Friday, July 12, 2024

Strosniders Hardware burglarized in Bethesda

Montgomery County police responded to a report of a burglary at Strosniders Hardware at 6930 Arlington Road in the Bradley Shopping Center in downtown Bethesda in the "early morning hours" of July 3, 2024. Officers responding to the scene found evidence of forced entry to the store. The burglars escaped with an unspecified amount of cash.

Police describe the suspects only as "two males." If you have any information about this incident, or can identify either of the suspects, you are asked to call police at (301) 279-8000.


Anonymous said...

I mean ... That's just cold, doin' a pillar of the community like that.

Anonymous said...

With meticulous, detailed suspect descriptions like that this case is as good as solved.

Anonymous said...

Police describe the suspects only as "two males."
I'd like to solve the puzzle, Pat.

Anonymous said...

Now they've gone too far!

Anonymous said...

Nowadays it's really all the description one needs.

Anonymous said...

5:26 PM I am baffled as to how they were able to identify the gender with certainty.

Anonymous said...

FYI, Johnson's Florist in Kensington was robbed. They had notices in the store. They got a picture of the white guy on camera. Learning