with no influence whatsoever.

We will take what is ours, and leave the scraps for everyone else. We run this county Dyer. You best remember that.

Anonymous said...

Dyer: "Intelsat and CEB were not "almost a decade ago"

Are you illiterate? No one said that.

And stop saying AstraZeneca - you're getting your MD success stories confused. AstraZeneca recently expanded their facility in Frederick; what we're discussing is 1,000 Glaxo­SmithKline jobs in Rockville.

Anonymous said...

Dyer ran as a Republican in MoCo's 16th District because he would rather fail at that impossible task, than fail at the possible task of running in a Democratic primary.

Robert Dyer said...

7:30: You tried to say Volkswagen was "almost a decade ago." Stop lying. As I pointed out, Virginia's success has continued through the present, with Intelsat and the CEB deals.

They added 300 jobs to the deal since this afternoon? Nice try, Pinocchio SmithKline.

And stop lying. You're getting your Northern Virginia success stories confused.

Robert Dyer said...

7:38: Are you sure you're not talking about Anthony Brown. "Brown for Register of Wills. Please elect me to something, anything!"

If you were actually from the area, you would know that Republicans were elected from District 16 several times.

Anonymous said...

If you actually were from Planet Earth, you would realize that the Republican Party of 2015 is not the Republican Party of the decades when those representatives were elected.

Anonymous said...

Volkswagen moved to Virginia in 2007. That's 8 years ago - 80% of a decade.

And they were poached from Detroit. That's like taking candy from a baby.

Anonymous said...

"7:30: You tried to say Volkswagen was "almost a decade ago." Stop lying. As I pointed out, Virginia's success has continued through the present, with Intelsat and the CEB deals.

They added 300 jobs to the deal since this afternoon? Nice try, Pinocchio SmithKline."

You are so fucking illiterate, Dyer, I can't stand it. Yes, Volkswagen was almost a decade ago. Yes, the GSK story is about 1,000 Rockville jobs, including 700 that are brand new. How are you so fucking uneducated that you don't understand these basic facts? Trying to have a conversation with you is unbearable. Maybe educate yourself so that I might be able to stop explaining every fucking thing to you three times over. 1000 jobs; 700 new. Compared to Volkswagen where in 2008 400 jobs were moved to VA at the cost of $6M VA taxpayer funded corporate handout. Do you understand all that? Can I take the training wheels off this conversation now?

Anonymous said...

"Training wheels"

Shame on you, you just committed another hate crime against short-bus riders.

Robert Dyer said...

8:17: News flash: It is the same party. You seem to be confusing factions with political parties. The Republican Party has been in continuous existence for over a century. Check a history book sometime - could be enlightening for you.

Robert Dyer said...

8:21: Volkswagen didn't actually make the physical move until 2009, only 6 years ago.

Hypocrisy - the Gazette reports that your 700 Glaxo Smith Kline jobs are also being poached from other states. I think that's good, but you should be consistent in condemning all evil poaching of jobs from other states. You just took candy from a baby!

Robert Dyer said...

9:33: First of all, chill out - you sound like a member of the Taliban. Seriously.

Second, you are belligerent, and keep talking past the factual points I've made. You make it sound like VW was the only win NoVa had, which is total BS.

You've got to add up total jobs and corporate HQs, and that comparison is humiliating - humiliating! - for MoCo.

As I said, Virginia just scored their own biotech campus a few weeks ago. You're barely offsetting that with Glaxo.

There are only 700 actual new jobs, not 1000. And you've got to hold them to that. Morgan Stanley promised a certain number at a Baltimore office, but I never saw that total reflected in their job listings in the years following that.

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Anonymous said...

Dyer: "You make it sound like VW was the only win NoVa had, which is total BS."

YOU'RE the one who cited VW as being such a great win that makes the Glaxo win look like shit.

Dyer: "You're barely offsetting that with Glaxo."

