Monday, September 02, 2024

Armed robbery on Bethesda Avenue

Montgomery County police responded to a report of an armed robbery on Bethesda Avenue on the evening of August 11, 2024. The robbery was reported in the 4900 block of Bethesda Avenue at 9:37 PM. Police say three suspects ganged up on, and assaulted, the adult male victim. They fled with property belonging to the victim.

Police describe the suspects only as three Black males in their early 20s. If you have any information about this incident, or can identify any of the three suspects, call police at (301) 279-8000.


Anonymous said...

Fake news! We've already been told by democrats in charge and the media that crime is way down.

So I guess reclassification of crime statistics isn't having the desired affect. McCarthy will likely double down with more no-cash bail to solve these issues.

JAC said...

The only place to go to learn about this absolutely unacceptable situation. My gosh! I hope people are finally waking up and realizing the error of their votes. Elrich, all of the council and especially McCarthy can all go home. The soft on crime, no-cash bail, slap on the wrist, rehabilitate versus incarcerate, clearly isn't working yet they stay with the failing status quo. This is something that has never happened in the downtown shopping area to this degree and I've been here all my life. Never.

Anonymous said...

To the statistically challenged, drop in crime doesn’t mean zero crime.

SocialNorm said...


Anonymous said...

Was this at Nike or another store? We definitely need more info on this. This is insane, Bethesda really has gone downhill

Anonymous said...

Crime is down =/= crime never ever occurs. Insane that this needs to be explained to you.

Anonymous said...

"This is something that has never happened in the downtown shopping area to this degree and I've been here all my life. Never."

What an insane claim. Even if you are young enough to have not lived through the 80s or 90s, you certainly lived through the Trump crime spike, at least. Heck, I'm pretty sure I remember you pointing out on here how there was a constant stream of rioting and chaos during his term.

Anonymous said...

The commentary saying this no big deal would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad. "Trump crime spike" tells us all we need to know about obvious bias.

Anonymous said...

Was the property shoes?

JAC said...

1:01 - My friend, what on earth are you even talking about? There was no crime wave here in the 80's and 90's at least in downtown Bethesda. And yes, I was here and of age. What we're seeing now is without precedent in an affluent and highly educated Bethesda. How typical to blame Trump. Funny how you just made the case against Harris and Walz. Was Minneapolis, the major city he was responsible for as governor, the epicenter of the riots and being set on fire but was billed as the"Summer of Love" Chad, Chopt zone? Why yes, it was. All these areas have one thing in common, they're all run by Far Left radical Democrats. Here and elsewhere, or isn't working. Sorry to tell you.

Anonymous said...

Cmon man

Anonymous said...

Just like gas prices, grocery prices, sidewalk and street congestion, add this to the list of things that won't ever go down.

Anonymous said...

Aint' this the damn truth!

n/a said...

So, hang on a sec here, JAC @ 5:37. You say, "The only place to go to learn about this absolutely unacceptable situation," by which I assume you mean Robert's absolutely very fine site. You also say, "This is something that has never happened in the downtown shopping area to this degree and I've been here all my life. Never." If this website is the only place you can learn about these things, how are you able to be so emphatic that these sorts of things didn't occur in the years before Robert's website got up and running, I gather in 2006, when the first archival posts is dated? Are you trying to tell us you are actually only 18, JAC?

Anonymous said...

"I was here and of age." You left out: "but never once picked up a newspaper, clearly."

I enjoy how much it bothers you that crime spiked under Trump and declined under Biden.

JAC said...

6:47 - Absolutely, completely incorrect. Bother me that crime went down under Trump? Get out of the mainstream press, they are part of the DNC. Biden is the second worst president in the history of the country. You blamed Trump for the Summer of Love riots. Hilarious that that was Walz and his inaction. Unreal the blind allegiance to Biden who has never done a thing for anyone. Sleeps on the beach while hostages are slaughtered.

JAC said...

n/a - I am not sure I follow exactly.

Anonymous said...

95% of the time in Bethesda it is.

Momo said...

They will never change JAC so stop peeing into the wind and MOVE like I did

JAC said...

Momo - Working on it. Very sad to consider but have to.

Anonymous said...

How convenient it is for you people to repeatedly scream when a crime is reported in a blue city. Look, see, I told you so, I knew it would happen. Or it's X, Y, or Z's fault cuz they are libs. Dead silence 🤐🫢 when it happens in the red lands. Straight up hypocrites. Fact of the matter is, this 💩 does happen there, and the cause is more than pointing fingers at figures you despise, or the cities they run. You're grooping for straws cuz you and your ilk have no clue how to fix the problem. 🫳🎤

Anonymous said...

Me too. Sad to see our degradation. My bet, next summer it's gonna eruot.

n/a said...

JAC @ 5:37, I'm going to throw a wet towel on the memories of a less violent past and link to Maryland violent crime stats (link, below,) that run from 1975 to 2020. This data set includes all counties, but it is easy enough to find Montgomery's info. Yes, it is true the information is for the jurisdiction as a whole, and is not filtered for just 2D, the Bethesda police district, so these numbers will be polluted by Silver Spring's chaos and Germantown's violence, too. There is a MoCo government-run website that features various data sets, including several that show district-by-district MCPD crime info, which is linked to, below.

Anyway, back to Montgomery crime. The truth of the matter is that violent crime per 100k people in Montgomery has fallen substantially since the 1980s --averaging 282.03-- and '90s --average 284.01. Between 2010 and 2019 the average violent crime rate per 100K Montgomery residents was 178.26, or a drop of a bit over 37% from the late 20th century. I grant, absolutely, these figures stop conveniently before the recognized spike in crime that occurred when COVID came to town. That spike has been abating, but it is nonetheless something that happened, so the average figure will, I am sure, be nudged up some from the 20-teens figures. But the memory of an arcadian time, when people roamed crime-free streets, appears unlikely to be the case.

