Friday, October 20, 2023

Bethesda bikeway on Montgomery Lane nears finish line (Photos)

The leg of the Bethesda bikeway connecting Woodmont Avenue with Montgomery Avenue, via Montgomery Lane, appears to be nearing the finish line. In fact, some cyclists were using the new bike crosswalk on Wisconsin Avenue to reach Montgomery Avenue last night. Bike crossing signals appeared to be operational at the Montgomery Lane-Wisconsin Avenue (MD 355) intersection. However, the covers over some of the signals had not yet been removed. 


Anonymous said...

We wouldn’t need these bike lanes if they hadn’t destroyed the Capital Crescent Trail.

Same with Little Falls Parkway - why put in bike lanes when there’s expensive park area and the Capital Crescent Trail running along it?

How many people actually think it’s safe to bike across Wisconsin instead of using the tunnel?

Anonymous said...

The way the county does the curbs creates edge traps, not to mention that for some inexplicable reason they also leave little remnants of curbs between the yellow ADA ramps, sometimes mere inches long. I'm of the mind to create a blog/website to document these absolutely unnecessary hazards to both cyclists and pedestrians. Maybe too, just to cite other biking issues, walking and cycling are impossible between Grosvenor and Pooks Hill it's an abomination that here we are unable to make such a trip. Maybe too should the entire length of Viers Mill Road be made bike friendly. Thoughts?

Anonymous said...

11:43: That trail that was destroyed was great. Unlike Old Georgetown Road, lots of bike commuters on weekdays.


Anonymous said...

"Maybe too should the entire length of Viers Mill Road be made bike friendly. Thoughts?"
They were going for BRT on Viers Mill, hopefully they abandoned that stupid idea. There is room for bike lanes, but not sure how many would use Viers as bikers (not that THAT matters to the Council). Look at the demo of that area and it seems more people work construction and cleaning than would 'commute' to a Rockville office and certainly few would commute to a Wheaton office. At least there's room if they did put in bike lanes. (and not steal a car travel lane).

Anonymous said...

As a pedestrian, the silliness is the number of people walking in the bike lanes. If you want cyclists to stay off the sidewalk, then give them the bike lanes.

Anonymous said...

4:40 I have never seen many on the OGR bike lane or any other street lanes There is a lot of conflict on the CC trail near Bethesda but that is a multiuse trail. I just figured it's a go slow area on a bike. Can't always be making my time. South of the river road the pedestrian traffic is a lot less.


Anonymous said...

I see many construction and restaurant workers on bikes, not too many maids and waitresses. So I know where your 'coming from.' It's funny how I'll fitting most their bikes are. Interesting!

Build it. We will ride it!