Wednesday, January 22, 2025

2 assaults in 24 hours in downtown Bethesda

Two 2nd-degree assaults were reported to Montgomery County police in downtown Bethesda within a twenty-four hour period this week. The first assault was reported to police in the 4400 block of Montgomery Avenue at 2:48 PM on January 20, 2025. The second was reported along the street in the 7100 block of Woodmont Avenue at 11:17 AM the following morning.


n/a said...

The 1/20 p.m. radio dispatch call seemed to indicate the consequence of a verbal altercation that escalated to someone pushing the victim inside a commercial business. The 1/21 a.m. call had garbled audio that *sounded* like it was dispatched as a dog walker trespassing at a restaurant and sitting in a booth, then walking away to an apartment building that is proximal.

All of which is to say, these both gave the impression of being more in the "Karens" than in the "Be afraid. Be very afraid" school of police-dispatched activity.

Anonymous said...

“God created men, Col. Colt made them equal”

Anonymous said...

Any details???

Anonymous said...

Can't wait till spring and more crime conducive weather!

Anonymous said...

Just curious which parties are the purported/possible "Karens"-- the alleged perpetrators? Or the individuals who called the police?

Anonymous said...

Those wacky entitled dog walkers at Silver.

Anonymous said...

Bethesda: The New Frontier!

Anonymous said...

@3:31, yes.