Here's the state date that goes to 1975:

Here's the MoCo data set repository, where you can find more detailed crime stats per PD district, but that only reach back a decade or so:


Anonymous said...

So sad to see negativity all the time, from the same folks. I keep hearing Trump with fix things, everyone walking around with guns will fix a community that is really a great place to live.
I’m sorry they can’t have a more positive attitude, but it’s their life. And if they want to move, go for it.

Anonymous said...

Hey! Who let actual facts into these blog comments??

Anonymous said...

Stats don't mean a God damn thing to me, it's a sense of rather a feeling of not being safe. I was born at Suburban in the early 60's and have been here all my life and have seen it all, so I get to say it... Yes, the banjo player for the Seldom Scene got shot in front of the Red Fox during a drive-by, yes I know the guy who got shot in the stomach by a .23 pistol in front of the Psyche Delly, yes, I stole a cassette deck out of a Datsun in the garage at Triangle Towers, but yet, it's different now for some obvious reason. I never once was concerned about having some 17 yo thug pull a 3-D printed or ghost gun on me for accidentally bumping elbows, by in today's Bethesda it's a reality. All you all can take you number crunching & statistics and cram them .

n/a said...

"Stats don't mean a God damn thing to me, it's a sense of rather a feeling of not being safe" I give you full marks for being up front about it, @8:13.

It's a shame you can't allow yourself to appreciate your feelings are working against you, causing you undue fear. I'm not suggesting anyone parade up and down Wisconsin Avenue wearing four Rolexes and waving a pack of fresh $100 bills --each of us has a responsibility to not actively court disaster, to act responsibly. But the idea that Bethesda is Mogadishu West, a crime-infested hellhole overrun with crazed, gun-wielding maniacs set on mayhem and pillage is simply not borne out by actual, incontrovertible facts. Yes, there is crime, sometimes violent crime, that occurs here. No, that is not ever okay. But if anyone here is allowing the lower-now-than-it-was-in-the-'90s crime rate to keep them from going to dinner, going to shop, going about their lives, that, too, is criminal. Criminal that the idea of the punks and goons can diminish your right to enjoy your life. If you live around here, you pay a wagonload of money for the right. You should not allow that right to be thwarted or compromised by an ungrounded, unfounded anxiety about muggers waiting to pounce if you set foot outside after 5pm.

**Woops!** I fell off my soapbox

Anyway, you get my point. I hope you will trust it's okay to enjoy the community you pay so handsomely to live in. Keep aware of your surroundings, sure, but then go have a nice night out. You've paid for that right.

Anonymous said...

8:13 must not get out much or could care less about the price of commodities, fuel or the border. These trivial things actually do affect the little folk as you probably refer to them as. Liberals are like roaches, look at California.

n/a said...

Shorter @1:47: "Please do not cloud this issue with facts."

Anonymous said...

Point taken. The reasonably responsible editorial reply is accepted.

Anonymous said...

2:41, I bet there were citizens in Silver Spring once that thought that way too. Then maybe a few moved here. Where next? Any uplifting words?

Anonymous said...

Like most statistical "facts" coming out of this administration, 16 million jobs, border is secure and the worst is the crime statistics that are artificially low due to reclassification by the DOJ and Democrat controlled cities which by the way is where the vast majority of crime occurs. Thanks to all of these liberal prosecutors, like McCarthy in MC, who work along side local politicians, like Elrich, the artificial statistics mean nothing to the victims.

I'm sure reporting will change to a "crime wave" if Trump gets elected. Short version: Go sell your bridge to someone else.

n/a said...

@10:46 -- All I ever heard about Silver Spring from my mother, who was born and raised in Chevy Chase, was unflattering. It has apparently always been far less than ideal, shall we say.

Anonymous said...

11:04 Speaks like a true bolshevik. As someone who lived in one of the nicest areas in DTSS, (Woodside), seeing the decline as a result of the revolving door of non-justice brought to us by a progressive Council & States Attorney is sad and depressing. I guess enforcing the law, (including illegal immigration), is a bridge too far for democrats in charge.

Anonymous said...

Woodside Deli area or Woodside Rt#29 4 corners area?

Anonymous said...

Fairview Road. The neighbors can't walk their dogs after dark thanks to a useless MC Council.

BTW, 4-corners area is Woodmoor while the section near the deli on the west side of Georgia Ave is sometimes referred to as Montgomery Hills.

Anonymous said...

Woodmoor, thanks for clarifying.

Anonymous said...

2:41 is a typical waterpipe induced reply as no one had compared it to "Mogadishu West". Reductio ad Absurdum is all we ever get from liberals trying to defend policies shoveled on to everybody but those in charge. Simply acknowledging that releasing repeat offenders and allowing illegals to commit crimes with no consequences is a recipe for disaster. But admitting failure for historically bad policy is not in the progressive playbook.

Anonymous said...

1:01 below is the epitome of a brainwashed fool. Trump crime spike? It was Democrats who started the insane crime wave on the very day of his inauguration.

Anonymous said...

Its all of MoCo. Right down the crapper, guided by Deomocrats.

Anonymous said...

12:48 - funny thing is, its Democrats who create and cause the crime in red, white, and blue districts. It's hard to "fix the problem" when you and your ilk cause it again and again with your failed policies.

Anonymous said...

Do it. We just did. The feeling of freedom is real. It's like being sprung from jail.

Anonymous said...

@1:39 — “One of the nicest areas of DTSS.” That’s akin to saying you were the dean of summer school.

Anonymous said...

Had to rent a truck over around New Hampshire and Piney Branch. Whew, thought I was in a different world altogether.