Maybe if you weren't such a NOVA bitch and actually cared about MoCo instead then you'd phrase that differently. Move to NOVA already, you troll.

Anonymous said...

The spell spammer makes more coherent points than 9:44am

Anonymous said...

Hans Riemer is a Witch Doctor! He has a voodoo doll and plays the "why are you hitting yourself" game with Dyer.

Anonymous said...

Ok both of these two sides are Nonsensical. Either term is fine.

Robert Dyer said...

9:44: I mentioned Northrop and VW as only 2 examples of many corporate headquarters scored by Virginia. By excusing the incompetence of MoCo elected officials, you are harming the county and our prospects for the future. Stop putting politics above competent leadership and economic development.

Robert Dyer said...

7:15: It's really simple, idiot. The longer you contribute to the no-accountability culture of MoCo and the local media, the longer we'll continue to fall behind competing jurisdictions in the region. In real life, there are no do-overs or unlimited chances to get it right. I understand you're content with mediocrity and failure, as demonstrated by your great passion for Hans Riemer and George Leventhal.

Ellis said...

7:15 "Huh?" Idiot.

Look at the larger picture. (Not that GoldenBook.) ie. The Future. Rather than get in a conniption about phrases like "corporate headquarters" (or Fortune 500s, for that matter), OR political parties, let's look at the goal: A long-term increase of the kinds of jobs people can make a career out of -- here locally, rather than in a neighboring state.

Council cares, but about what exactly? Where's the housing and career job for when Junior's out of university? Is he really gonna have to move to VA to have a good life? Cos he sure as hell ain't gonna start off in a 10 million penthouse working at Villain and Saint.

Ellis said...

Well Bob, either you're a valid threat or these harassers are bigger idiots than they convey.

3:04 What, there was a new poster up with Hans proclaiming: "I'll get this damned doll to work or die trying!" ...?

He would use taxpayer dollars to play with dolls.

Flynn said...

It seems there are a couple of factions here. Those who disagree with Robert and debate his opinions and points, those who disagree with his logic versus the points themselves, and those who just don't like him. And of course a cross section.

From the peanut gallery the supporters are similar too. Those who truly believe his points, those who follow just one perspective, and those who like him.

It's all fine, let's just refrain from name calling (from both sides, author included)

Ellis said...

It was about time for you to weigh in, Flynn. (You're the one that feigns neutrality and actually possesses a brain.) Interesting for you to step in at THIS point (vs. any preceding point, during which you've posted amidst all kinds of sordid trash-talking... when it was only about Dyer).

I respectfully disagree with your bias of referring to those who oppose in terms of factions, yet supporters are labeled the "peanut gallery." You might try taking your own advice.

We will agree to disagree on interpretations of logic and which "factions" are limited in perspective. (Due to the progressive, solution-oriented rather than party-based nature of Dyer's stances, it is tad impossible to support his politics while following "just one perspective." He sure doesn't.)

Anonymous said...

Lol, vacation takes a guy away.

I'll take your deaxription as a compliment, thanks!

Actually I do apologize. I meant rather that all of us, on any given side, are the peanut gallery. Not any one point of view. Apologies if that was misspoken/misrepresented.

I get your points, certainly, but also disagree with your assessment that Dyer's stances are progressive and solution based. From my perspective, he offers a lot of criticism and conjectures, but what are his proposed solutions and what are they based on? Simply saying get a guy out of office or "this sounds shady" are a good start but open ended without any suggested alternative or resolution or data supporting or validating the fact.

Robert Dyer said...

7:59: A simple review of past entries will show anyone I've offered many alternative solutions, with data to back them up.

Anonymous said...

Something like "get more Fortune 500 companies to move to MoCo" is a great goal but what's the proposed method of doing so and the validation behind the proposal?

Lamenting restaurant and bar closings and blaming them on a county council's task force recommendations is not quite a solution. What's the proposed method of keeping these places around and thriving?


Certainly these and all the topics covered are difficult issues without clear paths.

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