Monday, July 22, 2024

Maryland Gov. Wes Moore endorses Kamala Harris

Maryland Gov. Wes Moore has endorsed Vice-President Kamala Harris in the 2024 presidential race. Moore lauded President Joe Biden's decision to not pursue reelection on Sunday, but did not immediately join the many other prominent Democrats who quickly endorsed Harris shortly after Biden gave her his support. "I am proud to voice my full support and offer my full endorsement to Vice-President Kamala Harris to be the Democratic Nominee for President," Moore tweeted this morning.

Moore said that he had spoken to both Biden and Harris yesterday. He noted that Harris was one of the first officials to call him after the collapse of the Key Bridge in Baltimore earlier this year. In his statement, Moore said Harris could attract a "unique coalition" of support, and urged Democrats to quickly "rally around her" for the nomination. 

Former president Barack Obama, to whom Moore is often compared when future Democratic presidential nominees are discussed, also declined to immediately back Harris yesterday. Moore has been one of the leaders to appear on the short list of possible candidates to replace Biden in a "mini-primary" ahead of next month's Democratic National Convention in Chicago. His name has been less-often mentioned as a potential running mate for Harris since Biden dropped out yesterday. Leading candidates to be Harris' running mate are Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro, Arizona U.S. Senator Mark Kelly, North Carolina Gov. Roy Moore, and Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear.

Moore and the many other Democrats who had been expected to run for the White House in 2028 will have to weigh their options in deciding whether to accept a VP slot in 2024, or to wait another four years. Endorsing Harris would allow Moore to leave all options open aside from running as Biden's replacement this year. The Democratic National Committee is expected to announce more details on its plan for the nomination process in the coming days.


Anonymous said...

As expected, he'd make a great VP choice also, if America wasn't so anti-POC.

Anonymous said...

She's smart as a whip, believes in democracy, doesn't kowtow to Putin and Jong Un, isn't a convicted felon, and isn't supporter of Jan 6th domestic terrorists...but she is a woman and black, so in this effed up country she'll probably lose.

JAC said...

You mean his running mate?

Anonymous said...

Maryland Gov. Wes Moore (D) told reporters Monday he has “no interest” in potentially running as a vice-presidential candidate, and he has made that clear to Vice President Harris.

When pressed by reporters, Moore said he would not accept a place on her ticket if offered.

“It’s very humbling,” Moore said. “I love my job, and I have no intention of leaving.”

Anonymous said...

@ 9:13am - thank you for the laugh.

Anonymous said...

To be or not to be, that is the question. . .

Anonymous said...

8:59 needs to check their meds. Obama was elected by a large majority across ethnic lines, (including whites).

9:13 is probably the same tweeker living in their parents basement.

Reality check: Results & facts don't care about your feelings.

Anonymous said...

"Obama was elected by a large majority across ethnic lines, (including whites).

Reality check: Results & facts don't care about your feelings."

I love how the "poorly educated" crowd is always so sure facts are on their side that they don't even bother spending five seconds looking up said facts and discovering their world view is actually completely wrong.

Anonymous said...

@3:54 Nice try boomer! Just because morning Joe says it doesn't make it so. Try reading the WSJ or check Pew instead of comic books.

Anonymous said...

@1:57 - re: 8:59, That was then, this is now. Learning!

Anonymous said...

@3:54 - Facts don't stand still, they are ever changing. STAY WOKE!

Anonymous said...

More clown world and proof that "democracy' is a sham. No pretense of input from the rank and file.

Anonymous said...

"I love how the "poorly educated" crowd" How condescending. How typical of 'tolerant' Democrats. Have you looked around at any major city lately and seen the destruction of your 'smart' policies? How about right here at home, right in Silver Spring or Bethesda, your 'smart' policies are destructive. Not so smart after all.

Anonymous said...

@9:13: What world are you living in? Kamala is worse than Biden.

Momo said...

But I thought the Democrats were the party of convicted felons as they are the ones pushing renewed voting rights for felons and other criminal justice reforms to bypass prosecution or otherwise ease the potential burdens of criminality. Thus it would seem that Trump and not former prosecutor Harris would be better aligned with Democrat policies along these lines.

Anonymous said...

I am not tolerant at all, thank you. I very plainly hate people who are uneducated and yet feel the need to bloviate on the internet. People who do not bother learning basic facts about a subject should close their mouths and let the adults talk.

Anonymous said...

Here's a fact: If 50% of the people living in Maryland didn't register or simply refused to vote, this state would still remain blue. Eliminate the "Electoral Vote number system."

Anonymous said...

"Have you looked around at any major city lately and seen the destruction of your 'smart' policies?"

Currently visiting Boston. Have spent time in DC, Baltimore, Philly, and NYC in the last 18 months. Maybe you've been living under a rock for a looooong time because the 80s called and wants its talking point back.

Anonymous said...

Funny how the troll attempts to bash Silver Spring on the same day it's making national headlines for ranking #1 on Fortune's Best Places to Live list. Maybe if he did more reading than typing he'd have known that....

Anonymous said...

Looks like 8:31 is going to need a safe space come November

Anonymous said...

SS is a big sprawling area, no doubt there are good areas. No one doubts that, it's painfully obvious that Downtown SS is lost, and likely what most refer to. That begs the question: if SS is so healthy then why in DTSS so dangerous and horrible? It's like it's a different country and time from the better areas? Do we hust accept that and hope it doesn't spread? Let's see what big hat Wes Moore has to say, he's good at that!

Anonymous said...

9:25 AM It is a desperate attempt to repopulate the deserted downtown due to a violent crime wave.

Anonymous said...

What on earth are you talking about? Downtown SS is the most vibrant part of MoCo and it hasn't been close for 20 years. The only reason I live in Bethesda is to be next to my job. Otherwise, I'm in SS or DC any chance I get. You need to get out more if you think any part of MoCo - much less dtss - is "dangerous and horrible."

Anonymous said...

As someone who used to live in one of the nice areas of DTSS, Woodside, and still know people who live there, it is a totally different place when the sun goes down. People have been robbed walking home from the metro, property crimes are the norm with cameras catching roving groups checking cars and breaking windows if they see quarters in the cup holders not to mention burglary during the day.

Thanks to the leadership in Rockville, Bethesda is deteriorating at a fast rate. Calling SS as a great place to raise a family today is an effort to prop up failed policies, ie: lipstick on a pig.

Anonymous said...

8:21, you gotta be kidding me, it's a shooting gallery up Georgia Ave north of the DC line, all the side streets are litter filled with hookah lounges and MCPD camera trailers. There's shootings every few weeks, robberies commonplace. If you're talking about up near the occasional ice rink, it's only a bit better there because of some police presence. Most the businesses are suffering from rampant crime. What planet are you on?

Anonymous said...

Don't even mention Takoma Park where Elrich comes from. Putting these people in charge has emboldened criminals with the revolving door of justice. North SS, (White Oak to Briggs Chaney), is trying to compete for front-runner in crime with the MC Council handing out prizes.

Anonymous said...

Lol @ "shooting gallery." I swear, Bethesda boomers are something else. Literally afraid of the color of their shadows.

Anonymous said...

@1:31 Do you get paid by the word or are you this obtuse?

Anonymous said...

1:31 let's meet up at Society Lounge on Georgia after about 11 pm on a Saturday.