Thursday, October 10, 2024

Strong-arm rape reported in Chevy Chase

Montgomery County police responded to a report of a strong-arm rape in Chevy Chase Tuesday afternoon, October 8, 2024. The incident was reported in a wooded area along Jones Mill Road at 4:30 PM Tuesday. No further information has been released by the police department as of this writing. This story will be updated if additional information becomes available.


Anonymous said...

TPTB better be forthcoming with details. People need to know is the suspect apprehended? Where exactly did it occur.

Anonymous said...

If you expect any details from our fearless leaders, don't hold your breath.
They specialize in keeping such serious incidents under wraps for years!

Anonymous said...

Not to be confused with this incident

Assault at 8700 BLK JONES MILL RD on 10/06/2024 1:45 AM

Type: Assault
Date: 10/06/2024 1:45 AM
Description: RAPE - STRONG-ARM. Forcible Rape. Residence - Nursing Home. Report #:240047777

Anonymous said...

How hideous.

n/a said...

From the press release issued by Maryland-National Capital Park Police, Montgomery County Division:

“On October 8, 2024, a woman was walking along the Rock Creek Stream Valley Trail near the intersection of Woodhollow Drive and Jones Mill Road at the Jones Mill Road Playground when a man approached her and touched her inappropriately. . .Suspect information: Black male, aproximately 6’ tall, 20-25 years old, medium complexion, clean shaven, with no visible marks, scars, or tattoos, wearing a black t-shirt, black jogger pants and a tight black cap.”

Anonymous said...

Same guy? Who would now contemporarily without accurate, and timely police reporting and notification? They want us to be victims.

Anonymous said...

If we were Constitutionally armed, 'strong arm' and knife crimes would greatly dimish. When they have the only gun, they still often shoot. What's the lesson here?

Robert Dyer said...

We do not enjoy full Constitutional rights in Montgomery County. Not only have the courts so far upheld the unconstitutional firearms laws of Maryland, but even the so-called "conservative" SCOTUS justices have their own version of the 2nd amendment, that includes text I don't find in my copy of the Bill of Rights. Enjoy your "democracy."

Anonymous said...

Another example of socialism at work. NIH has has pedestrian fatalies. A dead person found at a campus gym Know reports. I know of the later via a campus cleaning lady. Enjoy utopia.

Anonymous said...

However, our fearless leaders enable perennial violence,via their famous buyback program, by enabling criminal to upgrade their hardware:

n/a said...

@6:05, how does the linked-to voluntary gun buyback program, which destroys all weapons turned in according to the article to which you linked, have any bearing on "enabling criminal(s) to upgrade their hardware"? The bad guys don't get to buy guns turned in by the good guys. Did you mean to link to some other article that provides evidence to support your claim, or are you simply conflating two unconnected events --criminals who are [possibly] obtaining more lethal hardware on the one hand, and on the other, Rockville City police destroying those weapons that were voluntarily surrendered to them in a buyback event.

n/a said...

@2:51, "another example of socialism at work"? To quote Inigo Montoya, “You [keep] using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”

Overlooking reporting of traffic fatalities or of workplace accidents is not generally considered part of the remit for the economic system to which you refer. It could be argued that socialism would be *more* likely than capitalism to report worker deaths, inasmuch as socialism seeks to overcome the inequalities between the working class and the oppressing ruling-class "owners of the means of production." So, probably not a strong case to be made that socialism had a hand in covering up worker deaths that would better serve the socialist agenda by being promoted as evidence of "the violence inherent in the system." (h/t MPatHG)

To which NIH event do you allude? The January, 2018 death of Sang-A Park, who was struck by a car in a campus parking lot? The January, 2024 fatal fall through an NIH storm grate of a facility electrician? Some other incident? You might not have seen the broadcasts or the online articles, but those events were both reported at the time by WRC News Center 4. I'm not sure what the dead-body-at-gym story is you mentioned, having found nothing in a Google search for events in Montgomery County. Please, have you additional details? It sounds mysterious and I'd like to know more.

n/a said...

@11:22 -- "Strong arm" refers to a crime where no weapon is displayed. By the term's definition, the perpetrator had no gun or weapon, only his "strong arms" with which to threaten the victim. A small point, but one worth clarifying, lest there be confusion.

Anonymous said...

I do not think ""strong arm" means what you think it means (in your second sentence). It's not that the perpetrator(s) actually had no weapon, it's that (as you said to begin with), none was displayed.

Anonymous said...

A cleaning lady whom i am friendly told me about it. A person was found dead at one of the on campus gyms. No details. I've also heard of accidents involving campus shuttles.

Regarding socialism. Leftists are all about holding TPTB to account until they are TPTB.

Anonymous said...

11:22, but brandishing or not, the victim has no idea if the perp is armed or not. The perp has total control and knows it. He or she doesn't negotiate with the victim. It's pathetic that we cannot defend ourselves and the perps have all the rights and latitude.

Robert Dyer said...

6:32: That dispatch summary quite understates what took place. The victim was transported to a hospital for treatment. And the Park Police only spoke publicly about this incident *after* I reported it, despite the suspect being at large, and the public still in danger.

n/a said...

@5:27, assuming (1) the suspect threatens [non-lethal] injury during the commission of the crime and is not apprehended proximal the time of the offense --that is, he makes good his escape-- (2) if no deadly weapon is displayed or alluded to during the commission of the crime, and (3) the victim is asked by police and answers similarly, that no weapon was either displayed or intimated, it doesn't matter if the suspect is secretly carrying a knife or gun --the charge is *strong-arm* rape. If the crook has, but neither displays nor alludes to/intimates being in possession of a deadly weapon and either (A) the victim inadvertently catches a glance of a gun/knife/grenade/etc tucked in the bad guy's waistband, or (B) the cops catch the guy presently upon arriving on scene and discover he actually was armed, the charge is *aggravated* rape. If the suspect manages to commit the crime and escape and neither the cops nor the victim know that, at the time, he had been armed with a deadly weapon, he gets charged with *strong-arm*. It doesn't matter if, a week later, police go to the criminal's house to arrest him and find a gun in his sock drawer. They can't then up the charge to *aggravated*, because nobody can prove he was carrying the weapon at the time of the attack. Similarly, it would not matter that he kept totally secret his carrying a concealed weapon when he “allegedly” perpetrated the assault. If the victim saw, even inadvertently, that he was armed when he committed the crime, or if responding police arrested him proximal in time –e.g. not a day or week, etc later—to the crime, the charge is the more serious *aggravated*, even if he didn’t brandish it while committing the primary offense.

n/a said...

Robert, it is curious that neither MCPD 2D, 3D, nor M-NCPPC Park Police, have any calls in the area, for any assault or anything else, on October 8th during that general time of the afternoon. I listened to tapes from 16:00 -18:00 and no such runs were dispatched. Similarly MCFRS, who announced no calls at all in the area during that time, either emergency or routine.

Clearly, something happened; the press release is convincing evidence of that. But no info was broadcast over the air about the incident, which is passing odd.

Anonymous said...

The 'bigger picture' is that we are dupes. And our 'officials' are the facilitating it, if not the root cause.

Anonymous said...

Hello sir or ma'am, it sounds like you are in the know so to speak, so I have a question:
An old analog Uniden© scanner of mine is past it's prime and not even usable at the racetracks I attend anymore. It had local pits chatter, wx, fire, police & marine. I've been shopping/researching new basic scanners and finding the prices for digital very expensive. With digital, is the police chatter encrypted? Is everything digital now and will a new Uniden© bcd160dn suffice for my auto racing needs only?