Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Surveillance camera returns to Veterans Park in Bethesda

The surveillance camera robot that was removed from Veterans Park in Bethesda earlier this month returned yesterday. This is Montgomery County's camera number 2220165, the same unit that was here before. Camera number 2220164 was deployed a few blocks away on Cordell Avenue on Saturday, August 24, and is still there now. While the camera was not in the park, a man recently smashed the front windows of Z-Burger, which faces the park.


Anonymous said...

I'm curious how useful these are to law enforcement. Are they just for show or are they actually accessed for real-time information? I suspect it's just for show and was put there in response to a specific complaint.

If, rather, the cameras are actually useful and used then a more permanent installation on a neighboring building/lamp post seems appropriate. These mobile units make sense for temporary events or remote areas. Not so much in the middle of a well-used sidewalk.

Anonymous said...

We knew this was going to happen.

Anonymous said...

Great, no doubt to record fatal overdoses, trash bins being thrown into windows & armed carjackings at hot dog restaurants... But what about deterrents or pre-emptive strokes?

Anonymous said...

"The Deterrents" and "Pre-emptive Strokes" would both be great names for bands.

Anonymous said...

We're going to need those cameras everywhere eventually if we keep down this mollycoddling path we are on. Looks like Glen Echo needed them yesterday.

Anonymous said...

Punk Rock bands?

Anonymous said...

They need to field AI in order to predict where and when the next crime will occur.

Anonymous said...

When you see one of these, you know you are in a sketchy area.