Sunday, November 18, 2018

Montgomery County embezzlement covered up until after Election Day

Officials were told
$6.7 million stolen in
April 2017 by IRS;
plea deal was in works
long before Election Day

Montgomery County elected officials withheld the fact that a County employee had embezzled nearly $7 million in taxpayer funds until after Election Day on November 6. The case and the cover-up again prove that the local media, including the Washington Post, are not actively investigating corruption in County government. And that there's no low our elected officials won't stoop to in protecting themselves and their allies in the Montgomery County political cartel.

Media reports show little questioning of officials in all three branches of Montgomery County government, two of which - the Executive and County Council - had direct oversight of Byung Ill "Peter" Bang, who allegedly embezzled over $6.7 million while serving as chief operating officer of the Department of Economic Development.

The press apparently believes it is credible to assert that neither the Executive branch nor the Council noticed $7 million unaccounted for, over a seven year period. To show how obsequious the press is toward Montgomery County officials, the same Washington Post that sent three reporters to Tallahassee to investigate Andrew Gillum's developer scandal and Judge Roy Moore's prowling of local malls in Alabama, supposedly never caught one sniff of the Bang case brought to County Executive Ike Leggett's attention by the IRS in April of 2017?


According to Leggett himself, entire new divisions and units were created in the Executive branch, a new contractor was procured and funded (by the Council, which must make all such disbursements), and every single manager in County government was specially retrained - all since April 2017. Yet none of these transactions were noticed, and not a single employee leaked the story to the Post or any other media outlet?


Consider how bad the story makes reporter and Democrat County Council uber-fan Jennifer Barrios of the Post and others look. Journalism 101 would suggest a quick review of campaign finance and judicial records for the suspect. Yet no story I could find about the Bang scandal mentions two cases easily found in Maryland court records - a foreclosure of a Gaithersburg property owned by a Byung Ill Bang in 2007, and a tax lien judgement entered against a Byung Ill Bang less than three months ago in Montgomery County Circuit Court, for failure to pay state taxes. Both closed cases should be highly relevant to a financial fraud news story, wouldn't you agree?

Montgomery County elected officials failed to notice incredible sums of missing money, clearly indicating that - unless they were in on the action - they never audited Mr. Bang's department over the entire last decade. Remember when a nonprofit politically-connected to the Council "lost" hundreds of thousands of dollars of taxpayer funds it couldn't account for a decade ago? The press not only didn't "follow the money," but stopped asking about the missing money altogether. Voters who just wanted 9 Democrats on the County Council - literally no matter what - went ahead and reelected the same old crooks again - hey, what's a few hundred thousand dollars, right?

There's a price to be paid for such ignorance - $6.7 million, in this latest instance alone. That's how much taxpayers are out thanks to corrupt and inept elected officials, "journalists" who are in the tank for the local political cartel, and the low-information lemmings who make up a sizable chunk of the Montgomery County electorate.

It's beyond credibility to suggest that the timing of Mr. Bang's dual court appearances Friday - not only a week after Election Day, but the traditional day when anyone who has bad news releases it to get lost on the weekend - was not politically-coordinated at all levels to protect Montgomery County Democrat elected officials. The same officials who facilitated and enabled Bang to allegedly pull off a $7 million heist in the first place.

It's outrageous.


Anonymous said...

Why are comments disabled for the Woodmont Triangle Christmas decoration story?

Anonymous said...

"Friday - the traditional day when anyone who has bad news releases it to get lost on the weekend"

So, is that why most of Mueller's indictments have been announced on Fridays?

Anonymous said...

The next Bell, CA

Anonymous said...

"It's beyond credibility to suggest that the timing of Mr. Bang's dual court appearances Friday - not only a week after Election Day, but the traditional day when anyone who has bad news releases it to get lost on the weekend - was not politically-coordinated at all levels to protect Montgomery County Democrat elected officials. The same officials who facilitated and enabled Bang to allegedly pull off a $7 million heist in the first place."

Bang pled guilty on Friday.

In FEDERAL court, in Greenbelt.

Anonymous said...

Robert Dyer was all gung-ho about the MoCo Economic Development Corp. when it was founded three years ago.

Anonymous said...

Montgomery County and Maryland is a sanctuary city of corruption where illegals are supported by ever increasing property taxes
We are paying for schooling of families who broke into this country but the rich liberals have gardeners and handymen
Read about Brittany 16 year old rape and murdered left on side of road

And this lovely handyman raping and destroying life of mont co Deaf girl
Whole family leaving illegally kids go to Gaithersburg high family welfare food stamps

Never apologizes to victim but lib judge gives him 12 years
What a freaking joke
MONTGOMERY COUNTY, Md. (ABC7) — A handyman accused of raping a deaf woman was deported on an unrelated criminal matter only days before being named as the prime suspect in the "stranger-on-stranger" rape case, ABC7 has learned from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and Montgomery County court filings.

