A new residential building has been proposed for a single-family home site at
4824 Edgemoor Lane in downtown Bethesda. The precise dimensions of the building have not been made public yet, but the property is 8000 SF in size, and is currently zoned with a 120' maximum height. That is quite low for a property literally across the street from a Metro station. But at the same time, residents of The Chase whose windows and balconies face that way will likely be concerned about the distance between their building and the new one, as well as the height of it.
Google Maps satellite view of the corner property, which is surrounded to the south and west by The Chase and a garage entrance for The Chase |
Currently, the home on the site has been leased for business purposes. A home directly across Edgemoor is already slated for redevelopment into the Edgemont II. For that reason, a pedestrian safety concern here would be both sidewalks of Edgemoor being shut down at once, on a primary walking route for both transit commuters and Bethesda Elementary School students.
A public meeting on the proposed 4824 Edgemoor development has been scheduled for
Tuesday, August 20, 2019 at 7:00 PM at the Bethesda-Chevy Chase Regional Services Center at 4805 Edgemoor Lane..
Sure looks like a small site. Not sure how they could access multiple layers of structured paring for a large building, unless they have a deal with the Chase condominiums to share a ramp, which flanks it on both the west and south sides. Maybe they will just have parking at grade for four townhouses or stacked flats like they built on Edgemoor and West drive. I can’t imagine that a high rise is possible unless they used a vehicular elevator to descend to multiple levels of parking. Not much room on an 8000 SF footprint for a ramp and parking, unless it is extremely inefficient with only 8 or so cars per level.
I suppose they could just require residents to lease spaces in other nearby public decks, and provide none on site.
The Cheval was successfully built on a small gas station property, so I'm sure similar can be done here. They'll have to go vertical. This is the area of town that should have the tallest buildings anyway.
Our rapidly changing city!
I love these reports and what Dyer is doing for MoCo.
Maloney Concrete=Just an engaged, concerned citizen!
10:39 AM Please badger someone else.
Development in an area that the blogger claims is “dead.” Who is right? Blogger or the developers?
I always thought this house looked out of place, but assumed it wouldn't be redeveloped because of the small size of the lot.
In fact, this case (small lot, adjacent condo building) already looks suspiciously similar to the one down the street where the Shell station was underwhelmingly redevelopment into a TD Bank...
This is going to make the area unmanageable, loud, dark and unattractive for those that are unfortunate enough to live nearby. How will anyone drive anywhere near this block? Chase residents are already struggling with access from their garage as the entire block on Arlington is under construction and every light is no turn on red now. This is before school begins and many are on vacation.
Three buildings should NOT be going up simultaneously.
Bisnow reports that a 33 year old developer is proposing a 12 story high rise with 75-85 market rate units that will sell between $600K and $1M. The article says they are trying to attract millennial single women condo buyers, and reportedly offering large closets and 1 1/2 bathrooms. They are considering using robotic car parking below grade to fit the small site.
At 12 stories, there would be only about 7 units per floor. This developer and his architect have done some nice small condo projects, with smaller units targeting first home buyers.
The article also indicated the units would average between 900 SF and 1200 SF, so these are clearly not large hyper-luxury units like the nearby Lauren. That works out to between $666 per SF to $833 per SF. HOA could be expensive on a high-rear with automated parking though.
$600K for a 900 SF 1 bedroom/ 1.5 bathroom condo, probably sold without an on-site parking space, only steps from the Metro, seems like a reasonable deal, and likely a very good investment. I think you could lease a parking space in the nearby Metropolitan parking deck, or go car-less and just rely on transit, walking, car sharing and ride-sharing services.
This location sort of straddles the Woodmont Triangle and Bethesda Row areas, and of course it very close to the Metro. It would be nice if they included a small retail space for a coffee shop, as this area is void of any retail. With lots of folks walking between the Triangle and Row, a small coffee shop might do well.
The other two buildings will probably be wrapping up by time this one gets started. Entitlements in this county typically take at least 2+ years.
Saw that article and agree with your comment(s), especially the part about retail on Woodmont. Retail space in this building and the Edgemont II, along with the new bike lanes and ped improvements would go a long way to activating this stretch of Woodmont. Cesco Osteria already seems to do well.
The developer of Edgemont II got approval without any retail the building, they stated. There was a lack of foot traffic. I would argue that this was a mistake, and would have been a great place for a small destination retailer, like a cafe of coffee shop. With many people walking from the Row to the Triangle, this would be a great waypoint along the heavily used path. It didn’t need to be the entire Woodmont frontage. I hope the planning department and staff do not make the same mistake at 4824 Edgemoor.
The scheduled meeting on Aug 20 was canceled.
4:21: Yes, that was very unprofessional of them to cancel without notice.
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