Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Ooh La La Bakery "coming soon" to Bethesda

Ooh La La Bakery
is "coming soon" to downtown Bethesda, according to signage posted at its future home at 8231 Woodmont Avenue. This will be the French bakery's second Montgomery County location. The first has been open since November 2020, at 2600 University Boulevard West in Wheaton. In addition to authentic French breads and pastries, Ooh La La Bakery sells a variety of breakfast, brunch, and lunch menu items like crepes, sandwiches, salads, and quiche.


JAC said...

More crap.

Anonymous said...

Lovely. Thank you for contributing so much to this blog, to Bethesda, and to society in general. All these small business owners are definitely "crap" compared to JAC the extraordinary troll.

JAC said...

Not troll at all. This is garbage pure and simple. To be fair, that entire building needs to go. Old and ugly. Old and charming can stay.

Anonymous said...

JAC, let us remember, recently dismissed here a Ukrainian restaurant (on Cordell Avenue) even before it opened, just because of the type of cuisine it would be offering. Nothing new to see here, just more trolling.

Anonymous said...

Well, Ooh La La...or la-dee-frickin'-da... Won't ever replace the warthm of la Madeleine French Bakery & Cafe.

Anonymous said...

Jac is right, it's all crap! Anything that opens now is basically a pop-up or crammed into the first level of a newly finished megawaste condo. We'll see how long the Belgian celebrity convected chef's new location under Tommy Joe's will ultimately last...

Anonymous said...

Guess you have to go then

JAC said...

4:54 - That's right. Good memory. Not a troll at all in fact. There's a high demand for Ukrainian cuisine in downtown Bethesda? Um, ok. How many Ukrainian restaurants are in MD? NYC? Absolutely. Chicago? Most definitely. Detroit? Very likely. Minneapolis/St. Paul? Probably. Downtown Bethesda? No, there's absolutely no demand. I call it like it is and it's fine that your don't like it.

JAC said...

5:22 - Sadly, amen! And don't hold your breath that anything good will replace Anthony's. That site has multiple failures now.

Anonymous said...

JAC seems to be able to afford to eat all of his meals in restaurants but never has anything nice to say about any of them.

AlbertE said...

JAC is right. And there is no way that Ukranian restaurant lasts.

JAC said...

8:26 - That's absolutely, 100% untrue.

JAC said...

11:51 - thank you!

Anonymous said...

"There's absolutely no demand." Once again, KASS speaking for all of Bethesda. Anything KASS doesnt like, absolutely no one does apparently. Must have a achy back carrying around that ego.

Anonymous said...

@7:06 KASS relax buddy, you didnt win an Emmy. No one cares about your right/wrong opinion about whether a restaurant will last, they just think you're a major tool for talking down about everything. Oh wait, hamburger places. You love hamburger places. Because those existed in 1955. I stand corrected.

Anonymous said...

5:59 - Personal attacks reveal a lot. You’d be wise to simply opine on the post. No one is interested in what someone thinks about the comment itself. And I don’t talk down about everything. That would be false.

Anonymous said...

@2:32 KASS proving he also posts as Anonymous, which I have mentioned many times he does to agree with himself.