Parking rates in the
Metropolitan Public Parking Garage 49 in downtown Bethesda rose to $1 an hour on Monday, and lost tickets will cost you $15. The Montgomery County Council raised your property taxes - yet again - this past May. But despite charging you more, Montgomery County can't manage to
fix the elevators in its own garage!
A blasé sign that notifies garage patrons they'll just have to use the Old Georgetown Road elevators instead has been there long enough for one frustrated taxpayer to scribble, "So when is this going to be
fixed already!!" This seems to follow the County's magical thinking that distance is not a factor in parking for those with disabilities, as with their ludicrous fake "solution" for the Bethesda Post Office they approved with no handicapped parking spaces.
Heckuva job, Brownie! |
Pay more, for literally less service |
One frustrated tax payer? You men you?
Stuff like elevators break. They fix it. Get over it.
Inflation happens. Stuff like parking decks and lots costs more to build and maintain. Get over it.
7:17 AM Dyer is reporting that residents are frustrated about the elevator being broken for a while, according to the note left! Don't make it about him- he's a journalist telling the story.
LOL! The rates went DOWN to $1/hr. They were $1.25/hr.
Speaking of vertical transportation at public places, does anyone know what is going on at the top of the long escalators at the Bethesda Metro? They have had scaffolding at the top of the escalators for years now. Yesterday I walked by and saw that contractors were working in the area above, near the Hyatt drop off. They had removed some temporary closures, and I could see two long openings over the scaffolding below. Any idea what’s going on? Is this last part of the escalator replacement project or perhaps the construction of some skylights at the top of the escalator for natural lighting? I know that Brookfield is planning improvements to the plazas as part of their proposed tower, including a new glass canopy over relocated bus bay to plaza escalators and stairs, but this seems like an old project that is just now concluding.
7:17: Please - "Get over it?" Is this being typed in a Council member's office? We;re paying more, we're not going to "get over it," crook.
7:25: It was raised to $1.00. You just made a total fool of yourself, as usual.
Kenneth, what is the frequency?
It's a sad point the troll has come to where he regularly just has to lie about stuff.
The rate was RAISED to $1.00.
And most importantly, after raising the rates, the elevators still don't work.
We;re? So professional!
It's clear as day in the county press release the rates were lowered in Garage 49 to $1.00/hr. Just correct your mistake and move on.
Still too stupid to figure out how to change the time stamp?
Downtown Bethesda is not crappy gasoline alley Westbard. $1.00 per hour is dirt cheap.
"A blasé sign that notifies garage patrons..."
I just hate it when signs are insufficiently melodramatic.
Wonder if BTB realizes that HOC owns both this building as well as the high rise apartments at Westbard?
"[The County's] ludicrous fake 'solution' for the Bethesda Post Office they approved with no handicapped parking spaces."
The United States Postal Service is a federal entity. Also, there are no parking spaces of any kind immediately adjacent to the Post Office.
Sounds like Dyer's trip to downtown Bethesda last night was a thrill a minute. LOL
8:06 AM - And no news at all in Rockville. LOL
According to the MoCo website, the hourly rate was raised in July to $1.25 per hour on three decks in downtown, Cordell, Metropolitan and Elm. Either the sign you photographed is wrong, or they changed it back to $1.00 per hour. The website says all other decks are $1.00 per hour, all lots are $1.50 per hour and street spaces are $2.25 per hour.
Dyer: "It was raised to $1.00. You just made a total fool of yourself, as usual."
What the sign actually said: "The new rate in this facility is: $1.00/hour."
The new Post Office is real winner. No parking and I see people stepping over the homeless (who now live in the Post Office) to access their mail boxes.
Jesus people - how hard is this to figure out? On August 19, 2019 the rates in Garage 49 decreased to $1.00/hr and in Garage 47 they increased $1.25/hr. That's it. No other facilities were touched.
Now that's a headline!
Poor Robbie had to blow $2.00 of his hard-earned trust fund to park for a meeting that had been cancelled several hours earlier. LOL
8:15: It clearly states on the MCDOT parking website that rates increased in a few garages, including this one. It says all others remain 80 cents an hour.
