Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Chevy Chase Lake Purple Line construction entrance gate was "destroyed"

The security gate controlling access to the Purple Line light rail construction site at Chevy Chase Lake was "destroyed" by a truck delivering sod to the adjacent Columbia Country Club, according to Purple Line contractors. Concerns have been raised about the missing gate, which has left the light rail infrastructure and construction equipment vulnerable to intruders for several weeks. A new gate is being manufactured, the Purple Line team reports. In the meantime, they feel that the round-the-clock surveillance camera aimed at the entranceway will provide sufficient security.


n/a said...

Good grief! What sort of gate is it that is so elaborate it takes days to manufacture, rather than trucking up to Home Depot for some chain link fence and a pipe frame to lash it to?

n/a said...

One starts to understand more clearly how the PL accumulates multi-billion dollar cost overruns when you read that "A new gate is being manufactured, the Purple Line team reports."

Anonymous said...

"Concerns have been raised", "observers report", i.e. in plain English, Robert saw.

zaphod said...

10:34 - I'm surprised the County isn't developing an RFP to gather bids from potential gate manufacturers, and halting PL construction until the gate contract is awarded

Anonymous said...

Y'all don't even have a basic concept of how PPPs work, do you?