The felony rape case — still open after 22 years — serves as a prime example of the judicial system's shortcomings when local and federal authorities do not effectively communicate because of differences in policies and politics, among other issues.

Speaking via Facebook Messenger, the deaf rape victim told ABC7 she vividly recalls the horrifying night in October 1996. She awoke to an unknown man shaking her body and pointing a handgun against her head. The victim — who was visiting Washington, D.C. at the time — was sleeping on a couch in her friend's Colesville, Maryland, home. She explained she did not resist the man’s violent sexual advances out of fear for her life.

Investigators collected DNA on the victim's body, clothing and sofa sheet. The DNA profile was entered into the Combined DNA Index System (CODIS), which the FBI maintains. However, there was no match in the database. The rape case — serious as it was — gradually grew cold amid an ever-growing stack of newer, more pressing crimes.

Anonymous said...

Republicans win on Election Day

Democrats win 5 days after Election Day counting “votes “ and finding “ lost” votes

Socialist Republic of Mont. County
DMV politburo handing out voting forms and drivers licenses to illegal rapists and welfare sucking grubs

Blahblah said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Ladies and gentlemen- MoCo has become Bell, California.

Anonymous said...

@ 3:22 PM - You wrote that 4 hours ago, Dumbass!

Robert Dyer said...

11:47: The MCEDC has been a total failure so far. One of its biggest failings, aside from showing no results, was failing to press for the new Potomac River crossing. Bang had nothing to do with the MCEDC, which replaced his department where he allegedly embezzled the $7 million.

Robert Dyer said...

11:44: He pled in both federal and county court the same day. Read before trolling.

Robert Dyer said...

7:54: The story was not broken by ANY media outlet. It was a ****ing press conference at the courthouse, dumbass. My point powerfully stands.

St. Elmo said...

7:09 — Nobody wants a new Potomac River crossing.

7:12 — No, 7:54’s point is the one that stands, actually. You lambaste the local press for failing to investigate. Do you not consider yourself a journalist as well? Do you not consider this publication as going toe to toe with the legacy media? So why didn’t *you* investigate?

Anonymous said...

"The story was not broken by ANY media outlet. It was a ****ing press conference at the courthouse, dumbass."

So how come you reported the "****ing press conference" two days later than the "legacy local media"?

Robert Dyer said...

5:42: LOL - the press conference is not the story. I actually then broke the story about how County elected officials covered up the scandal, presenting new evidence the media didn't bother to look up.

5:17: No, chump, my point stands. I'm beating the Post very badly on local news, including political scandals like this. In contrast, the Post is allied with the crooks. Punch yourself.

All drivers with a brain want the new Potomac River crossing. Unfortunately, not enough of the drivers with brains voted in the election, or their votes were discarded. You represent a very small faction of morons in the employ of the Montgomery County cartel. Get out in the real world for once.

Anonymous said...

"I actually then broke the story about how County elected officials covered up the scandal, presenting new evidence the media didn't bother to look up."

Other than the supposedly suspicious timing of the plea - according to you, and you alone, what "evidence" did you present of a "cover-up"?

Robert Dyer said...

6:06: All of the actions taken by Leggett and the Council on the issue since April 2017, the legal troubles of Bang that the media didn't bother to look up, and the laughable idea that no County employee leaked this news to the Washington Post since April of 2017. Topped off by the post-election pleas in court. #Busted

Anonymous said...

The "anonymous' guy with 101 conspiracy theories about Robert Dyer is claiming others have conspiracy theories. This is the guy who turns every article into a discussion of some grievance he has with Dyer.

Anonymous said...

Category: "Grievance"

Anna said...

5:58 "I'm beating the Post very badly on local news"

Well, A) No you're not. Where's the BIG story that you "scooped them on? Oh, there isn't one. Did your investigation break this local story? Oh, no you didn't have one. For all your talk of county corruption, what did you come up with? Oh, you missed this? Tsk,tsk,tsk

And B) The Post isn't playing your little game. Did you remember to invite them?

Robert Dyer said...

7:34: You've missed a lot of my stories, apparently. Including the underground fuel spill I exposed, Bruce Variety closing (twice), the Capital Crescent Trail rape, illegal use of funds by the Parks dept., numerous Hans Riemer scandals, just to name a few.

Looks like you're as asleep at the switch as the elected officials you work for.

The Post invited themselves to my game, and lost. Now they will be exposed.

Anonymous said...

