Saturday, June 22, 2024

Rooftop rock concert tonight in Bethesda

A rare rooftop live rock concert event will be held tonight at a somewhat unexpected venue. Song-oriented progressive rock band HüsBand will perform live on the rooftop at 7550 Wisconsin Avenue tonight, June 22, 2024 at 7:00 PM. Check in on the lobby level at 7:00; the concert and rooftop party will begin at 8:00 PM. Kitchen and bathroom showroom KONSTUnion is hosting the special KONST Summer Starter rooftop event. KONSTUnion and CARNEMARK design + build President Jonas Carnemark is a member of the band. Check out their music to see if tonight's concert is your cup of tea.


Anonymous said...

Live music, a great idea! Too bad the weather is so horrible :-(

Check out the band here:

Anonymous said...

I'm tired of being forced into listening to that crap all the way over here on Battery Lane... The Friday free concert series is fine because I usually go, and when I leave to go home and watch Jeopardy, the sounds don't annoy me, and ends at 8:00pm.