A man attacked the front of Z-Burger at 4827 Fairmont Avenue in Bethesda about an hour before the restaurant opened yesterday morning. Witnesses said the man smashed the front windows using what appeared to be one of the new, rat-proof public trash cans. The crashing of the metal trash can drew a lot of attention from those in the vicinity at the time. Montgomery County police arrived at the scene, and very shortly had a suspect in custody.
The suspect was handcuffed and seated in the adjacent Veterans Park, as officers searched his belongings. A motive for the vandalism is unknown at this time. An arrest in the case does not appear in Montgomery County arrest records as of this writing. Despite the damage, Z-Burger forged ahead Monday. The broken glass was swept up, and the burger restaurant opened for lunch.
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Suspect detained in Veterans Park |
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With debris cleaned up, Z-Burger opened for lunch |
I'm starting to forget if I'm living in Silver Spring or Bethesda.....
Just like Kamala Harris, McCarthy will cut this guy loose in 24. Deep Blue states and countries are a real danger to this country. Lock people up with stiff penalties. When will people realize that voting Dem every time isn't helping any of us? McCarthy has held his job for decades. Police did their job here but this guy will repeat again and again.
You mention the apprehension of a suspect, yet you don't have a photo, must be caucasian then.
There is a photo with caption in the article showing the detained suspect. I have obscured his face, however.
Maybe just needed a place to sleep and a meal and shower from the County over night cell service.
Caucasian for crime stats, but otherwise for benefits maybe.
I live next door. The amount of homeless and drug use in this area is uncanny for “ Bethesda “. We used to live in a nice area. The police put up this camera system and removed it. It’s no secret this whole area is just bad at night. It’s a shame for pet owners of the community
Ramifications of living in a blue state. The dems destroy everything. Literally.
National politics references, so cute.
8:56 - Mentioning the fact that Kamala Harris bonded out more bad guys than she prosecuted is off limits? Why? It's an election year. Fact is much of MD and certainly this county is not any different and their soft on crime stance shows and badly. Nothing cute about what's happening. It's a disgrace. How in the world can anyone be a MoCo police officer when the creeps they lock up simply get released back on the street? They aren't suddenly rehabilitated, they're crooks that need to be locked up. No, they are all woke. Sad.
Yes, there is a growing regular cast of characters who are out in downtown Bethesda daily now.
Aggressive panhandling, drug usage, trespassing and odd behavior.
Do folks want to spend time in veterans park while these characters are using drugs?
This gentleman, part of this group, threw a trash can into a window - what next?
Disgruntled employee maybe?
Robert, please stay on this case. I’d like to understand what happens and why this guy chose to attack this place. Thanks.
Sorry but trying to scare people into voting red won't work around here. People are smarter than that.
Thank you Mark Elrich!
You wanted to be a sanctuary state. Maybe Trump is necessary!
Crime is all over the area. Today, a guy working out at a Gold's Gym in Reston, VA (Fairfax County) was shot and killed.
2:34 - Who's trying to scare people? Actually, I'm not sure they are smart enough respectfully.
@2:34 Ignorance and apathy aren't virtues but describing people that vote for the same thing over and over again expecting different results as smart is the very definition of insane.
The thieves, break-ins, aggressive panhandlers and so on suddenly are everywhere and stealing, destroying, or injuring every night. Why so many recently? The economy? Immigrants with no means of support? What's up?
3:25 - Best comment on this yet.
It happens! Captain obvious gets sassy when he can't get his morning macchiato from Starbucks and his savory scone from tout de sweet!
Thank You 3:25 PM!
Am totally amazed no armed robbery morning Aug 20. Walked daughter to Bethesda Metro and was resting between Metro and the Morella library when I saw a gentleman in all black with hooie and weird face covering he was adjusting while I'm certain was readjusting something quite weighty in his waistband. He then proceeded to practice "draw" with his phone a few times. I followed him by about a block where he literally walked like in a search pattern like in a grid, looking into car windows too. He ducked into an allay and I lost him. There is no doubt in my mind this guy was up to no good.
Many sleeping along the CCT and a few in front of the library. Mostly 'new citizens' in the woods and our indigenous on the concrete, it seems.
Use to be a die-hard liberal and I'm voting Trump 2024. It's very sad to see how over the past 4 years Bethesda has gone downhill. Wake up. If you are smart you'd see this too.
Trump is the answer. Kamala certainly ISN'T.
Why is this blog not covering (unless I missed it) any of the recent spasm of antisemitic/anti-Israel vandalism in Bethesda? MoCo 360's site has reported extensively on that.
Who? Look in the mirror, if it will let you.
Agree with this!
Of course no cops to be seen patrolling. I was shopping with my daughter in Lululemon and there is a cop who literally is STUCK to that area on his phone the whole time. The cops should be patrolling not sitting on their phone chatting....
And then no one does anything about them. Catch and release.
Catch and release. There is no such thing as "do the crime, do the time" anymore....
If you live in MoCo, exact locale is irrelevant.
I was under the impression that a judge makes that decision.
People often look for someone to blame for increased crime. However, in reality, it is more complicated than that. I understand safety concerns, but there are policy options that allow for detention and rehabilitation without being "tough on crime". In an era of polarized politics, we've lost our sense of community. That's all to say I pray for less elitism and more empathy this election season. <3
Ngl this might be the funniest comments section on the internet. Assuming people are joking... y'all are joking, right?
It's all over the news already like you said, even MOCO 360's got it covered. Maybe you are trying to elicit something?
11:09, you make an interesting point, are taxpayers paying for the po po-po or are our big three magnets who get the attention? NIKE, Lululemon, and MAC?
Since when has this blog declined to report on a serious local story/trend just because another blog has also addressed it? I'd be interested in what Robert would come up with.
Total LIE!
@7:32 - If Capt. doesn't get his way its tout de arse.
@5:36 - Nah dude, these people are just WEIRD!
" but there are policy options that allow for detention and rehabilitation without being "tough on crime" " And THAT, ladies and Gentlemen, is the crux of the biscuit. Unbelievably unrealistic. The thing that will make you change your mind is when YOU are the victim of a very violent crime. By then it will be to late.
Did I just see on tv the Cloverly Clown Jawando at the DNC during KH's speech? At taxpayers expense I'm sure. #StopAndFrisk #PullOver
And the local police force is hole up in a building just three blocks away!!!
Yeah, I was there at 10am on a Sunday, and one guy was coughing his head off from smoking a hit of pot. Aroma everywhere.
Another guy had no shirt and was walking aimlessly checking trash cans.
Did you call police?
It stimulates certain business such as insurances, alarm vendors, martial art shops, weapons stores etc.
6:16, we are all, already, victims of violent crime. We pay for it in many ways but appear happy to do so. That's why they're coming.
4:44. Haha, there's only one Cop who's mission is to stop crime and that's McGruff. Our police come in only after the crime is committed. That's another reason they advertise with their blue lights. Maybe move to crime to another shift or sector, noting to do with stopping or catching (or searching) before the fact.
He'll put out a 'Weekly Update Message' from his bunker.
You mean our lip service Leader At-Large?
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