I know it hurts that the incompetence of your heroes on the Council was again exposed, and that I was first to report on the elevator scandal.
The troll was BTFO by Dyer. Dyer destroyed you again, SOY BOY
You should wait more than a minute before you make unsigned comments.
Parking fees go to the Bethesda Urban Partnership, not the County government.
8:33: Unlike you, I actually sign all of my comments. Pot, meet kettle.
You’re saying that this current website is wrong:
That says all decks are $1.00 per hour, except $1.25 per hour at Cordell, Metropolitan and Elm as of July, 2017?
No PLD-owned garage in Bethesda is $0.80/hr. They're all $1.00/hr or $1.25/hr. I park in them all the time.
So this website that Dyer is referring to is wrong. And therefore Dyer is wrong as well.
Looks like the link provided by 8:51 AM shows the fees from 2015. The fees changed again in 2017.
The Bethesda Urban Partnership's site says that parking at the Woodmont-Edgemoor garage is $1.25 per hour, what it was between 2017 and Monday.
So both sites need to be updated.
This one gives the correct information:
8:51: Separate issue besides the parking rate here rising to $1.00, as clearly shown in the signs pictured here inside the garage - you are now claiming Montgomery County now has false parking fees information on its own official parking garage website?
Meanwhile, fees have still gone up, and the elevators still don't work.
8:48: I've shown right here this is stating $1.00 per hour on every sign in the garage.
9:05: No, old sport, I am the first to report the elevators don't work, and still don't work.
9:03: MoCo government has the wrong fees on its own website?
So now we have the incompetence of not fixing the elevators, compounded by a separate scandal of publicizing incorrect rates on the official county website.
This certainly isn't helping County elected officials look good.
If another website wants to pay for an ad here, that's fine.
Otherwise, don't spam for your website in my comments please.
If these other websites are so great, why do they have to spam in my comments section to get readers?
Think about it.
Dayyyummmmmm Dyer just delivered a beatdown on you, SOY BOY
Dyer busting the county criminals all dayyyyyyyyyy
Maybe Dyer hasn't parked in this garage in a couple of years. The fee increased from $1.00 to $1.25 in July 2017, then came back down to $1.00 this week.
9:16: And yet you've spent your whole morning trolling my website. Only people who are getting things done have enemies.
The signs didn't say "rising to $1.00".
They said "the new rate in this facility is $1.00/hour". It was $1.25/hour before Monday.
"MoCo government has the wrong fees on its own website?"
One page out of several referencing the fees. The others show the correct fee.
The fee change was reported here over a month ago:
9:13 AM
9:20: That's not what it says in the garage, nor on the County website. So, in addition to what I reported here, you're telling us the County has falsified parking rates on its official parking website?
If true, the inspector general and State's Attorney should be informed immediately.
Since everything you say just makes the County elected officials look worse and worse, by all means, keep at it!
"If true, the inspector general and State's Attorney should be informed immediately."
So what's stopping you?
9:21: I absolutely have sold ads on this website.
But let me ask you, if the other websites are so good, why did you just yet again spam links to them in my comments section?
Why do they need to spam on my site to get readers? And, best of all, you never EVER see me posting spam links to my site on their sites.
Think about it.
@ 9:20 wrote: "The signs didn't say 'rising to $1.00'. They said 'the new rate in this facility is $1.00/hour'. It was $1.25/hour before Monday.
Dyer: "9:20: That's not what it says in the garage."
That's exactly what the sign in the garage says, in the photo that you posted with this article.
Dyer's reporting sets the agenda daily in what people are talking about in MoCo.
9:29: It clearly says, "$1.00."
It clearly says, the elevators don't work.
Exactly as I've reported.
Let's face it, you're literally the only guy in Bethesda who is thrilled to be paying a $1.00 an hour to park, and to have to walk to the other side of the garage to use the elevator. I salute you!
Do you want to get some kind words in for Barwood cab and the MVA while you're at it?
I realize this report is devastating for your Fellow Travelers on the Council. Relax. Pick up Hans Riemer's dry cleaning or get him a coffee refill, ok?
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