Opponents of Maryland elected officials' energy-choking Green New Deal policies have been vindicated on two fronts as the new year gets underway. Among the arguments made by businesses, energy companies, and Republicans in the Maryland General Assembly was that monthly utility bills would rise for Maryland residents. Sure enough, late last week, electric utility Pepco informed customers that their bills would rise at least 5% beginning this month, due to Maryland officials' approval of a new surcharge on electric and gas utilities last year. Maryland Green New Deal opponents also predicted that legislators' plan to force the closure of 8 power plants across the state, and require electricity to increasingly be purchased from "green" sources, would not only add to rate hikes, but reduce the state's electricity supply. Now we have confirmation that Maryland's electricity supply has fallen so low, and so inadequate to meet demand, that more electricity will have to be imported from out-of-state at great cost.
PJM, which operates Maryland's electric grid, has contracted with the Public Service Enterprise Group to construct a new, 70-mile power line through Carroll, Frederick, and Baltimore counties. The estimated cost of construction will be $424 million, The Washington Post reported. PSEG stated in a press release that Maryland's electric grid will face "severe and widespread reliablity issues as determined by PJM" if the new power line is not constructed. PJM Vice-President Paul McGlynn cited the retirement of the eight Maryland power plants as the reason out-of-state power is now needed, as demand simultaneously rises.
McGlynn predicted that Maryland electric utility customers would experience "extreme conditions such as system collapse and blackouts if [the lack of electricity supply is] not addressed." This is exactly what opponents of Maryland officials' Green New Deal predicted would happen, and has already been experienced by customers in California and many developing countries like Cuba.
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The shuttered Gen On power plant in Dickerson, MD |
One would be on solid ground in making a new prediction: that out-of-state power will be more expensive than power generated in Maryland, and certainly more expensive than that formerly generated by the eight coal-fired power plants our elected officials shut down statewide in recent years. Those "boardwalk prices," like the new EmPOWER MD surcharge, will be passed onto ratepayers.
Our elected officials are clueless about how the business world works, as evidenced by their failure to attract major corporate headquarters to Maryland this century. But they don't even understand that new costs and taxes on business aren't paid by corporations; they are passed on to customers in the form of higher prices.
The new power line may wind up crossing farmland and sensitive environmental areas, which has raised opposition to the proposal by groups such as Stop MPRP. PSEG said that its current proposed route for the power line was chosen because it would have the least such impacts, and avoid passing near as many homes and businesses as possible. The irony is that the disruptive new power line might not have been necessary if the eight power plants had been allowed to continue operating, and if Maryland elected officials had spent less time on woke virtue-signaling legislation, and more time exploring construction of new nuclear plants instead of ineffective and costly wind power.
We've seen how dereliction of duty by our elected officials can have negative knock-on effects down the road in the past, with our unfinished freeway system. Cancellation of the new Potomac River crossing connecting the InterCounty Connector with the Dulles area in Virginia, the Rockville Freeway, and the M-83 Highway resulted in more recent proposals for widening I-495 and I-270 that would impact or demolish homes along those interstates. If those master plan highways had been built, the recent Express Lanes proposal would not have been necessary.
Instead, the Maryland Green New Deal energy policies that have yet to have any major impact on climate change or air quality could wind up causing actual negative impacts on the environment in Carroll, Frederick, and Baltimore counties. Despite closing eight power plants, Maryland's spikes in ozone and particle pollution "are the worst they've been in 25 years," the American Lung Association reported in 2024. Heckuva job, Brownie!
Don't worry, Moore & Elrich will simply install more wall sockets!
Just a matter of time before we get on the failed state list with California and New York. Hogan was our hedge. PGC and Baltimore have dragged this once fine state into the gutter.
Funny how all this happened under Hogan, but you simply pretend it's new information now that he's no longer in office. Do you actually think you're fooling anyone?
It's not just Maryland. Virginia has closed all but two of their coal generating stations, and Pennsylvania will close most or all of theirs by 2028.
And several of Maryland's closed coal generating stations were replaced by natural gas or oil - including Dickerson. Still greenhouse gas emitters but much cleaner than filthy, obsolete coal.
And how will not building the MPRP distribution line improve our situation?
7:05: Hogan's been out of office for two years! And when he was in, he had no power over the legislature, who could override his vetoes - - and did.
7:05 #2: I never said to build or not build. Just noted that this wouldn't have been an issue if we had maximized the power generation potential within our state, rather than closing 8 power plants and pushing a Green New Deal that failed big-time.
Hogan was a grifter.
"Heckuva Job Brownie"? Racist implications in its use here.
Shocking for a deep Blue state said by no one.
Coal plants closed under Hogan. Pepco raised rates under Hogan. Maryland has been importing electricity literally for generations. Crazy this is all brand new information for you.
That only works in TPark & Annap. Lol
Hogan didn't do any of that. He lowered tolls and blocked some tax increases, but was otherwise powerless to block these energy actions by the Democrat majority in the legislature.
You're talking about PJM and the longtime grid interconnection. Read the article again for actual quotes from the VP about our *new* energy crisis that requires this *new* transmission line to be built, to compensate for the loss of 8 power plants Democrats in Annapolis ordered to close.
Utility companies are closing coal plants across the US. It has nothing to do with Annapolis. You seriously need to learn more about this topic.
What do you mean a matter of time? It has been for sometime. . .
Maryland has been importing 40% of its electricity for years. It's not solely about replacing generation from Brandon Shores and Wagner (those are other transmission upgrades, not MPRP) it's about building the extension cords for Virginia's data centers. Virginia is simply out of power, but they continue to build data centers that demand as much electricity as small cities. PJM cannot order new generation, its only tool is transmission. Therefore it has ordered new extension cords for Virginia to be powered by the only states that produce electricity for import, WV and PA. The problem needs to be solved by building generation in Virginia, but it sure would be nice if Maryland suddenly started supplying its own power needs. WV and PA would appreciate it.
Says the parrot in lock step with its master.
7:58: You can't seriously expect us to forget all of the laws and regulations passed by the General Assembly in Annapolis that forced utilities to close coal plants, and required the purchase of power from more-expensive "clean energy" sources. Obama may have declared war on coal country, and caused 83,000 people to lose their coal industry jobs during his two terms, but our elected officials in Maryland were the ones syncing our state to California standards and demanding 100% "clean" power by 20xx.
4:40: Virginia no doubt has massive power demands, but I would again note the VP's comments specifically citing lack of supply in Maryland, due to the closure of the 8 plants.
Only racism is from the beholder, sounds to me.
Lockstep better describes liberals, my friend. Many are still toeing the line. Not very realistic anymore, are they?
The power plants closed because of economics. It became too expensive to run for the revenue they generated
We're going to end up in a disaster like Austin, TX.
6:28: They're closing because states like Maryland have mandated a specific % of power must be from "green" sources by x date, escalating to 100%. Remember "clean coal," and scrubbers? Marxists play an incremental, slow, steady, and ultimately-effective long game.
Democrats destroy every state. Billionaire April Delaney ran on common sense and all the gullible pink hat women fooled by her story of not being able to get a termination for a uterus growing outside her uterus. Utter hogwash - a woman always has right if life in danger. But the gullible believe it. First day congress april votes in lockstep with that racist in Texas to vote for a communist for Spesker. There are no moderate democrats. The party is far left and every democrat goes along. Maryland had the chance to vote for a common sense Republican but they again fooled voted for a billionaire who will vote for every far left proposal - taxpayers pay the blunt
8:09 - One party county, one party state. Delaney's are extremely nice people and I know folks who know them well. I just disagree with their approach. And April isn't a billionaire, her husband is.
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