How many people actually read about these "scandals" that you "exposed"?

Anna said...

Why must you always lie about me? I'm an accountant and I work in private practice. Always have.

And you supposedly "scooped" the Washington Post? You mean they reported the same thing you reported, but after you reported it first? Great! Give me some links to the Post stories. I don't read everything everyday...maybe I missed them.

If I'm wrong, I'll gladly apologize to you.
Happy Thanksgiving.

Robert Dyer said...

9:47: Thousands.

4:45: Huh? The Post never reported on the underground fuel spill I uncovered. Nor on the illegal use of funds by the Parks dept. Nor on Westbard collusion as uncovered in emails. Nor on Riemer's multiple scandals - despite me forwarding all the evidence to Jennifer Barrios, Bill Turque and Michael Laris over this decade. I had to go ahead and report them myself.

Anonymous said...

"The Post never reported on the underground fuel spill I uncovered. Nor on the illegal use of funds by the Parks dept."

Are you still trying to claim that the work to improve the safety of the intersection of the Capital Crescent Trail at Little Falls Parkway, on County park land, is somehow "illegal use of funds by the Parks dept."?

Anonymous said...

"The Post never reported on the underground fuel spill I uncovered."

And it seems that you didn't, either. I saw several references in recent articles to "your reports in 2006 and 2007", but none show up in your archives for those years.

Anna said...

So, the Post had your "evidence" and never reported on it.

I guess, in their quest to verify the information, they could find nothing corroborating your "claims." No other publication ever report on your "claims?"

That makes them unfounded

Anna said...

6:04AM - Right back at ya...Happy Thanksgiving, my friend.

Robert Dyer said...

6:02: How do you dispute factual information, such as contributions listed in Maryland Campaign Finance records, Riemer's own public statements, and Council reimbursement records?

Robert Dyer said...

5:50: I not only reported on it over a decade ago, but have provided updated reports repeatedly since as I was vindicated again and again.

5:36: Yes, it is indeed illegal for Parks to take money from a Countywide trail maintenance fund and spend it on a road project. The project is entirely on the road itself, not on the trail, and it was in no way a trail maintenance project. Illegal.

Anonymous said...

Following the lapse of a post-Thanksgiving-dinner coma, I find myself suddenly awake during Robert Dyer's office hours.

Two follow-up questions:

Since you have declined to provide links to your articles relating to "the underground fuel spill you uncovered", could you at least indicate if you have a category label under which your readers may find these articles? Or can you suggest a proper keyword for a Google search for them?

Have you found any law enforcement officials, attorneys, or even random County residents, who agree with your claims that "[the] contributions listed in Maryland Campaign Finance records, Riemer's own public statements, and Council reimbursement records" equal "Riemer's multiple scandals"? Or that "it's illegal to use a Countywide trail maintenance fund to implement a safety upgrade at a crosswalk where a trail crosses a parkway"?

Robert Dyer said...

11:34: Presumably these officers and courts would uphold current law. There's no upgrade to the trail or to the crosswalk. The project shrunk the roadway to one lane in each direction, and all physical additions were within the parkway's right-of-way. You can't use a trail maintenance fund to pay for a road project. You have to get funding for the road diet in the capital budget, and they instead raided maintenance funds. #Oops

Anna said...

"How do you dispute factual information, such as contributions listed in Maryland Campaign Finance records, Riemer's own public statements, and Council reimbursement records? "

Well, without having all the information, from all sources, and making my own conclusions, I'd have to surmise that subsequent, more in-depth investigation(s) by others did not agree with your claims.

Robert Dyer said...

5:45: So you are endorsing the concept of "alternative facts?" Sorry, the campaign finance data is not open to interpretation. Neither are the reimbursement records. The Post was either in collusion with the MoCo cartel, or the reporter is one of the worst in the business.

Anonymous said...

Asking for the third time...

Mr. Dyer, where can I find your article(s) on the fuel spill in Wesbard, in 2006 and/or 2007?

Anonymous said...

Saith Dyer: "So you are endorsing the concept of 'alternative facts'?"

No, Anna is just saying that your paranoid opinions are not "facts".

Robert Dyer said...

6:21: Factual data in public records for all to see is never "paranoid opinion," moron.

6:18: Your mental illness is showing. Take a break. Straitjacket may be needed.

Anonymous said...

Better version of 6:21 AM:

Saith Dyer: "So you are endorsing the concept of 'alternative facts'? Sorry, the campaign finance data is not open to interpretation. Neither are the reimbursement records."

No, Anna is just saying that your own paranoid INTERPRETATIONS are not "facts".

Anonymous said...

@ 6:18 AM said:

"Asking for the third time... Mr. Dyer, where can I find your article(s) on the fuel spill in Wes[t]bard, in 2006 and/or 2007?

Robert Dyer responded:

"Your mental illness is showing. Take a break. Straitjacket may be needed."

Jeez, Dyer. You're making folks suspect that you never actually wrote any such article. How hard is it to find an article you published on your own blog, and to link to it in response to a reader's request?

Robert Dyer said...

6:32: Wrong. For example, Council records showing Riemer meeting with campaign donor privately for lunch, then charging taxpayers for his travel costs, are not open to "interpretation." Facts.

6:41: Ask Roger Berliner - he was one of the first to hear about it in 2007 from me, as well as the whole audience at his town hall at Potomac ES. Maybe you hadn't moved to the county yet, carpetbagger? Folks are laughing at you right now.

Anonymous said...

Looks like there is no actual article. Otherwise Dyer would have posted a link already.


Robert Dyer said...

7:22: Not only is there an article, but I've kept readers up-to-date every step of the way since. I've also cited my 2007 report in testimony before multiple government bodies. My research was again proven correct when site testing for Little Falls Place confirmed my warnings about the MTBE product. What a sad way you are spending your holiday weekend - either a paid troll, or a certified nutjob stalker. Punch yourself.

Anonymous said...

While searching for Dyer's nonexistent article about the fuel spill in Westbard, I found this gem:

"Brian Frosh wants you to have dishpan hands. This garbage coming out of Annapolis would be laughable if it wasn't so sad and frightening. Sad because it is absolute garbage and an absolute waste of our time when all the major issues are being completely ignored. Frightening because Maryland is going to be a very strange place by 2010 if the current legislative pattern continues. We are simply at the mercy of a radical, Democrat monopoly in our state capitol. If the Silent Majority is still out there, you have certainly earned your title. And you must, must come out to vote in 2008 and 2010. Just consider what's happening now because you didn't vote in 2006, and realize what happens when you are tricked by the liberal media into sitting out an election.

"Brian Frosh, exercising absolute power with the O'Malley rubber stamp, has gone off his rocker again and is now going to outlaw all of the dish detergents you now buy at the grocery store. Our state legislature was already a national laughingstock, so you can imagine what people around the country must think of us when they hear this one. According to Mr. Frosh, and the environmental extremists, phosphorus in dish detergent is what is polluting the Chesapeake Bay. This, of course, is absolute hogwash, absolute fantasy. But he's going to unilaterally take this off your shopping list and your grocer's shelf, and replace it with a "green" detergent that won't properly clean dishes. Just because he feels like it. Brian Frosh gets up one day and says, "I think I'll ban car washes today." With no scientific credentials whatsoever, he simply draws up a bill to close car washes. His committee approves the bill. His Democrat legislators vote in lockstep. It passes. Governor O'Malley rubber stamps it. Car washes close all over the state of Maryland. This is no exaggeration, this is the manner in which Brian Frosh and other radical Democrats in Annapolis are now running our government. At risk is nothing less than the American way of life.

"So, get this, you are the cause of Bay pollution according to Brian Frosh..."

March 4, 2007

Anna said...

You can spout whatever mumbo-jumbo against others you want. Name-calling is so-o-o elementary school. Most folks have more empathy and agreement with those being laughed at and pointed to...not those doing the bullying.

Call us whatever names you choose, suggest we harm ourselves for not agreeing with your interpretations of various pieces of factual information. Any "intent" you attribute to others is your opinion, nothing more.

What's really confounding is you don't want us to read your previous article. Why not? Are you ashamed of it?

And as I've said since the beginning of time:
If, there was any there there, it would be big news and you'd be famous for reporting it.

Robert Dyer said...

3:57: Joseph Stalin likes the way you think. Let's get this straight - if the handful of quasi-state-run local media don't acknowledge the facts of a story tremendously embarrassing to them, and cover it up so I don't become "famous" for writing it, that cover-up means my story is not true? LOL.

You've also gotten all your multiple personalities confused again, and forgot that you started this latest Saul Alinsky exercise as "Anonymous," not "Anna." Can we speak to "Wrol Evans" or "Baloney Concrete" now?

What a freak show.

Anna said...

Why you are unable to believe me is your FREAK SHOW.

“Any man can make mistakes, but only an idiot persists in his error.” Marcus Tullius Cicero, (106-43 BC)

Robert Dyer said...

3:17: It's your trolling that is the freak show. Nobody has a clue what you are talking about. Take a break from the keyboard and hate, and try to enjoy the holiday season.

Anna said...

What a hoot. I summarize your own words, clearly shown above, and you delete it.
Of course people know what I'm talking about...because they can read and comprehend.